Documents released.

When you use this sort of video to justify your stance....that says a lot.....

This video is propaganda at it's best...

I think the switch happened when they saw how crazy he was.....before he announced his plan to run as president, he was no threat.
Somehow, someway the direct video recorded evidence can't stand up to your cognitive dissonance. Its okay... TDS is real even though its a thought form / belief there for making it invisible.

I could do the same thing.
I could deny we don't have a inflation problem.
I could deny we don't have a border crisis.
I could deny Kamala Harris didn't raise money to bail out BLM and Antifa members during the 2020 riots.
I could deny that the MSM has successfully brainwashed the masses into believing all manner of events are not true.

So, go ahead and tell me we have a propaganda problem if that is what you believe.

It appears that whatever YOU believe must be the only truth that exists until something changes your opinion.
Come on now.........................This is a direct video, of these same people who are now calling for his head. This is NOT propaganda, it's direct evidence.
Trump hasn't changed since the 90's, he's still saying the same things he was back then word for word...............The world has changed, and it's NOT for the better.

While I can't stand Trump Personally, I don't disagree with his policies...................Who is the US to think they can dictate to other sovereign nations how they operate? Perhaps the US should gets it own crap in order before it goes out trying to "fix" the world.

BTW, we have Trumps tax returns..................I'm still waiting for Hillary's Emails, Hunter Biden's Laptop (that apparently didn't exist till after the election), and the US people need to know who is "The big man" Hunter is referring too.
The US has had it's nose stuck into other countries for well over a hundred years and has done so under many different governmental administrations.

While Trump hasn't changed his ideology (even though he used to be a democrat) he was never in a position to put this ideology into practice until he became president-I honestly think he was as surprised as anyone that he got to that position....

Now like Poilievre, he is using his inside voice far too much to express his personal opinions which will turn off voters like a tap.....

Trump has expressed his opinion that Ukraine is demolished and Russia will be victorious and that Haitians are eating pets.....he will lose all the voters who support Ukraine (and there are many) and will lose all the voters who support the Haitians and there are lots of them out there too....

Speaking like Trump is these days will cinch the election for Harris as there are just too many people who won't vote for Trump.

It's going to be a rough few years for the US....
Somehow, someway the direct video recorded evidence can't stand up to your cognitive dissonance. Its okay... TDS is real even though its a thought form / belief there for making it invisible.

I could do the same thing.
I could deny we don't have a inflation problem.
I could deny we don't have a border crisis.
I could deny Kamala Harris didn't raise money to bail out BLM and Antifa members during the 2020 riots.
I could deny that the MSM has successfully brainwashed the masses into believing all manner of events are not true.

So, go ahead and tell me we have a propaganda problem if that is what you believe.

It appears that whatever YOU believe must be the only truth that exists until something changes your opinion.
Propaganda goes both ways.....just because you think it is being used by the Harris gang doesn't mean it isn't being used by the Trump gang too....

Trump is a man....a very flawed man, he is not the messiah of all........I said elsewhere that it's almost as though he is trying to sabotage his election chances with all his wild talk....

If TDS means that Trump is not a good are going to see a lot of people with it come election day...

I think you are going to be stuck with Harris and you can thank the republican party for that who couldn't manage to get a viable candidate to run against her....
Propaganda goes both ways.....just because you think it is being used by the Harris gang doesn't mean it isn't being used by the Trump gang too....

Trump is a man....a very flawed man, he is not the messiah of all........I said elsewhere that it's almost as though he is trying to sabotage his election chances with all his wild talk....

If TDS means that Trump is not a good are going to see a lot of people with it come election day...

I think you are going to be stuck with Harris and you can thank the republican party for that who couldn't manage to get a viable candidate to run against her....
The Dems are better at figuring out ways to troll the masses into believing things that are not true. 2 examples.

