Never felt like answering this thread. Im a machinist in the specialty field of High
Speed Motion Picture Printing Equipment manufacture and repair. I analyze and
modify film printing equipment as needed to maintain image and sound track quality of
35 mm, 70mm, and Imax feature films. To sum it up- I look at a roll of film in the
theater, look at the SDDS, SRD, DTS, and analog sound tracks for QC on a special
computer, and make or modify the needed parts to maintain the overall quality you
expect when you put down your eight bucks at the theater. This covers color balance,
image stability, sound quality, and the overall "feel" of the print. I use a full shop with three Bridgeport's, two Cincinnati's, about ten lathes, an OD and a surface grinder, full weld shop, electronics shop and lots of other stuff.
Its like getting paid to play-
I get paid to sit and watch movies, then fix them when i see somthing i dont like-