Donations to the site

Sounds alright here!
I always said a monthly membership/ "donation" is something to be considered. I would prefer to do an annual payment easier that way but anyway let me know where to send the $$$.
Don't like the idea of reoccuring charges to be on the site. Donation based as a start may work just fine for what Cap needs to cover.
No No, I think your right, it would just be handy as an option for some. I would like it personally, it's like a newspaper subscription. It would automatically charge my Amex $5 a month until I cancelled or stopped it... May not be for all, but it's something that I would like to see as an option anyway.

It's probably not an easy thing to set up, and it would involve storing credit card numbers and I am sure that is something the Captain doesn't want to get involved in, so it's a moot point anyway...

So uh yeah... I'll just toss my Jackson in there and keep quiet...

I am in. Do you want it by Paypal or I would be glad to send a check. As with all the others thanks for the hard work in keeping the site running!

I'm in....if I donate more can I "the best lookin' rider on the board" or something to that effect? I've always been a fan of being able to purchase status and prestige.....

Paypal or what Cap.?
I'm down wit whateva... Anything to keep our FAMILY together... RIIIIIIGHT!

I'm in for an annual donation, but agree that a recurring charge could be made optional for those that wish to use it.

I was a member of Team Chevelle before I sold it to my Dad, and they just sent an e-mail once a year for renewals. That site was free, but required a subscription to be able to post/view in certain areas. It was only $20 per year.

Captain, just figure out what the "cost per member" would be to keep the site going strong, and let us know.

Keep up the good work

EDIT: Oh yeah...I'm all for the 96x96 avatar bonus

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OK so here we go, this is a link to the donation screen... I if you want your member title changed put that there too.
Ok. Here's my thought.

There's about 8500 members listed in the directory.

Figure about 25% are fairly active members. That's about 2125 members looking around/asking questions/posting/etc.

If you charge an annual member ship of say, $20, you'll have about $40,000 p/year to maintain the site.

$20 is NOTHING compared to the value of the info on this site!

Divide it up this way:
Full Members: $20 - View/Post Messages/Upload Files.
Free Members: Free - View/Post Messages.
Guests: Free - View Only.

I'll ready for my Full Membership! Let me know what I can do to help.

Went to the Paypal link. Got it covered! Glad I could help this time.

I'm still open to my earlier suggestion.

Keep up the great site. It's by far the BEST Hayabusa site on the net!
hey Cap, I do not need any space for mail, I appreciate all that you do for this site and i make my contibution and thank ya for the site .... Don