all the poor people voted for trump because they think their lot will improve, that's all people really want, prosperity. I didn't see a lot of prosperity for the average man come out of his last term in office and I don't imagine much will happen to raise the living standards this time either. When the Government owes 35T and the people themselves are in debt and making repayments with interest on 24 trillion it's not a recipe for future success.
It's the job of politicians to promise people sh*t so they can get elected. After that nothing matters much, especially when it's your last possible term in office. And even if he is genuine, so what. You can't turn back the tide, the tide of debt. The debts have to be repaid or the system has to collapse like in 33 and the debts written off the books. Those are your only two choices. Now is a very Very bad time in history to be loaded up on debt. That's why I'm debt free.