Call me Grandpa-stkr00 worst fear! I have a 16 y/o daughter...doesn't live with me but I see her every weekend.

I installed a Scorpion i500 on her for when I'm not close by.

Scott far as the aborting issue. Yes it has been discused, and no we're not going down that road. I will not get into a debate about it. There are opposing views within the household.

If I wanted to start a debate I could simply pose this question:
"What the hell have I done during my life to deserve all of this shid that I've had to go through?"

I know there are others that have more serious issue going on in their lives than this, and I'm not naive enough to think that I have it that bad, but sometimes you simply wonder "why?" Some people will say that it's all part of God's big plan. I would really like to see this plan...I think some changes are in order. After all of the shid that I've been through...I have some serious doubts and questions.

I didn't start this thread to get into a morality and ethics debate. We can do that in a separate thread. This was just to let you know what was going on in my life. far as the aborting issue.  Yes it has been discused, and no we're not going down that road.  I will not get into a debate about it.  There are opposing views within the household.

If I wanted to start a debate I could simply pose this question:
"What the hell have I done during my life to deserve all of this shid that I've had to go through?"

I know there are others that have more serious issue going on in their lives than this, and I'm not naive enough to think that I have it that bad, but sometimes you simply wonder "why?"  Some people will say that it's all part of God's big plan.  I would really like to see this plan...I think some changes are in order.  After all of the shid that I've been through...I have some serious doubts and questions.

I didn't start this thread to get into a morality and ethics debate.  We can do that in a separate thread.  This was just to let you know what was going on in my life.
No debating going on here...I hope I didn't spur the abortion talk, 'cause that's not what I meant to do...I could only relay the story I know about and what they decided, but that it's always been tough for everyone involved and that there are always "what if" questions was right for her, but it would not have been right for me...everyone's different.

I think every person has an opinion, but the only one that really matters is between your daughter and her boyfriend...just try to do your best to cope. I know it's got to be very, very tough to digest knowing all that you know in life...hang in there, and seek some outside help for everyone involved if you think it will help...
A very difficult situation for you, bro! I think you handled it quite well. I probably would have passed out at the word sex coming out my daughter's (if I had one) mouth! It's strange how you can know things like that happen and are happening and it doesn't really hit home until something like this. It will be tough for them starting out like this, but it sounds like they will have some great support from you and your wife. They are lucky to have you.
Thanks for everyone's support and wishes.

We are actually starting to get over the shock of it all, and we're trying our best to make sure this turns out the best it can. I think our daughter is in for a rude awakening when the baby comes, but we're hoping that it will be what she needs to get her motivated to take charge of her life and become an adult.

We'll definitely be there to help her, but she's going to have to carry a lot of this burden on her own for a while. Once we see that she is dedicated to taking care of her child, then we will start offering to help more. She has to learn from this. We won't neglect the child, but we're not going to give the daughter an easy way out either.

Hopefully she will come out of this a stronger, more mature person. I know we will end up doing a lot of the rearing until she's out of school, but her schooling is very important to us. Even if it means fewer dive vacations and track days.

Hoping for the best
Adoption is an option we're keeping open, but aren't persuing it right now.
I've typed about a dozen things in this comment box, but they all seem stupendously ridiculous. I don't have the words to express. I feel for you and your family Jim.
I'm really sorry your daughter is starting out her adult life like this,nothing like your baby girls innocense being stolen by a younger version of ourselves! I dont think I could have been as composed as you,so my hat is off to you.As some one else has already said, she will need you more now than ever,dont start thinking about where you went wrong,I'm sure you're a good father and instilled all the right morals and values a father should. But sometimes you know what? You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink! Personally, I would seriously consider some charges against this kid,doesnt matter if takes 2,you placed a certain amount of trust in this young man and he betrayed you.Talk it over with your wife and make well informed decisions and not hasty ones.Bottom line, you cant turn back the clock, consider ALL the options as you are still her father and all the best in your decision making. NJ.
I've already gone through most of the State Statutes concerning the issues, but the one problem is that if I charge him with anything, then she gets charged too, and they'll both end up being registered sex offenders.  These laws are screwed up.

I have looked very closely at the paternety issue.  The burden of proof lies with the father, so he'll have to pay to have the test done if we contest it.  He and his family do not have the money for.  We'll see how it works out.  It's up to the daughter as to whether or not she lists him.

He might surprise us and turn his life around, but we're not holding our breath.  We're betting he will bail sooner or later.  The only good thing about listing him as the father, is that he will then be liable for child support.  I'll enjoy taking him to court for that.
I'm a Sex Offender Agent, Jim. I deal more with child pornography and sexual exploitation; however, I have had experience with situations such as this.

