How come no one talks about performance? Some of the things EVs are capable of in terms of acceleration and handling are amazing. What about non-existent maintenance? I have to change the oil in my truck every 5K (twin turbo V6)! That is a real pain in the arse. If I drove it across the country I would need an oil change planned into the trip.
I'm seeing the change go faster than I expected here in the States. Every WAWA has a block of charging stations. And every building we design gets the tax rebate for charging stations. And a few more summers like this one and people are going to start to rush to do anything to stop GW.
As for control
@Blanca BusaLess , my truck sends all the telemetry to Ford already, as does my BMW. I'm just waiting for them to attach the speedo to the nav system and just send you tickets automatically!