dont ride your bike either bro,it will get impounded if you get stopped driving on a suspended liscense....PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION for you can drink and ride all you want on the bus
"learning your lesson real good" would have been hitting and killing a family of 4, like happened to a buddy of mine, his wife, and his 2 toddlers. you got off light. That's all im saying on the subject.
Dude I give you a F for getting a DWI that is without a doubt one of the stupidest thing you can do. It's too easy too get a ride. Anyway I am a cop and If your license is suspenped it is susupended period doesn't natter which state and you should only have one anyway.
(Tchill2much @ May 31 2007,11:24) Dude I give you a F for getting a DWI that is without a doubt one of the stupidest thing you can do. It's too easy too get a ride. Anyway I am a cop and If your license is suspenped it is susupended period doesn't natter which state and you should only have one anyway.
It's 2007, not 1973. With all we have learned about drinking and driving, people still do it. There's no other option but to be labelled at least partially retarded.
(Love my Busa! @ May 30 2007,20:30) This might be a stupid question, but if your liscence is suspended, how will you be on a bike? Ahh, never mind, I just read where your court date isn't until the 22 of June.
Not sure what the general feeling is, but it is sort of hard not to be judgmental about things like this - so I hope things work out for you, but I also hope you learn not to drink and drive/ride.
No offence, but everyone that drinks and drives says they learned their lessor. mostly after it is to late or kill someone. I hope that your over the limit was slightly over, but the fact that tossed you in most likely you were way over. I had a guy the other day all over the road drunk he almost took me out twice until I finally had to call the cops on him before he killed himself or others. Sorry for your problem, but it is a good think you got stopped by a cop instead of a tree or another car or bike.
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