well I aint read pages 2 or 3 yet
but here is my .02
I'll be brief...
1. True Christian belief is that you have to accept Jesus for who he is (son of God, died on cross and rose from the dead) and be sorry for your sins in order to go to heaven.
2. How you live your life does not change your eternal destiny whether it's spend good or bad.
3. ALL "Christians" are happier than any Athiest or Satanist IF they live their life loving God.
Final thought.... After studying the Satanic bible I can see many similar thought processes between Athiests and Satanist. They both offer the freedom of "do whatever you want"....but think about it.....in the big picture we are not much dif. than our kids. We give our kids structure, rules, and morals that we want them to live by. That is all God is doing too. We would not tell our kids "do whatever you want, it's okay"
If you are honest with yourself your heart will tell you it's not okay to lie, murder, steal, cheat, bear false witness on your neighbor, idlize, OR the biggest lure of satanist --screw anyone you want whether you or they are married or not.
Even as adults, we have to have