Keep in mind, although statutes apply throughout the state, each county does things a slightly different based on the practices of the DA currently holding office. Statutes delineate specific criteria for each degree of sexual assault, define certain elements, etcetera; however, I believe:

IF you were to go the route of reporting this, yes, they could both be charged unless there is an age difference. For instance: if he is 17 and she is 16 or vice versa. Typically the age difference is more severe, such as three years or more; the 17 year old who has intercourse with the 14 year old.

With the age difference comes this expectation: in a consensual sexual encounter the older of the two, although they are both juveniles and can not legally give consent, has the burden of taking into consideration the well being of the younger. Typically, actually always in my experience, the older party will be charged out. In this instance, and I don't have any contact or experience with the DA's office in Kenosha County, I highly doubt any action would be taken. Even if charges were referred, I believe the District Attorney would more than likely decline charging. If it was consensual, as it appears it was...

I would say the more important thing to consider is that if this is reported to law enforcement, the local le will have the responsibility to report it to social services and when CPS gets involved - your life can be a living nightmare, a living nightmare, a living nightmare, a living nightmare...I am not making light either. You get some nasty CPS worker(s) they can take control and neither hell nor high water will get them to let go. That is the nasty scenario. There are good and decent, well meaning and caring CPS workers out there. But they can dictate your and your daughter's lives, your grand-baby's life, etc.

I feel for you Jim. If there is anything I might be able to do for you, I'm only a couple of hours away.

I would opt for adoption. For numerous reasons.

But I will make the quick and short version. I was 20, my gf was 17, she got pregnant.

My mom told us to have an abortion, I said no way, I got her pregnant I am going to do the right thing and marry her.

I joined the Marine Corps so I could have a decent job to support my newly acquired family.

Never worked out. She dropped out of high school, I was too young to know how to be a good husband much less even a decent father, my wife was too young to know how to be a good wife much less a decent mother.

After a year and a half of hell she wanted to go stay with her mom for a while, ended up getting pregnant by some other guy. We divorced.

Kind of screwed up everyone's life. My daughter has had a rough life because of me not being around, her mom has been married a few times and most of the guys she has dated or were married to were idiots. And as much as I tried I never could get a relationship with my daughter on track.

Everyone is different, just because my whole situation turned to crap doesn’t mean your daughter and the guy cant make it work. But trying to get along with someone (gf and bf, husband and wife) is tough enough and most of us know that.

As much as any of us that have kids love them to death and most of us would die for them, I think we all have to agree they apply a great deal of stress on a marriage.

If two people want to get married they need to have a few years to get to know each other without having a baby in the mix.

Odds are against those two, not impossible, but against them.

If your daughter plans on trying to be a single mother at 16? Man that is tough. She is probably a typical 16 year old female, all screwed up in the head not knowing what the heck she wants (no offense, I just have nieces that age, I just went on an outdoor ed thing with my son for a week and teenage girls were there, I have a 20 year old sister in-law, they are just ALLLLL confused) She (your daughter) is in the middle or trying to figure out lifes shid and how she fits in this world. Throwing the responsibility of a baby on her when she cant even take care of herself yet? Kind of like throwing a weight around her neck and trying to teach her to swim at the same time.

My advice?

Get your daughter one of those implants or whatever, the ones that last for 6 months or so, so she can't get pregnant.

Have a long talk with the guy and tell him if he gets her pregnant again within the next 5 years you will just have to kill him.

Make the two get married and move out on their own, and you and your wife adopt the baby. Let them be married, learn how to be a husband and wife without the stress of a child involved, but they will be able to visit the baby whenever they want, and after a few years if they have been able to make the relationship work and get through all the problems all of us have in the first few years of marriage, then give custody back to them and let them be the parents they signed up to be when they decided to have sex.

The problem is they screwed up, they need to take responsibility for their actions, but if you and your wife are willing to make some serious sacrifices, it could end up with a happy story.

Just a thought based on my personal experiences and based on hind sight as to what I think might have helped me salvage my first marriage.

But I am very happy with my second wife and I have three awesome boys, so no matter what, it usually always works out in the end..

Good luck to you and the family, and if you haven’t been down that road they are one and either of them feel they need someone to talk to that has, PM me, I will give you my email address and they can write to me, you can write to me. whomever.

And for the record, when I got my gf pregnant who I married, her dad did not speak to her for like 6 months. And then it was only short sentences. They never did have a very good relationship after that.

I know all my advice is easier said than done. They are probably both still in highschool, how are they going to get married, move out, continue highschool… it can be done. They can both get night jobs and go to school during the day.

