I'm a professional Computer Geek, in the IBM mainframe world I have done it all, systems design, programming, data base admin, operations, network systems programming, project management, college level instructor, recently doing network/PC support of NT & Novell servers. An advanced degree in computer science ought to be helpful in sorting out fuel maps and FI programming logic. So hopefully when my Busa is delivered the third week of Dec I can be useful. I can't wait to tinker with a PCII, my homebuilt exhaust gas analyzer and a ramair pressure measuring instrument. My wife gets pissed when I experiment with her car. The 2K Busa will be my testbed this winter.
I have also raced SCCA G-stock, rock&ice climbed (in my youth), raced sailboats, currently a part time ski instructor, former US Army medic.
[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 21 November 1999).]