Documents released.

Do you ever come out of your ultra conservative brain? No one, including Miller, knew what Trump was going to say at that speech down the street from the Capital. Only Trump knew. It would have been a good detail not to leave out. From this, at the bottom reads "This hands Trump the election". I'm amazed as to the level of idiocy of this video. The oversight committee is chaired by James Comer, Vance's roommate in Trump's butt.
Regardless, January 6th, as horrific as it was, is only a small part of why Trump should never be president again.

Hi. So do the Dems call this BIG BS? or are they the Dems BIG BS?
This video is the BIG BS.
Do you ever come out of your ultra conservative brain? No one, including Miller, knew what Trump was going to say at that speech down the street from the Capital. Only Trump knew. It would have been a good detail not to leave out. From this, at the bottom reads "This hands Trump the election". I'm amazed as to the level of idiocy of this video. The oversight committee is chaired by James Comer, Vance's roommate in Trump's butt.
Regardless, January 6th, as horrific as it was, is only a small part of why Trump should never be president again.

This video is the BIG BS.
There is so much work by Trumpeters to try and justify his actions on Jan 6th that videos like this were sure to come to fruition...

The actual videos on the day in question were enough to negate a video such as this....

Watching "peaceful" people smashing windows, then entering into the capital, beating police officers, breaching barricades, chanting "hang Pence" amongst other such actions say it all....then their leader was watching this unfold with anticipation and then thanked them for their efforts and professing his love for them....
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There is so much work by Trumpeters to try and justify his actions on Jan 6th that videos like this were sure to come to fruition...

The actual videos on the day in question were enough to negate a video such as this....

Watching "peaceful" people smashing windows, then entering into the capital, beating police officers, breaching barricades, chanting "hang Pence" amongst other such actions say it all....then their leader was watching this unfold with anticipation and then thanked them for their efforts and professing his love for them....
The issue with Jan 6th is we don't really know the identities of everyone involved. Like I have said before... When Christopher Wray

( director of the FBI... and... who does he work for? and... who pays his salary? and.... Who is he suppose to answer to? )

won't answer questions in front of a congressional committee asking where FBI agents were that day and what were they doing on Jan 6th ? Does that tell you anything? This kind of failure to comply shows us one thing cleraly.... this is one way a two their justice system works.... and that is... it doesn't work for the Americans that want transparency in the government they are suppose to have faith in.

We don't know every person that was there that day... we do know that Bank of America supplied the FBI with data from debit cards and credit cards of people that were from out of the area during those days. What a patriotic way to protects an individuals privacy... eh?

Like I have also said before... the truth gets buried from the start with a story. Then, over time leaks from whistle blowers and other collaborating evidence becomes available from sources including FOIA.

Those documents should be available now to anyone that wants to see them.

Slightly off the topic here...
Understand the failure to protect the former president by the Secret Service in 2 assasination attempts in 2 months. The leftist Marxist will stop at nothing to eliminate the former president if they can make it look like a lone gunman. Where have we seen this act before? SSDD....
Do you ever come out of your ultra conservative brain? No one, including Miller, knew what Trump was going to say at that speech down the street from the Capital. Only Trump knew. It would have been a good detail not to leave out. From this, at the bottom reads "This hands Trump the election". I'm amazed as to the level of idiocy of this video. The oversight committee is chaired by James Comer, Vance's roommate in Trump's butt.
Regardless, January 6th, as horrific as it was, is only a small part of why Trump should never be president again.

This video is the BIG BS.
None of us really know how this all came to be... When you hear another version of what may have transpired you get real sure of yourself that only one side of the story exists. Lets just wait and see if it goes any further... I am a messenger... not on the scene as a source... and neither is anybody else here that we know of.
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Slightly off the topic here...
Understand the failure to protect the former president by the Secret Service in 2 assasination attempts in 2 months. The leftist Marxist will stop at nothing to eliminate the former president if they can make it look like a lone gunman. Where have we seen this act before? SSDD....
The fact is, Trump was not entitled to the same level of security as the sitting president and had no less security than what he should have.

From what I've read on the subject, Trump often ignores safety protocols and places himself in positions where it is a challenge to secure him.

If you delve into reality for a minute, the democrats have nothing to gain by getting Trump eliminated as then he would become a martyr and that would do them more harm than allowing him to run around spouting off....his own mouth does more damage than anything they could hope for.
The issue with Jan 6th is we don't really know the identities of everyone involved. Like I have said before... When Christopher Wray

( director of the FBI... and... who does he work for? and... who pays his salary? and.... Who is he suppose to answer to? )

won't answer questions in front of a congressional committee asking where FBI agents were that day and what were they doing on Jan 6th ? Does that tell you anything? This kind of failure to comply shows us one thing cleraly.... this is one way a two their justice system works.... and that is... it doesn't work for the Americans that want transparency in the government they are suppose to have faith in.