Will keep them out of trouble anyway for both to have full time jobs, full time school and having to pay bills. It will make them deal with life, but they would stand a chance of making it without dealing with a baby at the same time.

Ok, there is my short spiel.. sorry, just hits close to home, and I feel for you, your wife and your daughter and her bf….


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I would opt for adoption. For numerous reasons.

But I will make the quick and short version. I was 20, my gf was 17, she got pregnant.

My mom told us to have an abortion, I said no way, I got her pregnant I am going to do the right thing and marry her.

I joined the Marine Corps so I could have a decent job to support my newly acquired family.

Never worked out. She dropped out of high school, I was too young to know how to be a good husband much less even a decent father, my wife was too young to know how to be a good wife much less a decent mother.

After a year and a half of hell she wanted to go stay with her mom for a while, ended up getting pregnant by some other guy. We divorced.

Kind of screwed up everyone's life. My daughter has had a rough life because of me not being around, her mom has been married a few times and most of the guys she has dated or were married to were idiots. And as much as I tried I never could get a relationship with my daughter on track.

Everyone is different, just because my whole situation turned to crap doesn’t mean your daughter and the guy cant make it work. But trying to get along with someone (gf and bf, husband and wife) is tough enough and most of us know that.

As much as any of us that have kids love them to death and most of us would die for them, I think we all have to agree they apply a great deal of stress on a marriage.

If two people want to get married they need to have a few years to get to know each other without having a baby in the mix.

Odds are against those two, not impossible, but against them.

If your daughter plans on trying to be a single mother at 16? Man that is tough. She is probably a typical 16 year old female, all screwed up in the head not knowing what the heck she wants (no offense, I just have nieces that age, I just went on an outdoor ed thing with my son for a week and teenage girls were there, I have a 20 year old sister in-law, they are just ALLLLL confused) She (your daughter) is in the middle or trying to figure out lifes shid and how she fits in this world. Throwing the responsibility of a baby on her when she cant even take care of herself yet? Kind of like throwing a weight around her neck and trying to teach her to swim at the same time.

My advice?

Get your daughter one of those implants or whatever, the ones that last for 6 months or so, so she can't get pregnant.

Have a long talk with the guy and tell him if he gets her pregnant again within the next 5 years you will just have to kill him.

Make the two get married and move out on their own, and you and your wife adopt the baby. Let them be married, learn how to be a husband and wife without the stress of a child involved, but they will be able to visit the baby whenever they want, and after a few years if they have been able to make the relationship work and get through all the problems all of us have in the first few years of marriage, then give custody back to them and let them be the parents they signed up to be when they decided to have sex.

The problem is they screwed up, they need to take responsibility for their actions, but if you and your wife are willing to make some serious sacrifices, it could end up with a happy story.

Just a thought based on my personal experiences and based on hind sight as to what I think might have helped me salvage my first marriage.

But I am very happy with my second wife and I have three awesome boys, so no matter what, it usually always works out in the end..

Good luck to you and the family, and if you haven’t been down that road they are one and either of them feel they need someone to talk to that has, PM me, I will give you my email address and they can write to me, you can write to me. whomever.

And for the record, when I got my gf pregnant who I married, her dad did not speak to her for like 6 months. And then it was only short sentences. They never did have a very good relationship after that.

I know all my advice is easier said than done. They are probably both still in highschool, how are they going to get married, move out, continue highschool… it can be done. They can both get night jobs and go to school during the day.

Will keep them out of trouble anyway for both to have full time jobs, full time school and having to pay bills. It will make them deal with life, but they would stand a chance of making it without dealing with a baby at the same time.

Ok, there is my short spiel.. sorry, just hits close to home, and I feel for you, your wife and your daughter and her bf….

The guy does talk sense!!

... Me and my wife have been married for 2 years now, and were seeing each other about 2 years before the marriage!! We have had out time together... got to know each other. But having a baby was a new level!!

For a couple of months that he was born... things were a whole lot hectic between me and my wife!! 16 yrs is pretty young to look after a baby... too much of responsibality, lots of baby work!!

Adoption is a very pregmatic solution... in the best interest of your daughter and the new to be born!!

Give it a thought bro...

I would advise against adoption, having been adopted, and recently reunited with my birth Mother after 34 years, I can attest to the emotional toll it takes on both sides. This is just my experience, I'm sure many others would disagree.
I would advise against adoption, having been adopted, and recently reunited with my birth Mother after 34 years, I can attest to the emotional toll it takes on both sides. This is just my experience, I'm sure many others would disagree.
That was why I said for STKR00 and his wife to adopt the child temporarily until the daughter and BF can get their act together.

