
Hang on guys. I am on your side. I am not the OP nor do I agree with him. GNBRETT if you will look I clicked like on your post. I made the comment because I figured that after the OP seen the post by Dscahill he was going to have the same comment he had for GNBRETT. If you took it the wrong way I am sorry. The very last thing I intended to do was offend.
no some ppl just take for granted street riding wen it comes to riding a MC thinking its a toy they use to ride in the sand pits with. sand is forgiving, the pavement and 4000 lb. cages are not.

Thank you!

I guess my problem is that I care about others?

Hang on guys. I am on your side. I am not the OP nor do I agree with him. GNBRETT if you will look I clicked like on your post. I made the comment because I figured that after the OP seen the post by Dscahill he was going to have the same comment he had for GNBRETT. If you took it the wrong way I am sorry. The very last thing I intended to do was offend.
were jus tryn to help save others from getting hurt thats all. most of us hav been riding for 20+ years and know a thing or two....
were jus tryn to help save u from getting hurt thats all. most of us hav been riding for 20+ years and know a thing or two....

I too have been riding for 20+. I was TRYING to take a shot at the OP not you. Saftey is always my number one concern.
Hang on guys. I am on your side. I am not the OP nor do I agree with him. GNBRETT if you will look I clicked like on your post. I made the comment because I figured that after the OP seen the post by Dscahill he was going to have the same comment he had for GNBRETT. If you took it the wrong way I am sorry. The very last thing I intended to do was offend.

Fair enough, It just drives me mad not that people think driving stupidly on public roads that are not abandoned/isolated deserves and warrants being shared with the hopes of gaining praise. After seeing a MC death on a Busa no less, I am not as forgiving of these things as I once was, and hope to never become callused.

Theres a place for that, Its called the track
Theres also a term for adhering to the laws that promote the general safety and welfare of yourself and others on the roadways: Responsible.

There is a time and place for it, and sir, when have I posted videos of myself clearly exceeding the speed limit for all so see?

Just to be clear, there is simply no reason to promote the stupidity in these videos, and to say the "Harley Guy was a good rider" because he pointed out a 3000 lbs roadblock before and after weaving through traffic at high rates of speed, you will excuse me but I just don't see it.

Again, don't think of me as being rude, but simply stating facts. The picture I uploaded was my Friend who had a car pull in front of him when he was traveling 39 MPH. Don't be stupid, and don't share stupid.

So i see you didnt answer my question lol! You and everyone in this forum speeds on public roads! Some just more than others! Anyone who says different is a liar! And i have never seen so many biker snobs in my life lol! I can find my own preacher when i need one thank ul! LOL guy rides a Superbike and cries over a little speeding SMH
LOL guy rides a Superbike and cries over a little speeding SMH

Tell you what, think what you wish, believe what you wish, be irresponsible and incriminating if you wish. Keep it shiny side up, and if you happen to get in a wreck because of doing what you wish I truely hope you walk away unscathed. But when that day comes you have that all too common privilage of collecting the shattered pieces of what once was a proud superbike, just remember, this is what YOU wanted, and YOU were warned.

Be well

dude get over urself.... ur were ride like an idiot and if it wasn't for the HD rider u wud hav probable T-boned that car as it was sideways in the road and then ejected probably a 100 feet to ur death.

its ppl like u that don't want to learn from their mistakes and wonder why their in the hospital bed looking down at what use to be their two legs but now its one and then shaking ur head in disgust saying.... "How cud I be so stupid".

the streets are no joke and ppl do not respect bikes. if u haven't figured that out yet u soon will that hard way!!!!!! grow up before u get urslef or someone else killed!
HA HA if thats the scenario you see happening from that video then you cant ride! Either that or you tried so hard to be a jerk you didnt pay attention! Its getting pretty obvious that you just like to talk! You should be a substitute least then you can get paid for people to not listen to you:)
Tell you what, think what you wish, believe what you wish, be irresponsible and incriminating if you wish. Keep it shiny side up, and if you happen to get in a wreck because of doing what you wish I truely hope you walk away unscathed. But when that day comes you have that all too common privilage of collecting the shattered pieces of what once was a proud superbike, just remember, this is what YOU wanted, and YOU were warned.

Be well


Thank you dr phil
Okay BigBoy on this one post alone you have made several comments about others not being able to ride, sots do this: If you could please specifically articulate what your definition of "can ride" is opposed to the commonly held definition, I would greatly appriciate the knowledge. And just bear in mind, you are addressing motorcycle enthusiasts so please, blow me away with your guidance and wisdom.

Awaiting a favorable reply,


Okay BigBoy on this one post alone you have made several comments about others not being able to ride, sots do this: If you could please specifically articulate what your definition of "can ride" is opposed to the commonly held definition, I would greatly appriciate the knowledge. And just bear in mind, you are addressing motorcycle enthusiasts so please, blow me away with your guidance and wisdom.

Awaiting a favorable reply,

LOL im really wondering what kind of person you think i am LOL!! "Specifically Articulate.." oh lord get this man a podium! If your going to be a jerk commit to it! Dont hand me this passive aggressive BS im not five years old! While im at it why not placate you with the definition of a motorcycle! :) Dude im a Motovlogger you think i cant see guys like you coming a mile away! Im not some green kid looking for acceptance from strangers! Honestly I thought you were done talking LOL! I even let you have the last word! But i guess your more pathetic than i thought!

I started this thread thats why im here whats your excuse!
Okay BigBoy on this one post alone you have made several comments about others not being able to ride, sots do this: If you could please specifically articulate what your definition of "can ride" is opposed to the commonly held definition, I would greatly appriciate the knowledge. And just bear in mind, you are addressing motorcycle enthusiasts so please, blow me away with your guidance and wisdom.

Awaiting a favorable reply,



Wait you know what I gotta great idea you should subscribe to my channel! Im not even joking either. I get plenty of trolls post negative and sometimes threatening comments and then they subscribe LOL! Hey im collecting haters you could be another follower! That way whenever i post a video you'll be notified to come hate on it! Cause lets be honest you clearly have nothing better to do!