Flashed my first ECU today (pics inside)




thanks gixers, I have a lit of about 20 people saying they want / need one, have a couple assembled and just waiting on a few parts to show up to build a bunch of them, hoping to have 10 ready this weekend, and more shortly there after.

As an FYI, the price on my site will be going up as retailers are going to carry them and the pricing I had on there barely covered any cost or time, let alone anything for a dealer to be able to stock etc. Even at the new price they will still be a bargain and should hopefully flood the market.

DUUDDE, you even have a green shift light as an option....how can I say no........I'll be ordering this weekend.
Forgive me I haven't read the whole thread (lazy), but what is the box w/ the toggle switch for?
it's use to flash and log the stock 02-07 hayabusa ecu, using the ECU EDITOR SOFTWARE which you download for free...at present it allows you to change rev limiter, adjust ignition and fuel maps, activate shifter, and program VCSA output as shift light, increase voltage to coil pack for stronger spark currently up to 20%..plus much more too much to list here...i have been using it now for about a year it all works very impressive stuff...:beerchug:
So- you just made a pigtail up to hook to a 12vdc power source?? I know I want that too. What are the specs for the power source...how many milliamps does it need to be?? As I have a few already.
switch in one direction is for flashing, other direction is to view gauge data, in the center is engine run position.

shouldn't require much power, the supply i have is nothing fancy, $30 radio shack unit
I got mine !!!! :super: Greg, I am expecting screw-up proof instructions with my interface, and what's this about a power supply ????....... You're going to get some questions, as I want to be "very" up to speed when mine arrives.... :oldcool:
pay no attention to that spudley, thats only for flashing on the bench, for flashing on a bike no power supply is needed, the bike powers the ecu, on the bench if you wanted to flash like I will when its freezing outside LOL, ill do them in the basement
best bet is to upgrade to 02-07 electronics, thats what i am doing on my turbo bike, if not you have to open up the ecu etc, not worth it IMO