Documents released.

Hi. Yes all the votes are already in the bags under the tables. They were all for Biden but some how they all just switched to Harris.
Well Mike, you fought for your country under your flag......and now you are stating that the very fabric of what keeps your country safe is untrue....(the election process)...

That's a bit troubling......history has shown us that once the election process of a country is no longer valid, that country suffers a catastrophic collapse.....
Biden said all along he wasn't going anywhere and was going to run against Trump and beat him.............right up to the point he stepped aside. Even during the debate he stood firm.

This was a political quo, and anyone with any shred of common sense could see the last couple years Biden wasn't running anything anymore other than his own bowls.

This decision for him to step down was made for him, and forced upon him by those really running the country because they will stop at NOTHING to prevent Trump from being elected..........including side stepping a democratically elected president and his wish to run for office again.

He was given a choice........step aside on your own terms and save face, or you'll be removed and it won't look good for you.

I assure you, Obama, Hillary and Harris have been running the show for years............and they weren't going to take a chance loosing to Trump AGAIN, come he'll or high water.

The real threat to democracy in the US is the democrats and their political quos.

I would say Biden said that he wasn't going anywhere and would beat Trump in an election was just positioning like all politicians do...

There are many US voters who are swing voter who absolutely dislike Trump and would vote for a street sign over Trump.....these are the ones that will vote him out.

As for Trump, he just doesn't know when to stop talking and his filters aren't working which pisses a lot of people off....this is why Harris will be elected....Trump had good ideas for policies but it is the total package that voters look at.

Here in our country we have a similar issue....Poilievre has great ideas but he goes on a tangent at times which will turn off voters who are fence sitting....get enough of those and Trudeau will unfortunately be re-elected plunging our country into an uncontrollable downward spiral in which there will be no recovery....

NATO has issued a directive for it's members to start preparing for war and Canada under Trudeau and his gang will be so far behind we will think we are first....
I would say Biden said that he wasn't going anywhere and would beat Trump in an election was just positioning like all politicians do...

There are many US voters who are swing voter who absolutely dislike Trump and would vote for a street sign over Trump.....these are the ones that will vote him out.

As for Trump, he just doesn't know when to stop talking and his filters aren't working which pisses a lot of people off....this is why Harris will be elected....Trump had good ideas for policies but it is the total package that voters look at.

Here in our country we have a similar issue....Poilievre has great ideas but he goes on a tangent at times which will turn off voters who are fence sitting....get enough of those and Trudeau will unfortunately be re-elected plunging our country into an uncontrollable downward spiral in which there will be no recovery....

NATO has issued a directive for it's members to start preparing for war and Canada under Trudeau and his gang will be so far behind we will think we are first....
Sadly those who need to "like" the person to vote for them are the problem as they are completely material people..........................I vote for the policies I want to see, regardless of the person saying them. I vote for the whole team, and policies I want to see in Canada.

Sadly these material people are the same short minded people who have already forgot about billions squandered by Trudeau, the human rights violations, and the charter rights violations because they weren't directly effected by it. To these people I say, maybe not today.......................but tomorrow it will effect them, and I will be happy to ensure they feel the FULL BRUNT OF IT. Some lesson's need to be learned the hard way, and I'll ensure they learn it well. Once the country is in free fall, I won't care anymore and I will only help to accelerate it's impact at the bottom - I've got NOTHING to loose at that point.
