First off, and it has already been stated, too many missing details here. Sounds as if the kid was armed
If he ran outside with a gun that changes many things.
As for the statement that most cops use the Taser first. A Taser is considered a less than lethal weapon which has limited range and allows for one shot. There is nothing that states an officer must use a Taser before a firearm. The situation at hand will always dictate tactics. Would you expect an officer to attempt an arrest on an armed gunman with pepper spray before ever drawing his sidearm? When it comes to most department policies, most put pepper spray and use of Taser on the same level on the use of force scale. In many situations where a Taser is deployed in a high risk situation the officer using the Taser has lethal force cover in the event the Taser does not work.
So what you are saying is: If I legally have a gun on my property and I attempt to defend my property (which is a stretch because we see no evidence of a weapon or defensive posture in the article) then I can expect to get shot by the police? Citizens should be allowed to protect themselves and should not have to rely upon law enforcement should someone come knock their door down nor fear getting shot by the police if they go outside to prevent them from getting in.
When an officer accepts a weapon he must also accept responsibility for using it. This guy is a 10 year veteran and should have been fully trained to deal with this type of situation.
Sorry, given the little we know, criminal charges against the officer, manslaughter at a minimun, 2d degree murder max.
Wrongful death lawsuit against the officer and agency certifying the officer, city and state. That should ensure the child is well provided for.