Documents released.

It would be a grand thing if that was realty.....things have changed quite a bit since the constitution was written and enacted.....

Human beings are susceptible to influence so it comes as little surprise that politicians wouldn't....

......and the US has been meddling in other country's affairs and political landscape for so long that these other countries have fixated on targeting the political landscape within the US....their goal is to minimize the ability for America to project influence........and it's working....

Add to this there are all kinds of pond scum bad actor snipers out there who can be easily bought leads me to believe these were not supported events.

.............and the shooters were obviously working alone and were amateurish at best....if you knew how a real sniper sets up a shot, you'd see that.
Yes... things have changed... however, we still have the Gingus Khan mentality in places here and abroad. We live in a world with a certain mentality that says... I am, or we are going to dominate this planet... isn't that what China announced as a 100 year plan in the late 40s after the dust settled from WW2? Looks to me they are well adept at buying up land in the US that has strategic potential to disrupt America in all the ways they choose to take advantage of. You don't buy land and then not use it for something.

As far as snipers go... In Butler all one needed was access and the skill to hit a target at a 140 yards from a prone position... the sniper in Butler has card blanche to set up shop and take 8 shots before somebody had enough reason in their mind to take Crooks out. You could probably teach a rookie kid that age how to make that shot in less than 5 minutes. You don't have to be an expert marksman to hit a target like that. Had he aimed at the chest area Trump would likely have died that day or shortly after.

Yes.. I know the USA has been meddling in foreign countries for a long time. That is why I mentioned John Perkins and the book he wrote titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. John was hired for his ability to not care about what happened to other people while performing his assigned task for the MAIN Company. I read that book like 15 years ago. Fast forward to today and we have Whitney Webb and many others that have connected the dots the last one hundred years or so. Just wait and see if anything gets revealed with the P Diddy story and all the children that are said to be involved. I heard he is on suicide watch right now.

The old way of doing things is going to hit some more rough spots soon. Big egos never quit until someone stops them. Religions will not stop fighting among each other until they are all dead and the victor takes power, land, and resources under their control. I have never heard of one religion surrendering to another.
This from the guy that has used the term dimtard probably a hundred times on this forum alone. By the way, you do have pronouns, he, him, I, you. The reference is understood; it’s part of our language.

By the way, Babbitt didn’t deserve to die, but like everyone participating in that insurrection, especially the ones that entered the Capitol, she should not have been there. Period.
Labels really bother you, don't they?
As far as snipers go... In Butler all one needed was access and the skill to hit a target at a 140 yards from a prone position... the sniper in Butler has card blanche to set up shop and take 8 shots before somebody had enough reason in their mind to take Crooks out. You could probably teach a rookie kid that age how to make that shot in less than 5 minutes. You don't have to be an expert marksman to hit a target like that. Had he aimed at the chest area Trump would likely have died that day or shortly after.
A government body of any kind wouldn't be getting basically an untrained kid to do such a job......if this government wanted to set up an assassination, they would have found a professional as there are lots of them out there.....

The fact that the shooter was an untrained kid tells me he was a lone wolf actor....

As for the nut at the golf course, he was just that.....a nut.....
Labels really bother you, don't they?
It’s you that uses them relentlessly and then claims not to. Much like your messiah Trump.
Now you’ll claim not to support him or some nonsense. I am what I am and I own it. You on the other hand, are full of schitt.
It’s you that uses them relentlessly and then claims not to. Much like your messiah Trump.
Now you’ll claim not to support him or some nonsense. I am what I am and I own it. You on the other hand, are full of schitt.
“That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump”:

I simply reply “I'm not voting for Trump.”I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement funds in the stock market.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected and to ensure Law & Order.I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico, and other foreign countries.

I'm voting for energy independence.I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this country who gave the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.I’m voting for continued peace progress in the Middle East and in support of Israel.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.I’m voting for Freedom of Religion. I'm voting for the American Flag.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored. I'm not just voting for one person.

I'm voting for the future of my Country. I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future. “
A government body of any kind wouldn't be getting basically an untrained kid to do such a job......if this government wanted to set up an assassination, they would have found a professional as there are lots of them out there.....

The fact that the shooter was an untrained kid tells me he was a lone wolf actor....

As for the nut at the golf course, he was just that.....a nut.....
You don't know if he was un untrained shooter / sniper. We also know that a high level of stress can interfere in one's ability to execute a pin point shot.

We only know what the MSM tells us when it comes to background information on the perp with the gun. All the MSM does is show you the scripted version of what they want you to believe.

The nut at the golf course should have been discovered long before Trump was on the golf course. It was reported that he was in that position hours before the SS saw him.
You don't know if he was un untrained shooter / sniper. We also know that a high level of stress can interfere in one's ability to execute a pin point shot.

