DWI Sat...

Bro I know what you mean. I got a DUI back in 1998, at the time I was 19yrs old. It was terrible, DL suspended for 1 yr, 200 hrs of community service(people making fun of you while working on the freeway offramps
) going to AA meetings & a drug & alcohol program, it's a learning experience. Just don't do it again. Like a couple of the other Busa Brothers said, it could have been worse if the LEO would have let you slide & he comes to find out later the you killed someone or yourself. So don't worry, you still got the Busa. You got The Lord looking out for ya Bro!
Hey man keep your head, time will roll by fast, and this will make you make wiser decisions. Sh!ts just life kicking you in the butt and ,making you make changes in your life that need to be made. Get some new mods. for your bike to pass the time. Stay safe man.
Jusmoov -

Sounds like you have learned from your mistake.. and that is all anyone can expecy from any of us.

Not sure why you are catching so much flack from the other people on the board, you right off the bat stated you know you screwed up and you wont do it again.

I know guys who have got busted for DUI and still think "the man" screwed them and they should not have gotten a ticket.

Anyway, hang tough, learn from the mistake and some day it will just be a bad memory..

And like a few others have said, it sucks, but when you think it sucks look at the bright side that you didnt get hurt. I allways do that to myself, when I am bummed about something I find a way to make it not feel so bad.. helps to deal with stuff.

Hang tough....
Sorry for your bad luck, alchohol just impairs your judgement way to much while riding.
Live and learn and sin no more.
Hey jusmoov,

First of all, I'm glad you're OK. Secondly, you've admitted to a terrible mistake and you seem to be sincerely sorry for your actions. As long as you are sincere and realize your mistake, then I won't bust your balls...
. I'll just say good luck and prepare for next riding season.
If you live up there in Rockland County or Orange County then you know better than to drink and drive so I cant say I feel sorry from you. I lived up in Orange County for years and NY law enforcement goes hard on bikes. They'll chase you down until your breathless! Not only that, you also know bikes are notorious for running from cops where you're at.. Our motto in Middletown, NY was "We make fools out of Troopers". So I know with you being that close you have to know the reputation of bikes up there. Especially around Bear Mountain, the Palisades, on the Thruway, Nyack, Spring Valley, lets not mention the Town of Tuxedo cop that died in 1997 chasing a biker. Bikes run from cops like its part of the plan. There is a cop in your area named John something, he is a tall white cop about 35 years old, I think he shaves his head bald, pretty built, tattoos on both arms, hard drill instructor face, stay out of his way. He'll chase you at triple digit speeds and then hit the turns just as hard as a bike. This fool can drive and he's made a living chasing bikes and he wont give up. You just made a poor decision on this one.
I'm sure you are doing a good thing by quitting your drinking. Just tonight a friend and I were discussing our beer drinking days. The topic came up because of all the drunk fools we saw in Daytona this weekend. We both realize that when drinking we thought it was great and fun, but as we reflect back on it, it was really the lowest points in each of our lives. I used to play in bar bands and was often given free beer every night and am not proud to say that I drove myself home every night. I finally quit about 6 years ago. I remember a whole lot more now and don't miss the hung over feeling I used to always have.

Stick to it.
I know I have been guilty while driving the cage plenty of times, but not the bike.[/QUOTE]

Ive driven in a car wayyyy too many times when i shouldnt have. But , I told myself if im on my bike NONE!!!!!! Not even 1 , 1 leads to 2 and so on. We have way too many things to watch for and the price is SO high if you mess up even a lil on a bike.[/QUOTE]

Unbelievable, I really love the line of thinking some people have.
So noble to think of your own safety by wrapping yourself up in a 3000 lb cage vs. a bike.

Please, next time you've had too many and feel the need to drive, take the bike instead. That way the rest of us along with our family and friends will be slightly safer on the road.
I know if someone I love is out driving along I'd much rather they get hit by a drunk on a motorcycle than a drunk in a cage.
I know I have been guilty while driving the cage plenty of times, but not the bike.