1. Trump is like Hitler... well... It sure sounds radical, but, is it true? Did Trump start any wars?

2. Trump will kill our Democracy? Is that what he did last time he was in office?

First of all... we are not a democracy... this word is maligned constantly.

We are a Constitutional Republic...

Trump will be a dictator? How is that possible with 3 branches of government?

The stupid never ends with the leftist marxist cabal of puppets in both government and media.

The left owns everything on an influential level. The own the MSM, education, Hollywood as well as other centers of influence.

People are easily manipulated into believing the worst about lots of people... bad news sells and travels about 300 times faster than good news.
The Dems are better at figuring out ways to troll the masses into believing things that are not true. 2 examples.

1. Trump is like Hitler... well... It sure sounds radical, but, is it true? Did Trump start any wars?

2. Trump will kill our Democracy? Is that what he did last time he was in office?

First of all... we are not a democracy... this word is maligned constantly.

We are a Constitutional Republic...

Trump will be a dictator? How is that possible with 3 branches of government?

The stupid never ends with the leftist marxist cabal of puppets in both government and media.

The left owns everything on an influential level. The own the MSM, education, Hollywood as well as other centers of influence.

People are easily manipulated into believing the worst about lots of people... bad news sells and travels about 300 times faster than good news.
Regardless, the masses will not vote for Trump and you are going to be stuck with Harris probably for one term only......but it will not be a productive term.

.....and even worse for us up here, we might be stuck with Trudeau again.....we really need to place a limit to how long these guys can hold the position.....
1. Trump is like Hitler... well... It sure sounds radical, but, is it true? Did Trump start any wars?
The only thing Trump has in common with Hitler is a way of hypnotizing people with his manner or speech patterns. It's the only way I can figure someone would believe in the idiot.
Trump will kill our Democracy? Is that what he did last time he was in office?
I've never said or read that he killed our democracy, evident because it is still there. What he did do was refuse to denounce the Proud Boys and other white nationalists, and then refused to give up his presidency peacefully. He is a terrible negative mark on our history of presidents.
It's funny that democrats say that Trump is the countries largest threat to democracy, when it was the democrats that basically gave Joe Biden the ultimatum.................either you step down and endorse Harris, or we will remove you from office and appoint Harris.

So it was the democrats that staged a political quo in the US and removed a sitting and elected president, and appointed one of their own...........Does that sound democratic to you????????, sounds more like a tyranny to me.

It's funny that democrats say that Trump is the countries largest threat to democracy, when it was the democrats that basically gave Joe Biden the ultimatum.................either you step down and endorse Harris, or we will remove you from office and appoint Harris.

So it was the democrats that staged a political quo in the US and removed a sitting and elected president, and appointed one of their own...........Does that sound democratic to you????????, sounds more like a tyranny to me.

You were probably one of the people making fun of Biden before he stepped down. The debate debacle was the last straw, but show me definitively where he was forced out. My understanding is he decided to step down on his own.
You were probably one of the people making fun of Biden before he stepped down. The debate debacle was the last straw, but show me definitively where he was forced out. My understanding is he decided to step down on his own.
You are making foolish comments again. Biden said 23 hours before being set aside by the real power brokers running things... I am not going anywhere... I am running to become your president for a second term. Take that to the bank....
Biden said all along he wasn't going anywhere and was going to run against Trump and beat him.............right up to the point he stepped aside. Even during the debate he stood firm.

This was a political quo, and anyone with any shred of common sense could see the last couple years Biden wasn't running anything anymore other than his own bowls.

This decision for him to step down was made for him, and forced upon him by those really running the country because they will stop at NOTHING to prevent Trump from being elected..........including side stepping a democratically elected president and his wish to run for office again.

He was given a choice........step aside on your own terms and save face, or you'll be removed and it won't look good for you.

I assure you, Obama, Hillary and Harris have been running the show for years............and they weren't going to take a chance loosing to Trump AGAIN, come he'll or high water.

The real threat to democracy in the US is the democrats and their political quos.