We don't know every person that was there that day... we do know that Bank of America supplied the FBI with data from debit cards and credit cards of people that were from out of the area during those days. What a patriotic way to protects an individuals privacy... eh?

Like I have also said before... the truth gets buried from the start with a story. Then, over time leaks from whistle blowers and other collaborating evidence becomes available from sources including FOIA.

Those documents should be available now to anyone that wants to see them.
You can scavenge through the internet and find lots of information that can either debunk or support your narrative......

So anything I read or see I look at with a grain of salt...

How many times have we seen subject titles that begin with "This is the real evidence" have we seen made up by some crackpot that has the "real truth?"

However, there was documented video of Jan 6th that is irrefutable and was filmed in real time....that is what I base my beliefs on....not all the made up AI stuff that came after......
“I am a messenger”

No matter how idiotic the message is…

You’re the self appointed messenger eh? Wutta crock of shiiite!
Hi. Maybe you wete at Jan 6th and realy know what happened? So you know who led the Trumpers in 1st. Do you work for the FBI? Or do you beleive what only thr leaft leaning news say? To you there are only the facks that CNN say. You know because you were there? May be I was there that day and the only reasion I am not in jail is because I have Santander bank as I gased up on my way to DME NC. What happened was very wrong and stupid. Have you watched all the vids ever second of them? If you did not you only know what the news wanted you to see. Bee the goverments you faught aginst I am sure they only showed themself in good light. They never covered anything up.
Hi. Maybe you wete at Jan 6th and realy know what happened? So you know who led the Trumpers in 1st. Do you work for the FBI? Or do you beleive what only thr leaft leaning news say? To you there are only the facks that CNN say. You know because you were there? May be I was there that day and the only reasion I am not in jail is because I have Santander bank as I gased up on my way to DME NC. What happened was very wrong and stupid. Have you watched all the vids ever second of them? If you did not you only know what the news wanted you to see. Bee the goverments you faught aginst I am sure they only showed themself in good light. They never covered anything up.
The entire incident was all on video....and not MSM video but lots of private video....

Trumps' interaction with the crowd was on video, his thanking them and professing his love for them trying to circumvent the electoral count is all on video.....him calling his then vice president a coward for not stopping the electoral count is also on video...the crowd chanting "hang Pence" is all on video......they wouldn't be chanting that unless they got their signals from Trump.....

What is puzzling is how he was able to get through all that and still be allowed to run for election again......

People from both sides of the aisle should be really concerned that an attempted insurrection happened in their lifetime.......
We don't know every person that was there that day... we do know that Bank of America supplied the FBI with data from debit cards and credit cards of people that were from out of the area during those days. What a patriotic way to protects an individuals privacy... eh?
Banks cooperate with law enforcement all the time, especially involving a huge grievance against our country. To claim that there was some secret entity there, that emotions and passion weren’t the reason the violence eventually occurred, is just lying to yourself. What was supposed to be a peaceful assembly turned ugly. Sounds pretty freaking human.
The entire incident was all on video....and not MSM video but lots of private video....

Trumps' interaction with the crowd was on video, his thanking them and professing his love for them trying to circumvent the electoral count is all on video.....him calling his then vice president a coward for not stopping the electoral count is also on video...the crowd chanting "hang Pence" is all on video......they wouldn't be chanting that unless they got their signals from Trump.....

What is puzzling is how he was able to get through all that and still be allowed to run for election again......

People from both sides of the aisle should be really concerned that an attempted insurrection happened in their lifetime.......
Hi. I still ask did you see every vid that was made or the only the ones the dems and the news wamted you to see?
Hi. I still ask did you see every vid that was made or the only the ones the dems and the news wamted you to see?
I saw all the videos that were made available...I don't believe in the idea there are secret videos out there showing anything different than what I saw....

Many of these videos were from private sources....

It's not healthy to live in a conspiracy world too long......
Hi. Maybe you wete at Jan 6th and realy know what happened? So you know who led the Trumpers in 1st. Do you work for the FBI? Or do you beleive what only thr leaft leaning news say? To you there are only the facks that CNN say. You know because you were there? May be I was there that day and the only reasion I am not in jail is because I have Santander bank as I gased up on my way to DME NC. What happened was very wrong and stupid. Have you watched all the vids ever second of them? If you did not you only know what the news wanted you to see. Bee the goverments you faught aginst I am sure they only showed themself in good light. They never covered anything up.

You know when you put your finger between your lips and make a sound as you move the lips up and down?

Is there a word for that?
Do you ever come out of your ultra conservative brain? No one, including Miller, knew what Trump was going to say at that speech down the street from the Capital. Only Trump knew. It would have been a good detail not to leave out. From this, at the bottom reads "This hands Trump the election". I'm amazed as to the level of idiocy of this video. The oversight committee is chaired by James Comer, Vance's roommate in Trump's butt.
Regardless, January 6th, as horrific as it was, is only a small part of why Trump should never be president again.

