Chp shot & killed just hrs ago

Round here cops start at around 26,000  not enough money to get shot at in my opionion... Gunny I was not talking about you or anyone else in this forum I was talking about all the people on the news ,tv,radio,that run around looking for stuff cops do wrong..

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I don't know where "around here" is or the exact numbers for a rookie CHP but I do know that "around here" in a metropolitan area $50k a year will get you a one bed apartment in a crack house. Perhaps a more knowledgeable member can supply a number.
In any case I don't think LEO's do it for the money. Nor do I think throwing more money at a problem ever solves it.
I don't know where "around here" is or the exact numbers for a rookie CHP but I do know that "around here" in a metropolitan area $50k a year will get you a one bed apartment in a crack house. Perhaps a more knowledgeable member can supply a number.
In any case I don't think LEO's do it for the money. Nor do I think throwing more money at a problem ever solves it.
Around here is Georgia Wether they do it for money or not you get what you pay for... And around here 50,000 a year will get a person who is watches his money a pretty nice place... That is why I didnt take the offer to move to Cally overpriced and over disrespect meant
The CHP lost 5 officers in shootings ( I think ) in the last 5 months, thats just unbelievable. Later in the day I heard someone turned themself in but they wernt sure if it was really the guy or not. Still sad and I appreciate these guyz. There is no way I could do what they do. Thanx to all our LEO's
Any new news?

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