GRANDPA stkr00

Warm welcome to the newest member & of course a Congratulations Shout out for Gramps!
Thanks everybody

I finally got some rest, and have finished straightening up the house a bit, so now I'm back off to the hospital to see my grandson.

Have a great day everybody
Congratz. I hope all goes well for your daughter and your grandson. Health and happiness to all.
Jim, Conrats and welcome to the early grand parenting! When you hold that little bundle and see the love of a mother for her baby in your daughter's eyes there is nothing like it!!!! I LOVE being a grandparent and you will enjoy every minute too!!!!
Well...I'm a litle fugged up right now. Crown Royal; and diet pepsi actually do go together.

We had some drame today with the loser botfriend's mom. She's been a pain if our ass for a while, and wasn'r supposed to show up at the hos[ital tha WE"RE paying for. Well, we found out that she was the and the duaghter lied about her bieng there. I',m so fuggin pised that that bich had the nerv to show up.

two weeks ago she asaulted her son with a baseball bat, and he's been living with us ever since. we werre giving hin a chance to change his life, but he still wants to have contyact with her. Fugg him! They're coming home from the hostpital tomorrow, and I'm thinking that he's goingf to be finding a new place to ;ive pretty fuggin soon.

maybe Ishouldn't be typing while I'n fugged up, but I had to vent a ;ittle.

I'm going to bed :;);
sweet dreams bro. its got to be harsh babysitting the word bro. hang in there. if theres anything i can do look me up man
Okay...I'm awake AND sober

Believe it or not, I don't have a hangover at all.
I normally don't drink at all due to being on the Dive Rescue Team and being on call 24/7, but last night was the night to unwind and relieve a little stress. I don't grab a bottle to deal with my problems, but it did feel good to just let go last night and have a little fun. We had some of our close friend over and they shared a few drinks, stories, and laughs. It was actually a pretty good night. Just the circumstaces that led up to it kinda sucked.

Here's a smiley to show how I feel right now...
Congrats grandpa. I can remember like it was yesterday when I held my granddaughter for the first time. That is my son Chris(GSXtacy) first child. He was in Desert storm and did not get to see her for 6 months. Seems like history repeats itself. I was in Viet Nam when Chris was born, did not get to see him untill he was 6 months old. That little girl is going to be 15 next year! Time does fly. Enjoy this time as family matters tend to work themselves out. Do however drink up somemore crown and pepsi and do some posting, your funny as shid!

Now its time to get some BabyBusa clothing, & start the little one out right! Man, just think of all the fun your gonna have spoiling your grandkid!! I hear some people play classical music to their kids so when they grow up the kids somehow have an increased IQ...don't do aunt and uncle did it to their kids, and now both of them in their early 30's are complete Tards. Might wanna try recording some tapes of the Busa at idle, and play them while the new baby sleeps

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Congrats Jim! She's beautiful!!!

Sorry for all the drama around this little one, but I rather enjoyed reading the drunken posts...

At 8 lb 10 oz, I'd say your daughter should be happy she came a bit early! She's a good sized baby...

Congrats again!!!