Ive driven in a car wayyyy too many times when i shouldnt have. But , I told myself if im on my bike NONE!!!!!! Not even 1 , 1 leads to 2 and so on. We have way too many things to watch for and the price is SO high if you mess up even a lil on a bike.[/QUOTE]

Unbelievable, I really love the line of thinking some people have.
So noble to think of your own safety by wrapping yourself up in a 3000 lb cage vs. a bike.

Please, next time you've had too many and feel the need to drive, take the bike instead. That way the rest of us along with our family and friends will be slightly safer on the road.
I know if someone I love is out driving along I'd much rather they get hit by a drunk on a motorcycle than a drunk in a cage.[/QUOTE]
Ya know.. in a sick sort of way, I cant argue with your point..

I read your post and all I could think was "yep.. the man has a point" lol

Nice post
I'm sure I'll end up getting some flack for that post, but as someone who was hit by a drunk driver many years ago, I have no tolerance or sympathy for anyone who gets behind the wheel drunk.

Luckily the accident I was in was minor. I was 16 years old and driving my '77 Vega (yeah laugh, but this car was absolutely pristine and beautiful) that I worked my ass off for by bagging groceries. Drunk SOB came into my lane with his huge mid 70's stationwagon and hit the front end crushing the fender into the drivers side door...the hit was so hard it bent the unibody to the point the rear quarter panel buckled in. I had to crawl out of the window. Best friend was with me and he actually stood in front of the SOB's car to keep him from driving away while I managed to get his drivers license from him. I could smell the booze from 3' away as he stuttered and slobbered. Soon as my friend moved out of the way he took off leaving me with his license.

Cops got a hold of him days later and of course he had no insurance. If I had pressed charges he would have lost his drivers license and job. Luckily he saw things my way and paid me $200 a week until all the damage was paid off. Amazing what a good bodyshop can do when you tell them to "fix it no matter the cost".

If I had taken my little Honda CB360T that day I highly doubt I'd be here typing this.
Ive driven in a car wayyyy too many times when i shouldnt have.  But , I told myself if im on my bike NONE!!!!!!  Not even 1 , 1 leads to 2 and so on.   We have way too many things to watch for and the price is SO high if you mess up even a lil on a bike.  sj
i hate that poop... i think your missing the point..

sorry to single you out there bud.. i know your not the only one sayin.. Oh i did it in the car and it was no big deal.. but oh no.. not on the bike... i may get hurt! not an exact quote or anything.. but in general this is what you, and a few others are saying.

I'd personally rather you be drunk on a bike and run into my tahoe with my wife and daughter in it as drunk in your tahoe and run into my tahoe...

it's a pretty simple physics thing i'm looking at here.

to the rest of us (the ones that you crash into anyway)... it's not about how well you come thru the crash you just caused cuz your 'effed up on whatever you like to drink.. it's about how well our family/friends come thru the crash you caused.

the price is SO high for you on a bike... it's SO much higher for the rest of us if your in the car/truck/school bus/whatever you drive.

500pnd bike.. 3000pnd car... which would you rather be ran over with by some drunk moron?
haha,,, sorry I hadn't read all the way down...   I sorta stole yer thunder turbotorch... my bad... great minds really do think alike I suppose.

rest assured I agree with you 100% though... hahah as if it wasn't obvious from my post.

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I know what youre all saying. what I should have said is I USED TO drive when I knew i shouldnt have. That was when i was younger and much dumber and maybe luckier. Im 44 now and realize I was very lucky not to have hurt anyone or myself. Maybe Its age/wisdom but have a had a feeling for the last 10 years or so that Im on my own when comes to that kinda BS luck. My buds call me "smoke" , when I know Im done and dont want to do the bar thing, Im gone ,like a puff of smoke. I dont want to be there when the next round arrives. What I meant about the bike deal was maybe in a car you can have 1 or 2 and still be legal and ok to drive. I dont think a bike gives you that margin of error.
Those of you who live in glass house feel free to throw stones.... the rest of you... get off your:40:

Drinking + Sportbike + (65 in 45) = Dumb arss in my book.

Sorry for the bluntness, but, get real man.  To look at it any other way or to point at the cop is just denial.  It's probably the same logic that lead you to do it in the first place.

P.S. If you need someone to ride your bike and keep your oil fresh while you're taking your life lesson let me know. Luckily, I've had the good sense to ride responsibly without legal guidence.

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