We only know what the MSM tells us when it comes to background information on the perp with the gun. All the MSM does is show you the scripted version of what they want you to believe.

The nut at the golf course should have been discovered long before Trump was on the golf course. It was reported that he was in that position hours before the SS saw him.
A trained professional shooter doesn't let stress interfere with accuracy, just the way the shooter put out rounds tells me he was intrained.

As for the guy at the golf course, in a police state he would have been questioned but if he was just sitting in his car in the proximity of the golf course, I'm not sure that waves a big red flag.....if he was sitting beside the fence with the equipment he had and nobody noticed him, that should raise a red flag....
If you’re going to copy and paste, give credit.
Gawd Zerks you’re even more full of it than I thought.

I simply reply “I'm not voting for Trump
Sometimes my friends on Facebook come in handy.
Todays rumor is the officials in the DC area are preparing for a mass casualty event to take place.
My take on it...
More smoke and mirrors from the leftist marxist cabal of highly intellectual idiots that want to start the cancelation of the election in November.
My guess is... it's because Scamala is going to lose badly if the election is held and the Marxist Cabal is getting out in front of it.
A trained professional shooter doesn't let stress interfere with accuracy, just the way the shooter put out rounds tells me he was intrained.

As for the guy at the golf course, in a police state he would have been questioned but if he was just sitting in his car in the proximity of the golf course, I'm not sure that waves a big red flag.....if he was sitting beside the fence with the equipment he had and nobody noticed him, that should raise a red flag....
What exactly did you see in Butler? I never saw a video of the shooter doing the shooting. I did see the trajectory of the bullets long after it happened based on something somebody put together, but, I didn't actually see the shooter in action.

As far as a trained professional goes... who practices while under the duress of a shot that will be heard around the world? Whomever is assigned the job of taking out a world leader anywhere in the world is going to live a different life than they did before they took that fatal shot.

If the shooter is prepared to escape justice he will be headed to a sanctuary of sorts to wait out the hottest manhunt that is about to commence after the shot. Or, he will be a blur on the map using aliases to travel to a place where it's not on the list of places for law enforcement to look.

It has been said that back up shooters have been used before in case the guy that is assigned to take the shot changes his mind.
Whomever is assigned the job of taking out a world leader anywhere in the world is going to live a different life than they did before they took that fatal shot.
Trump a world leader? Currently?
The Cabal isn't a party... however... they have people on the payroll that are political puppets.
I guess libtards aren’t a party either?
Trump a world leader? Currently?
You have to ask?
I guess libtards aren’t a party either?
Well, there should be a party for them... we have millions of them lock stepping now that are pro open borders like you. They want oil production to stop. They don't have a problem with over spending by the government and funding foreign wars. They think drag queens in elementary school strutting their stuff in sexually explicit ways is ok. I could point to plenty more but this much will already light your hair on fire.
You have to ask?

Well, there should be a party for them... we have millions of them lock stepping now that are pro open borders like you. They want oil production to stop. They don't have a problem with over spending by the government and funding foreign wars. They think drag queens in elementary school strutting their stuff in sexually explicit ways is ok. I could point to plenty more but this much will already light your hair on fire.

No no, go ahead, point to plenty more. By now there must be dozens or is it hundreds of drag queens strutting their stuff in elementary schools. BTW what’s a lock step?
No no, go ahead, point to plenty more. By now there must be dozens or is it hundreds of drag queens strutting their stuff in elementary schools. BTW what’s a lock step?
Here... Lets get back on the road for moment. See if you can figure out what millions of others have figured out. I forgot to mention... you probably don't like Joe Rogan either for reasons that will likely never change.
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Here... Lets get back on the road for moment. See if you can figure out what millions of others have figured out. I forgot to mention... you probably don't like Joe Rogan either for reasons that will likely never change.
When you use this sort of video to justify your stance....that says a lot.....

This video is propaganda at it's best...

I think the switch happened when they saw how crazy he was.....before he announced his plan to run as president, he was no threat.
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You have to ask?
I'm not asking if Trump is a world leader; he's not. I was just confirming that you were referring to him as one.
He has zero authority even though he continues to have influence over his weak minded minions.
Come on now.........................This is a direct video, of these same people who are now calling for his head. This is NOT propaganda, it's direct evidence.
Trump hasn't changed since the 90's, he's still saying the same things he was back then word for word...............The world has changed, and it's NOT for the better.

While I can't stand Trump Personally, I don't disagree with his policies...................Who is the US to think they can dictate to other sovereign nations how they operate? Perhaps the US should gets it own crap in order before it goes out trying to "fix" the world.

BTW, we have Trumps tax returns..................I'm still waiting for Hillary's Emails, Hunter Biden's Laptop (that apparently didn't exist till after the election), and the US people need to know who is "The big man" Hunter is referring too.