When i was signing papers the salesman didnt point this out and i blindly signed away. I wish i would have done more research and paid more attention with the paperwork. If the frame is scratched what happens? I have full coverage but no gap unfortunately.On a business note, check your coverage and make sure you have gap insurance. As soon as you sign paperwork on a new vehicle it depreciates immediately. Gap insurance covers the "gap" between what you owe (new vehicle cost) and what insurance will pay (low mileage used vehicle cost) in the event that it's totalled. If the frame is scratched assume it's gonna be. With the cost of oem replacement parts it really doesn't take much to write one off. Not trying to scare you, just wanted to warn ya. I sold cars for a little while and I learned that gap insurance is the only dealer add on worth buying, and then only for a couple of years.
Get a full system. This might not be so bad after all. Get the money, fix it yourself. You'll probably have cash left over. Don't get in any more crashes for a while.Its crazy how much one oem muffler is. Over 1k! For one!
Different companies and states have different policies and regulations, but if they deem the frame as needing replacement it's likely to be a total loss. I've seen a scratch be the cause of that. Find out what the law is about buying a vehicle back, here in Illinois for example it has to be a certain age before you can. If you have a good relationship with your agent that helps, but understand that for an insurance company it comes down to money and nothing else. They'll do all they can to keep it.When i was signing papers the salesman didnt point this out and i blindly signed away. I wish i would have done more research and paid more attention with the paperwork. If the frame is scratched what happens? I have full coverage but no gap unfortunately.
When i was signing papers the salesman didnt point this out and i blindly signed away. I wish i would have done more research and paid more attention with the paperwork. If the frame is scratched what happens? I have full coverage but no gap unfortunately.
I agree 100%. When I had my first scrape I used it as an excuse with the wife to start upgrading. See what I did there?I’ve had a few bikes show up in the same situation. Here’s my opinion. Yes $500 is a cheap deductible. A scrape on the frame, and gas tank are the quickest way to total out a new bike as those are the two most expensive parts to replace OEM.
2020 parts cost the same as 2008 parts. So I see only $1500 worth of damage. Why? You already talked to me about a turbo for it. And a swing arm usually gets tossed in to that mix. Unless you’re an absolute perfectionist, most wouldn’t even notice the scuff on the tank. So that leaves a nose, right side plastic, and right side tail plastic, and fender. Personally a low profile fender leeks better and 1/4 of the price.
Long term, if it doesn’t come out in the wash that biker dude was at fault now you have an expensive insurance claim on a brand new “sport bike”. This will jack your rates. And if your company boots you, you’ll have a hell of a time finding anyone else to insure you at a rate you can afford.
There may be some other variables, but from my experience as a shop that has done insurance claims, long term it doesn’t end up well for the owner. I usually tell guys, if the bike wasn’t stolen, or run over in a parking lot, it’s cheaper in the long run to just pay out of pocket to fix some minor rash.
This 100%Sorry to see this bro. Glad ur ok, minus the pride. But like u said, we have all been there...eventually. As far as insurance payout with a lein, it depends on which state ur in. Been there, done that. My insurance paid me a check directly.
A good friend of mine had this exact thing happen to him on his M109. Hit the bicyclist going about 40 tho. Banged up, but not that bad considering. Sued the bicyclist and was awarded 350k. I am not the kind of guy that promotes lawsuits, but in this case... lawyer up asap.
i was extremely upset when i got up, started to lose my cool then the pain started coming on. I started to go off on him but he looked just as shook up as me.I'm sorry I would have got up and whooped the tar out of the guy on the bike. No not really but I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from giving him and earful.
Glad you're ok. The bike will get paid for.
Get a full system. This might not be so bad after all. Get the money, fix it yourself. You'll probably have cash left over. Don't get in any more crashes for a while.
I was really upset after getting up. first thing i asked him was what were you doing? i could tell the guy was shaken up so i checked to see if he was ok. the guy didn;t even look that was the worst part smh. ive thought about a full system but am not sure i want to go through the hassle of changing it or having to get it re tuned. I dont want to fix anything on it myself. i dont trust myself to work on this one. i did a good bit of work on my gen 1 and it didn't work out so well. i may be able to handle some of the smaller stuff but not gonna try to change the bigger things.I'm sorry I would have got up and whooped the tar out of the guy on the bike. No not really but I don't think I would have been able to restrain myself from giving him and earful.
Glad you're ok. The bike will get paid for.
Get a full system. This might not be so bad after all. Get the money, fix it yourself. You'll probably have cash left over. Don't get in any more crashes for a while.