That way the child would still have contact with the birth parents and eventually (hopefully) raised by them in the future.

no matter how you look at it, tough and hard decisions in the future.
I'm really sorry your daughter is starting out her adult life like this,nothing like your baby girls innocense being stolen by a younger version of ourselves! I dont think I could have been as composed as you,so my hat is off to you.As some one else has already said, she will need you more now than ever,dont start thinking about where you went wrong,I'm sure you're a good father and instilled all the right morals and values a father should. But sometimes you know what? You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink! Personally, I would seriously consider some charges against this kid,doesnt matter if takes 2,you placed a certain amount of trust in this young man and he betrayed you.Talk it over with your wife and make well informed decisions and not hasty ones.Bottom line, you cant turn back the clock, consider ALL the options as you are still her father and all the best in your decision making. NJ.
I've already gone through most of the State Statutes concerning the issues, but the one problem is that if I charge him with anything, then she gets charged too, and they'll both end up being registered sex offenders.  These laws are screwed up.

I have looked very closely at the paternety issue.  The burden of proof lies with the father, so he'll have to pay to have the test done if we contest it.  He and his family do not have the money for.  We'll see how it works out.  It's up to the daughter as to whether or not she lists him.

He might surprise us and turn his life around, but we're not holding our breath.  We're betting he will bail sooner or later.  The only good thing about listing him as the father, is that he will then be liable for child support.  I'll enjoy taking him to court for that.
I'm a Sex Offender Agent, Jim. I deal more with child pornography and sexual exploitation; however, I have had experience with situations such as this.

Keep in mind, although statutes apply throughout the state, each county does things a slightly different based on the practices of the DA currently holding office. Statutes delineate specific criteria for each degree of sexual assault, define certain elements, etcetera; however, I believe:

IF you were to go the route of reporting this, yes, they could both be charged unless there is an age difference. For instance: if he is 17 and she is 16 or vice versa. Typically the age difference is more severe, such as three years or more; the 17 year old who has intercourse with the 14 year old.

With the age difference comes this expectation: in a consensual sexual encounter the older of the two, although they are both juveniles and can not legally give consent, has the burden of taking into consideration the well being of the younger. Typically, actually always in my experience, the older party will be charged out. In this instance, and I don't have any contact or experience with the DA's office in Kenosha County, I highly doubt any action would be taken. Even if charges were referred, I believe the District Attorney would more than likely decline charging. If it was consensual, as it appears it was...

I would say the more important thing to consider is that if this is reported to law enforcement, the local le will have the responsibility to report it to social services and when CPS gets involved - your life can be a living nightmare, a living nightmare, a living nightmare, a living nightmare...I am not making light either. You get some nasty CPS worker(s) they can take control and neither hell nor high water will get them to let go. That is the nasty scenario. There are good and decent, well meaning and caring CPS workers out there. But they can dictate your and your daughter's lives, your grand-baby's life, etc.

I feel for you Jim. If there is anything I might be able to do for you, I'm only a couple of hours away.


Thanks for the info. When I first found out, I was out for blood, and was looking for any way possible to deny his rights as the father, and possibly cause him more legal problems than he has already. No that some time has past, I have to think more about the welfare of my daughter and her child. If that means trying to cut the kid some slack, and give him a chance to prove himself, then so be it. I don't think he'll be around until she's 18, but I might be wrong. I know that I at least have the power to prevent a marriage until she's 18, so that's the one thing I will not budge on. If he's still around 2 years from now, and is showing the responsibility, then I'll have no problem with it.

I have already been contacted by DCFS, and I must have gotten a good case worker. We talked for a bit on the phone and then she said that she was going to consider the file closed. I had already been warned about them, but thanks for the heads up anyway.
I would advise against adoption, having been adopted, and recently reunited with my birth Mother after 34 years, I can attest to the emotional toll it takes on both sides. This is just my experience, I'm sure many others would disagree.
That was why I said for STKR00 and his wife to adopt the child temporarily until the daughter and BF can get their act together.

That way the child would still have contact with the birth parents and eventually (hopefully) raised by them in the future.

no matter how you look at it, tough and hard decisions in the future.
Thanks for the thoughts Thrasher

I actually had not thought about adoption in that sense, but it is something that the wife and I will have to discuss. I know it sounds selfish, but I honestly do not want to be stuck raising my grandchild. Helping out as needed is one thing, but to let her off from her responsibilities just doesn't seem right.

I will say that I can see how it would be one of the best alternatives in order to help the daughter achieve her goals and secure her future. I will definitely keep this as a viable option.

Thanks again