DWI Sat...


Yeah, I'm basically screwed. Gonna b 6 mo revoked, no conditional, no driving even to work, bout 1000 in fines. When it's over I have to get my permit and take a road test like I'm 16 yrs old again, not to mention my lawyer fee's
Got pulled over for 65 in a 45 which is bullshit cause even cars go about 60 on this wide three lane road. Found out this State Trooper just hates sportbikes. When he pulled me over he was to the left of me not behind, and forcing me off to the sholder. I guess guys have dusted his ass in the past. He was even making comments like "well, you look like you do pretty good for yourself driving a fancy new bike and all". I was comming from a friends baby's christening had a few too many.(please spare me the lectures, i know I f ed up). Any way, just felt like sharing. Be carful out there everyone, We're not the most liked bikers out there, Lot of haters in law enforcment. And to think I was less than a mile from home where I was headed! No more drinking for me bro's, on a vehical or off, ain't worth it.
We're not the most liked bikers out there,  Lot of haters in law enforcment.  And to think I was less than a mile from home where I was headed!
That's a pretty irresponsible generalization IMO.

You drink to excess, you ride your bike, and you get stopped and arrested for DUI, and the police officer is a hater? If he was a smart ass with you, I certainly don't condone that, but could it not be said he was simply doing what we the taxpayers ask of him?

And what does the location you were at have to do with the price of tea in China? Should he have given you a pass and crossed his fingers that you didn't crash in that last mile before home?

There are hundreds of thousands of people who've had their families ruined by drunk drivers; were I in your shoes, I'd be looking at things on the bright side. You didn't die, nor did you kill anyone else.

But that's just me . . .
Always sorry for a mishap. As you said no lecture, but the cop may have saved your life. A few to many means the alcohol level was on the meter I assume. Take the classes if this is the first time you may get a deal if you can prove this did not happen before. If it has happen before (hope not) sell the bike. Bike plus boose is just plan stupid period.
I might have one beer whle riding, other then that, no way! Way too risky. My bike hardly gets rode on the weekend for this reason alone. Sorry you got it but you know how the saying goes,"you wanna play, you gotta pay". Not busting your balls or anything, just my opinion. I know I have been guilty while driving the cage plenty of times, but not the bike.
I agree that I was irresponsible, but there's more the the story with the trooper. I found out after the the fact that he make a habit of going after sport bikes ONLY and also makes a habit of running them off the road. Is that what people pay taxes for? to get ran off the road for doing 20 mi over the speed limit. Remember he had no idea of my condition before he pulled me over, that is just how he likes to stop bikes. The fact of my location was just kind of an ironic twist sir, but thanks for the lecture that I kindly asked not to get. I was just hoping maybe some could benifit from my mistake, and realize how seriuos the consequenses are..:;):
Time heals, buddy. So, I figure it's gonna be $2k total, during winter most don't ride anyway. It's a bit tough, but time goes by. Seems like you had a bit too many if it's DWI, and not DUI.

At least, you are not in prison, and I assume you keep the bike, right.

Just curious how did the cop decide to test you, I mean he smelled something, or what?

Look from philosophical perspective. On one hand not riding, fines, etc. sucks. On the other hand, who knows, maybe by not riding for 6 months you avoided bad accident down the road.

So, take it easy, watch races, save money for future upgrades.
Time heals, buddy. So, I figure it's gonna be $2k total, during winter most don't ride anyway. It's a bit tough, but time goes by. Seems like you had a bit too many if it's DWI, and not DUI.

At least, you are not in prison, and I assume you keep the bike, right.

Just curious how did the cop decide to test you, I mean he smelled something, or what?

Look from philosophical perspective. On one hand not riding, fines, etc. sucks. On the other hand, who knows, maybe by not riding for 6 months you avoided bad accident down the road.

So, take it easy, watch races, save money for future upgrades.
I keep the bike thank god, The cop said he smelled an odor of alc. when i was off the bike. But thats it for me man no more drinking PERIOD. No good comes of it for me. Thank god I was'nt dumb enough to try and run. Maybe somone would have gotten hurt..Well I figure I will hopfully be back in bussiness by may in time for next season, and a smarter person.
Good to know yer not a stat, bud. Hopefully it will be a learning experience for you.

We're all adults here...we should be able to recognize and be fully appreciative of our mistakes. For myself, I've drank once while I was riding...but it was only a beer and a half. I spilled out the other half because I wanted to be on top of my game...and I waited a good hour after my last swig before throwin a leg over the saddle.

