Finally happened...

I’ve had a few bikes show up in the same situation. Here’s my opinion. Yes $500 is a cheap deductible. A scrape on the frame, and gas tank are the quickest way to total out a new bike as those are the two most expensive parts to replace OEM.

2020 parts cost the same as 2008 parts. So I see only $1500 worth of damage. Why? You already talked to me about a turbo for it. And a swing arm usually gets tossed in to that mix. Unless you’re an absolute perfectionist, most wouldn’t even notice the scuff on the tank. So that leaves a nose, right side plastic, and right side tail plastic, and fender. Personally a low profile fender leeks better and 1/4 of the price.

Long term, if it doesn’t come out in the wash that biker dude was at fault now you have an expensive insurance claim on a brand new “sport bike”. This will jack your rates. And if your company boots you, you’ll have a hell of a time finding anyone else to insure you at a rate you can afford.

There may be some other variables, but from my experience as a shop that has done insurance claims, long term it doesn’t end up well for the owner. I usually tell guys, if the bike wasn’t stolen, or run over in a parking lot, it’s cheaper in the long run to just pay out of pocket to fix some minor rash.

At this pont i have three bikes and all three of them are out of commision. My harley won't stay running, the gen 1 is ok but needs a ton of tlc and a tune and now im the proud owner of a crashed 2020. I i didnt pay so much for insurance I would try to come out of pocket. The guy admited guilt to the police and told the police exactly what happened, i know that doesn't make me safe but makes me feel a little better.

i havent been a perfectionist so far but being this bike is the nicest thing ive ever owned i would say yea i am. i think i could deal with the dent though. one of the first questions the shop asked was if the tank was dented, and i figured that was because its and expensive part.

im sure imma get stuffed by the insurance company, my insurance rate is probably more than some of the peoples bike notes are. Money is tight as i have the high note and high insurance along with life bills and the other projects i have going on along with trying to save for a house.

Just about my entire biking career has been riddled with trouble. mostly trying to get bikes running right or fixing other issues. im starting to wonder if riding is even worth it at this point.
If its the person in the bicycles fault can't you go after his car insurance?
I'd sure try.
His fault he pays
im not sure about this, he admitted fault and i did have the green light but im still not sure. there was two people that i knew that was at the intersection that seen the whole thing happen.
Sorry to see this bro. Glad ur ok, minus the pride. But like u said, we have all been there...eventually. As far as insurance payout with a lein, it depends on which state ur in. Been there, done that. My insurance paid me a check directly.
A good friend of mine had this exact thing happen to him on his M109. Hit the bicyclist going about 40 tho. Banged up, but not that bad considering. Sued the bicyclist and was awarded 350k. I am not the kind of guy that promotes lawsuits, but in this case... lawyer up asap.
ive thought about this my neck has been pretty sore from the wreck. time will tell though still not sure which way to go.
i was extremely upset when i got up, started to lose my cool then the pain started coming on. I started to go off on him but he looked just as shook up as me.
I think I would have reacted the same way you did. Lots of things must have crossed your mind in a few seconds. Accidents happen and sometimes it's because people do stupid things. It would have been just as likely something flew out the back of a truck and caused you to crash. Accidents. You can do your best to avoid them and that's the best you can do.

The insurance should cover labor but I would still get a full system since you need to replace a muffler anyway. Might be better to let a shop do the repair incase there's anything bent that goes undetected when the adjuster looks it over. There's not a lot of fairing brackets on a busa but that top stay can bend a touch and then the fairings might not fit perfectly.
Picked up my 2020 from the shop from the 1000 miles service. Just put the plate on today. 20 minutes later this happened. I was slowing down for the red light when it turned green. I was crossing the stop line when a person on a bike was crossing. At this point i brake hard in an effort not to hit him dead on. All i could do at this point is aim for his back tire. Not sure where to start with all this. My first wreck involving someone else and having full coverage. I guess the saying "its not if, its when" holds true. I have minor road rash and the biker walked away so im glad its not worseView attachment 1623967View attachment 1623968View attachment 1623969View attachment 1623970View attachment 1623971

