Flashed my first ECU today (pics inside)

sorry guys, you'll have to forgive me... I am mechanically challenged :whistle: The purpose of this box is basically derestriction, better A/F, and faster top speed... correct ??? Did I miss anything else :bowdown:
Is there anyway of datalogging with the factory ecu? I've been playing with turbo mitsubishi cars for a few years and that was possible via laptop or even a palm pilot. Of course in that situation there were OBD 1 & 2 ports. Sorry to come off topic somewhat. Maybe it was already covered in the forums somewhere? But I haven't stumbled across it yet and this is the kinda stuff I'm into. Wrenching without the wrenches kinda.
yes! with a laptop you can log the stock ecu data stream..you can not log to the stock ecu though. there is also a pluggin that allows you to log the stock ecu data stream, i have been using it in conjunction with my innovate DL-32 to log the stock ecu paramaters then play it back in log works, the down side to it is that it requires a laptop connected between the two. the interface that greg has will allow you to do this if you have a innovate dl-32 , i'm not sure about the lm1 as my experience has only been with the dl-32. we encourage any one interested in learning this stuff to purchase the USB TTL CONVERTER cables and switches to make the interface, this has been made easier now that Greg can offer this service to you..for support you can find us over at sh.org or at ECU HACK Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa - ECU hacking
This stuff offer limitless possibilities it will replace ignition kill box, power commander, shift light, ignition retart box, nitrous window switch...plus much more..:beerchug:
yes! with a laptop you can log the stock ecu data stream..you can not log to the stock ecu though. there is also a pluggin that allows you to log the stock ecu data stream, i have been using it in conjunction with my innovate DL-32 to log the stock ecu paramaters then play it back in log works, the down side to it is that it requires a laptop connected between the two. the interface that greg has will allow you to do this if you have a innovate dl-32 , i'm not sure about the lm1 as my experience has only been with the dl-32. we encourage any one interested in learning this stuff to purchase the USB TTL CONVERTER cables and switches to make the interface, this has been made easier now that Greg can offer this service to you..for support you can find us over at sh.org or at ECU HACK Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa - ECU hacking
This stuff offer limitless possibilities it will replace ignition kill box, power commander, shift light, ignition retart box, nitrous window switch...plus much more..:beerchug:

Any thing going on with the 2008 ECU's Yet? Thx in advance :beerchug:
just checked link and they do have a forum also dedicated to the Gixxer line as well. WOW!! :cheerleader::thumbsup::beerchug:

AW MAN!! This is gonna be a super fun winter project (like we even have winters here in SoCal).
Greg ????...... YOU DA' MAN !!! :super: but you knew that already...I've said it before. So let's cut to the chase. When will you have this kit available and how much ??? $125 ???.....I'll send you money as soon as you want it. Do you have any idea how many Busa guys here in Vegas could benefit from the Spud having such a tuning tool ????.......besides, I'd like an additional 1000 rpm on top myself.

Now the turning off the limiter doesn't apply to me anymore right ????.......what else will it change after the flash. Does my mapping stay in place, and all that ???.....you're gonna need to send me a set of instructions.... :super:
Did some reading....12,000 rev limit here I come !!!! Darn it Greg....Now I need a 220 Speedo !!! :oldcool: Awaiting your reply..... :super:
will this work along side the PC3? can i just de restrict and higher the rpms and still use the pc3 maps?
Yes sir

If that's all u want might be eaiser to just send me your 02 to 07 ecu and I could reflash it for you

If u wanna play with other stuff the hardware would be nice to have
Posted via Mobile Device
how much would that be? im down. if anf when i get into NOS ill buy this but if i can get some goodies done for a good price im down. pm me all that can be done to the ecu and a price and when i can ship..lol oh lord here we go again.
I am going to try and do the re-flashing units for $125, with $25 of that going to the DaveO Memorial fund.

To reflash it for no 6th gear restriction and up the rev limiter to whatever you want probably about $40, and some of that will go to the DaveO memorial fund.

I would prefer to sell people the box so that you can do this stuff yourself, lots of options

Engine kill box
auto shift
shift light
window switch
adjust timing
adjusting fueling
adjust ram air compensation
Greg, you're a good man :bowdown:

I saw your post over at SH.org as well.

software is all available online through bikeland etc, i can get links for you

Kit is pretty much ready now, thinking in the $125 range for it, i would like to donate $25 or so from each unit to the DaveO fund as he was a huge part of all this.

No datalogging though, not enough ram on the ecu to do that.
Excellent. Yes we will miss Dave, he was an electronics Tech as well as a bike Guru. As a matter of fact I first met Dave in the personal electronics department at BOSE.

You however are doing fine. :)