Just glad it didn't turn out worse.
Glad to hear nothing serious happened. You gotta take the good with the bad and move on.
where were ya when he nabbed ya?i ride in ny all the time .AND DONT WANNA MEET OFFICER FREINDLY!!i dont care if how wasted you are. cops pulling ya for bullshit is bullshit!!sorry for your troubles.

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Yeah man, I pretty much got over booze back in college.  It just wasn't fun anymore and the other potential downsides just weren't worth it.  Now, I'm not really a Teetotaler but I rarely have a drink of any sort, and never have on the bikes.  

So just remember your not giving up much bro, just a bunch of morning headaches, and smokey bars full of assh@les you don't really want to hang out with anyway.

Pisser about the DWI, it's not as bad as a DUI at least.  I'd drop all the talk about an Officer "Out To get Sportbikes" and him picking on ya stuff.  Your Buddies and friends are prolly trying to make you feel better, the end results are the same but it sorta makes it sound like your saying this wasn't your fault.  If you really think there is a legitimate case, you can allways file a formal complaint.  Sounds like you handled yourself pretty well though all things considered.

Giving up alcohol is probably a damn good Idea, frequently a DWI, DUI, etc is a clear sign that all may not be well, and there might be a bit of a trend forming.  Oh and be glad we're not in another country, alot of other countries are tired of D!pshit's drinking and driving and they have some serious Jailtime, permanant Loss of License, all sorts of nasty other things in the books, Hell I think there whipings and the death penalty in a couple of countries for repeat offenders.  The U.S. is still pretty leniant over all.  

Hard to actually fess up to something like this though, takes a lot of balls.  OH and between us?  Sportbikes are seriously getting singled out, targeted, and fuggin hassled when out runnin around.  We have become the "Bad Guys" in a lot of places.  I get so fuggin tired of the informal and "sudden" police escorts I just could sh!t.  They are actually going so far to creep out to the abandoned lot's or dead end roads in the middle of no where to BUST the EVIL STUNTERS!!!!   By and large I don't blame the individual LEO, so much as the media, and fugwits stunting in traffic, or augering themselves into guardrails etc...
Just curious, if he has been seen trying to run bikes off of the road, he could lose his job and be charged with attempted murder. I mean anyone going any speed on a bike and gets run off the road then he could die from it and if he is doing it on purpose then he is basically trying to kill ya.
I agree that I was irresponsible, but there's more the the story with the trooper.  I found out after the the fact that he make a habit of going after sport bikes ONLY and also makes a habit of running them off the road.  Is that what people pay taxes for? to get ran off the road for doing 20 mi over the speed limit. Remember he had no idea of my condition before he pulled me over, that is just how he likes to stop bikes. The fact of my location was just kind of an ironic twist sir, but thanks for the lecture that I kindly asked not to get.  I was just hoping maybe some could benifit from my mistake, and realize how seriuos the consequenses are..:;):
If reminding the board of the seriousness of driving drunk is the true motivation for your post (not to obfuscate who is rightfully to blame), then I commend you. Perhaps by posting your experiences, you'll save someone a very big headache of his own, or worse.

Regarding the information you've developed which leads you to believe this trooper is a rogue who targets sportbike riders: if it's "actionable" (that is to say, even remotely provable), then I urge you to file a complaint with the LE agency in question.

If the information is what you've been told by other riders or is somehow exaggerated or is merely rumor and conjecture, then making broad brush remarks like "alot of haters in law enforcement" is as dangerous as it is for cops to make broad brush assumptions about guys on plastic bikes. Understand my point?

In any event, thank you for not going off just because I was somewhat critical in my first reply. That shows me you're someone who is capable of good judgment, this little bump in the road notwithstanding, and is willing to engage in the intelligent exchange of ideas (read: polite debate), something of a lost art these days.

I wish you well with your legal issues and the implication they may have on your DL and INS.
Sorry to hear about your DWI. I guess you won't be doing that again! You should've just made the worlds biggest baddest burnout in front of that cop and took off like a bat out of hell! Theres no way he would've caught up to ya! (just kidding) !!!!! I'm glad your okay and that no one got hurt.
Ive driven in a car wayyyy too many times when i shouldnt have. But , I told myself if im on my bike NONE!!!!!! Not even 1 , 1 leads to 2 and so on. We have way too many things to watch for and the price is SO high if you mess up even a lil on a bike. sj
Speed and alcohol just don't mix...Often LEO's will pull beside a bike to let them know that they are the subject of a traffic stop...Never should they force the rider/bike to the shoulder...You knew better than to do what you did but you gambled and lost...When you reflect on this more be thankful that you were blessed...