This video is the BIG BS.
Go ahead and tell us how one political party doesn't dominates in the use the MSM to gas light us. The country has been invaded by millions of illegal aliens... a portion of them are released prisoners and nut cases from mental institutions. The Biden Harris administration with the idiot named Myorkis as the head of Homeland Security is the worst thing to have happened to this country in decades.

As far as Comer goes... he has the goods, the proof... but, with a compromised DOJ and SC that is living in the knowledge they could be attacked by vigilante types at any time shows all of us the the leftist marxist imbeciles that want power over everything are ruining this country.

In your world... if the alphabet channels report it then it has to be true no matter how many times they get caught lying or selectively omitting certain facts from a news event.
The fact is, Trump was not entitled to the same level of security as the sitting president and had no less security than what he should have.

From what I've read on the subject, Trump often ignores safety protocols and places himself in positions where it is a challenge to secure him.

If you delve into reality for a minute, the democrats have nothing to gain by getting Trump eliminated as then he would become a martyr and that would do them more harm than allowing him to run around spouting off....his own mouth does more damage than anything they could hope for.
Not having adequate security for anyone involved in a presidential race these days is simply an opportunistic to get the result that has almost happened twice. It sounds to me you are good with that... let the dice roll... if somebody can get shots off on a presidential candidate... well... that just the way it is... if a candidate dies while campaigning then he must have had it coming.

As far as Trump ignoring safety protocols... that isn't how it works. The people in charge control the movements of high ranking officials... Example... the only stupid stuff I have heard is when Hillary flys into a hot area... gets out of the plane with a helmet on... gets the photo op... then brags about it later.

The Dems would let out a collective sigh of relief if Trump was murdered... in fact, they would celebrate it... its how they roll... when republicans like Steve Colise ( sp error ) was shot on a ball field a few years ago the story died shortly after... This is how some of these people think.. it was just one of those scum bag republicans that is a threat to our power to rule over America... the MSM is told to wash their hands of the story asap. The MSM is owned by people that despise Trump.

If Trump is shot to death it will likely result in some serious chaos in this nation... We already know how these kind of events happen... we have seen it before with JFK when SS was told to stay back from where they would normally position themselves... and when you look back at history you see all kinds bad actors in other countries doing this kind of stuff. Our country has been involved in these kind of activities before overseas. John Perkins, a former employee of MAIN tells how these kind of events are staged in his book titled, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

The former leader of Japan was just snuffed a few years ago. Hate is a horrible mentality that should never be allowed to get away the crimes we have seen.
“I am a messenger”

No matter how idiotic the message is…

You’re the self appointed messenger eh? Wutta crock of shiiite!
Your contributions are just like some uninformed critic making a fool of himself again and using memes that are silly kid stuff.
Not having adequate security for anyone involved in a presidential race these days is simply an opportunistic to get the result that has almost happened twice. It sounds to me you are good with that... let the dice roll... if somebody can get shots off on a presidential candidate... well... that just the way it is... if a candidate dies while campaigning then he must have had it coming.

As far as Trump ignoring safety protocols... that isn't how it works. The people in charge control the movements of high ranking officials... Example... the only stupid stuff I have heard is when Hillary flys into a hot area... gets out of the plane with a helmet on... gets the photo op... then brags about it later.

The Dems would let out a collective sigh of relief if Trump was murdered... in fact, they would celebrate it... its how they roll... when republicans like Steve Colise ( sp error ) was shot on a ball field a few years ago the story died shortly after... This is how some of these people think.. it was just one of those scum bag republicans that is a threat to our power to rule over America... the MSM is told to wash their hands of the story asap. The MSM is owned by people that despise Trump.

If Trump is shot to death it will likely result in some serious chaos in this nation... We already know how these kind of events happen... we have seen it before with JFK when SS was told to stay back from where they would normally position themselves... and when you look back at history you see all kinds bad actors in other countries doing this kind of stuff. Our country has been involved in these kind of activities before overseas. John Perkins, a former employee of MAIN tells how these kind of events are staged in his book titled, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

The former leader of Japan was just snuffed a few years ago. Hate is a horrible mentality that should never be allowed to get away the crimes we have seen.
You speak as though your fellow Americans are some sort of enemy only because they don't follow the same political ideology as you do......

Bottom line, the people running in an election are not entitled to the same degree of protection as the sitting president that these nuts are after Trump, Biden authorized a step up in his protection...that doesn't sound like someone that would relish seeing Trump eliminated to me.....

Government people whether democrat or republic do not want Trump eliminated as it would rise him to martyrdom which would be very bad for the country....bad actors in other countries like Trump and would like him to be in power.