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Hi. From what I see you will need a mirror lever and may be a bar end. I have bought many wrecked bikes and fixed them. A girl backed into my ZX 11 at work. They said $4,700.00 to fix. They totaled the bike. I bought it back fixed it and put $4,000.00 in my pocket. Same bike it got backed in to again. Right in front of my ins agent. they totaled the bike again. I put $4,500.00 in my pocket again. I had the bike sold for $4,500.00 before , so I took a $1,000.00 off the price for the scratches. I had payed $1,500.00 for the bike because it was crashed when I bought it. I was into the bike for $2,500.00 . It had 600 miles when I got it, when sold it had 5500 miles on it. I wish I could do that with all the stuff I buy!
im not sure about this, he admitted fault and i did have the green light but im still not sure. there was two people that i knew that was at the intersection that seen the whole thing happen.

This is his fault and his insurance will cover it.
Look into asap. Get a lawyer involved IMO.
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So i talked to the shop yesterday and the guy at the shop said 5900 in damage. Talked to insurance and he is writing it up now and will call me tomorrow with the details. This bike is finaced and the bike note has only been paid two times. Fingers crossed that its not totaled but do i have any options if it is totaled?
So i talked to the shop yesterday and the guy at the shop said 5900 in damage. Talked to insurance and he is writing it up now and will call me tomorrow with the details. This bike is finaced and the bike note has only been paid two times. Fingers crossed that its not totaled but do i have any options if it is totaled?
QUOTE You can buy it back. If they can save money they total theml. If it is cheeper to to fix them they will fix it. I had 2 of my bikes totaled I bought them back I fixed them and put $8,000.00 in my pocket. I had one sold for $4,700.00 so I sold it to him with a few scratches of $3,500.
So i talked to the shop yesterday and the guy at the shop said 5900 in damage. Talked to insurance and he is writing it up now and will call me tomorrow with the details. This bike is finaced and the bike note has only been paid two times. Fingers crossed that its not totaled but do i have any options if it is totaled?

1. Call a lawyer

you are entitled to loss of value, also your deductible.
Example you bought your bike for 10k.
its 2 months old now worth 9 and insurance totals it and says 9k.
Whos is responsible for that other $1k.... His insurance and its called loss of value.

They will total the bike. Get all your cash and then go buy brand new, again Thats lots of damage about 50% of the replacement value.
Ive heard of buying them back and it crossed my mind. I dont want it to get totaled on one hand but on the other things are slowing way down at work....
1. Call a lawyer

you are entitled to loss of value, also your deductible.
Example you bought your bike for 10k.
its 2 months old now worth 9 and insurance totals it and says 9k.
Whos is responsible for that other $1k.... His insurance and its called loss of value.

They will total the bike. Get all your cash and then go buy brand new, again Thats lots of damage about 50% of the replacement value.
How does this work if he was on a bicycle? Would your recommendations still apply? Thanks for this info im new to all of this shade and dont know the ins and outs.
His car insurance should cover him.
Whats the verdict with the insurance - did they total the bike?
Oh I see, i would have to look into it, not sure if he own's a car and has insurance or not.
I spoke to the insurance guy at lunch and he said it isnt totaled and is sending the check for repairs. Hopefully i can get the titanium exhaust ive been wanting...
Why were you afraid to contact a lawyer?
Most lawyers will tell you up front if you have a case to go forward with.
They would find out if the bike rider has insurance to go after.

Even if you received $$$$ from your insurance Co. a lawyer could tell you right away
if that was a deal killer.

You basically have nothing to lose to contact a lawyer and ask a few questions.
If he sends the check to you personally, to do as you wish,fix it yourself and pocket the change.
Buy used parts,that look good,etc.
Thanks for the advice. I spoke with him today and he received the check. He told me i could pick it up and do whatever pretty much.i thought about do exactly as you said. I wasnt expecting to wrench on this bike except for the smaller stuff. I can handle the work but i am short on time when i get to be home. 5900 would add some bells for sure.