Flashed my first ECU today (pics inside)

Thanks guys, the first 10 are shipping tomorrow

First check going to the Owen family tomorrow as well

If you have sent me $$$ you are getting one shipped tomorrow, more parts coming later this week to build at least another 10, at the moment only a couple are sorta spoken for, the rest $$$ haven't been sent for as of yet.

ECU Flashing

Thanks as always, I really appreciate every piece of business I get from everyone

Can't I just hack the flapper valve connector and run it with the shift light connected ????...... :super:
If you want tje flapper to come on at redline I suppose lol

No real way to do both unless u wanna shift at idle, stock it comes on at 1100 to 2200 I think
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ok I am a tech idiot here, but would love to do like the air box mod and a couple other llil mods, but need nore fuel in order to do this, This can re-map the fule sysytem correct? and if so I am by no means smart enough to do this myself, How much would you charge if we sent out ecu to you and asked you to flash it for us? is that apossiblity?
Yep you can change just about everything with this, but to just arbitrarily add or remove fuel then send it to you wouldn't work, would need it on a dyno or if doing partial throttle cruise stuff need to ride the bike and make adjustments

Me flashing it is easy, but I can't guess as to what to flash for fueling etc
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Are u going to sublet some reflashs on the side, because I am defintely interested. I have an extra ECU so I could ship you mine and still be able to ride. If so let me know a price and approx. turnaround .:bowdown:
Looking to flash ECU for drag racing. Raise rev limit, eliminate 6th gear restriction. I am running open exhaust so poor on the fuel at a reasonable map curve. Can you make it work as a launch limiter? Would like NOS capabilties for later mods. A real simple bracket racer setup would be nice. Can you help?I understand the delimma of not knowing my demands and needing to be able to Dyno. How much for your Kit? I am compter literate but I am afraid of getting in over my head and F---ing something up.
Limiters and no 6th gear restriction is no problem, I can't really tune your fueling from my house though
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