
I have no idea what the heck these people were doing in the middle of the street! Just goes to show you have to expect the unexpected on a bike! Big thanks to the Harley rider!

Thank goodness you were on a bike! If you had been in a car and not looking for the unexpected you would have plowed into it. :banghead::whistle::laugh:
I started this thread thats why im here whats your excuse!

My excuse? I come to a humble place where enthusiasts of the Greatest Motorcycle ever conceived gather to speak of their trials and tribulations, glories and misfortunes. This is a community I am honored to be a part of, and I hope the Org is proud to have me. I believe myself to a kind, compassionate, and honest. This is the kind of person I am, and yet I will offer my assistance once again: As you failed fulfill my request, and because you of course would not consider yourself foolish enough to have done so on purpose, allow me to assist you as i can only assume you are unsure as to the definition of "specifically articulate". "Specifically", having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite. "Articulate": expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness, made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts.

What kind of a man do I believe you to be? Hard to I consider you to be a man? Sure, but a gentleman no. A gentleman knows when to concede a point he knows is lost to deaf ears or will own up to their mistakes. As Forest Gump said (thats a movie by the way, Im sure you can find a link to the clip near your Motovlogger channel on youtube, perhaps a subscriber can assist should you lose your way) Stupid is as stupid does.

Again I wish you the best, and keep her shinny side up.

My excuse? I come to a humble place where enthusiasts of the Greatest Motorcycle ever conceived gather to speak of their trials and tribulations, glories and misfortunes. This is a community I am honored to be a part of, and I hope the Org is proud to have me. I believe myself to a kind, compassionate, and honest. This is the kind of person I am, and yet I will offer my assistance once again: As you failed fulfill my request, and because you of course would not consider yourself foolish enough to have done so on purpose, allow me to assist you as i can only assume you are unsure as to the definition of "specifically articulate". "Specifically", having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite. "Articulate": expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness, made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts.

What kind of a man do I believe you to be? Hard to I consider you to be a man? Sure, but a gentleman no. A gentleman knows when to concede a point he knows is lost to deaf ears or will own up to their mistakes. As Forest Gump said (thats a movie by the way, Im sure you can find a link to the clip near your Motovlogger channel on youtube, perhaps a subscriber can assist should you lose your way) Stupid is as stupid does.

Again I wish you the best, and keep her shinny side up.

LOL for a good laugh read that back to yourself..Now picture yourself standing on a mountain top holding a bald eagle with the American flag waving behind you with drums rolling in the background! HAAA!:)
Yeah you sound very humble..Like a politician on during an election LOL! Pretentious condescending and immature is what your speech portrays you as! And you you talked yourself in a corner "A gentleman knows when to concede a point he knows is lost to deaf ears" ugh huh So is that why you keep talking to me!

Buddy put the thesaurus down grow up and Learn to disagree and walk away! I have a vested interest in this thread! Your just wasting your life arguing with someone who clearly doesn't care! Its just sad now! Usually when i point that out to trolls it clicks.. well see if your common sense is as lofty as your speech! :)