My excuse? I come to a humble place where enthusiasts of the Greatest Motorcycle ever conceived gather to speak of their trials and tribulations, glories and misfortunes. This is a community I am honored to be a part of, and I hope the Org is proud to have me. I believe myself to a kind, compassionate, and honest. This is the kind of person I am, and yet I will offer my assistance once again: As you failed fulfill my request, and because you of course would not consider yourself foolish enough to have done so on purpose, allow me to assist you as i can only assume you are unsure as to the definition of "specifically articulate". "Specifically", having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite. "Articulate": expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness, made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts.
What kind of a man do I believe you to be? Hard to I consider you to be a man? Sure, but a gentleman no. A gentleman knows when to concede a point he knows is lost to deaf ears or will own up to their mistakes. As Forest Gump said (thats a movie by the way, Im sure you can find a link to the clip near your Motovlogger channel on youtube, perhaps a subscriber can assist should you lose your way) Stupid is as stupid does.
Again I wish you the best, and keep her shinny side up.