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You are making foolish comments again. Biden said 23 hours before being set aside by the real power brokers running things... I am not going anywhere... I am running to become your president for a second term. Take that to the bank....
You call that definitive? An 81 year old man changed his mind.
You say I’m being foolish.
Propaganda goes both ways.....just because you think it is being used by the Harris gang doesn't mean it isn't being used by the Trump gang too....

Trump is a man....a very flawed man, he is not the messiah of all........I said elsewhere that it's almost as though he is trying to sabotage his election chances with all his wild talk....

If TDS means that Trump is not a good are going to see a lot of people with it come election day...

I think you are going to be stuck with Harris and you can thank the republican party for that who couldn't manage to get a viable candidate to run against her....
Hi. Yes all the votes are already in the bags under the tables. They were all for Biden but some how they all just switched to Harris.
Hi. Yes all the votes are already in the bags under the tables. They were all for Biden but some how they all just switched to Harris.
I was wondering about that... How are they going to switch all those Biden votes / ballots to Harris.... seems they wasted a few bucks on ink and paper only to find out they printed the wrong loser on those pre selected ballots.

The guy at the print shop is loving it ! A do over in the millions !
Stubborn old men are like toddlers...................when they set their mind to something, it's damn near next to impossible to change their minds unless you force them to and they realize their is no way to get what they want.

If your generalized summarization of stubborn old men is your version of definitive, we're wasting our time here, Cameron.
and you can thank the republican party for that who couldn't manage to get a viable candidate to run against her....
There it is. People blame Democrats, liberal voters, anybody available, but it comes down to one horrendously flawed candidate, doesn't it?
A fifth grader could have seen this coming.
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If your generalized summarization of stubborn old men is your version of definitive, we're wasting our time here, Cameron.

There it is. People blame Democrats, liberal voters, anybody available, but it comes down to one horrendously flawed candidate, doesn't it?
A fifth grader could have seen this coming.
You are simply speaking inside the bubble you live in. People are waking up to the game of deception, rug pulls and the false ideologoies that have been with us for so long. Today we take in more information in a day that our ancestors did in a year a 100 years ago. A lot of what happens today isn't visible to most of us. However, over time people have woken up to the fact that the people running things really don't have our best interest in mind. This is going to force government and corporations to change in ways that they don't want to because many people are going to "Unsubscribe" from the group think sales pitch that these organizations have made a living on. The "shareholder structure" is going to have to settle for people leaving their once profitable programs and products until they can figure out a better way to serve people by giving them more value and less BS.
You are simply speaking inside the bubble you live in. People are waking up to the game of deception, rug pulls and the false ideologoies that have been with us for so long. Today we take in more information in a day that our ancestors did in a year a 100 years ago. A lot of what happens today isn't visible to most of us. However, over time people have woken up to the fact that the people running things really don't have our best interest in mind. This is going to force government and corporations to change in ways that they don't want to because many people are going to "Unsubscribe" from the group think sales pitch that these organizations have made a living on. The "shareholder structure" is going to have to settle for people leaving their once profitable programs and products until they can figure out a better way to serve people by giving them more value and less BS.
I agree with pretty much everything you said except the bubble part. I mean, I live in my head, yeah, but I’m aware. I like to hope there’s good in people but totally recognize that there might not be much.
What you and I don’t agree on is what constitutes a good person.
I agree with pretty much everything you said except the bubble part. I mean, I live in my head, yeah, but I’m aware. I like to hope there’s good in people but totally recognize that there might not be much.
What you and I don’t agree on is what constitutes a good person.
Nobody is perfect andwe are all a work in progress if we care about what we become. As far as leadership goes... whomever has the best policies that serve us in the ways that benefit the people that care about each other the most. What we see today is a certain segment of people that for the most part don't care about anything. Materialism is still their top priority... people, not so much. It's pretty easy to tell who the good people are once you have seen them doing what they are good at.