Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas

:dunno:.....we are kind of waiting for you to test things out.....:laugh:

BUGGER :rofl:
Well flashed and loaded 10 pm here now so it's pc3 comes off in the morning and dyno fun begins. Have used a pcv map for Re77 converted to ECU Editor as a base and will build from there. :beerchug:
:thumbsup:... curious, will you hook the O2 sensor back up.... wondering what the AFR will be.

No won't hook sensor back up as I prefer to control fuelling as the sensor seeks to maintain and obtain A/F readings I don't want. Basically what i give it is what it runs at. Also with the AFR meter on the Dyno I have no need to do also.
Naturally aspirated I run 12.8 full power 14.7 (Lamda) at cruise. Turbo bike I keep at below 11.5 full power. I always er on the rich side as the few extra ponies one gains from the lean side isn't worth the risk.

Now anyone wanna buy a pc 3 for gen 11 :rofl: Took the xtre of and thats gone sold in an hour :thumbsup:

Petrik >>>>>>>> EXCELLENT stuff at an unbeatable price :bowdown:
Greg >>>>>>>> Great Products and a gentleman to deal with :thumbsup:
Ok time to wake the neighbours :laugh:
Mean't to add regards the pcv map converted I expect to find it super fat as with all pc maps built based on the US bikes. Every map I have ever used from pc here in Oz has to have heap loads of fuel taken out. Another reason why I'm not a pc fan along with their failure rate :whistle: Have had Busas since 99 including wet shot NOS and RCC turbo the Gen 11 is the first bike I have ever personally had one on.
Reflash ............... simplifies gotta be the way to go.
Well Greg you know what they say ? You can never have to many toys in the toy box >>>>>>>>> example below :whistle:



Ok got an error message whilst reflash
Read as below

No ACK After writing a block = 13 page = 83 and was up to D in reflash

Flashed again
No ACK after writing a block = 5 page = 68 ad was up to 5 in flash
Bugger alls good till then :laugh:

No ACK after writing a block = 11 page = 102 ad was up to B in flash

So my question is to those that know ?????
Where's my ACK ? who took it ? :rofl:

Pssssssssssssst anyone wanna buy a fast Busa ? Goes as fast as ya can push it LMAO

Alls good the "Man" will sort it I'm sure
make sure you don't have any other programs open at the same time while flashing, especially email doing auto send receives etc that what petrik was saying at one time seemed to cause ack errors. for safety sake, disconnect from wireless etc and close all programs but ecu 2.0 and give it a whirl
All was going Excellent :cheerleader:
Just needed to add a little fuel at 100% around the 4 to 6 K range and would have had it nailed.
The red fuel line thru the lean point of fuel graph is PC 111 loaded so can see has nearly duplicated it :thumbsup:

Flash Graph 1.jpg
Greg Smith of SMITHABUSA fame you are the champ of champs Sir :thumbsup:
I noted during flash that windows threw up the little note saying wireless connection is now connected and thought it funny as it was connected before ?
Ok back to dyno ...................... ps Power Commanders allready sold .......... paid for two flashers :thumbsup:
Is one allowed to say **** Hot on here ?
Cheers and thanks again Greg
Greg, When I flashed mine in fast mode it took about 4-5 minutes. Is this correct? Also How do you save the stock ecu map? Before changes are made?

ALso your product I give 100%:thumbsup:
Turbogixxer what speed comp are you using ? Mines taking way longer like 15 minutes ?
2 gig core duo with a gig ram ................ I reckon it should be quicker ? :beerchug:
petrik has it setup so the first time you flash per session it does a full flash, then after that you can do fast flashes if you dont open advanced settings. so if you select fast flash, it will do a full one first, then start tweaking things and flash again and it should go much quicker. fast flash is meant for dyno tuning to speed the process by not flashing everything all the time
Greg spoke to Petrik via email regards the speed and have just added 2 gig of ram to laptop so hopefully that and a few back ground programs shut down will speed it up. But all in all excellent :thumbsup: flashed about ten times today and once gliche as in wireless was sorted ....... perfect every time. Allready have better results than pc and not even finished trimming map as yet. :beerchug: I had also fitted HID's with a switch to turn headlight off so this came in handy for the ignition on time saving a lot of battery drain.
I had also fitted HID's with a switch to turn headlight off so this came in handy for the ignition on time saving a lot of battery drain.[/quote]

I also set my HID's up with an On/Off switch.....like you said, for EE2 Flashing, turns out it was a Great Idea(I did something right the first time for once :laugh:)! Saves battery and Head light life. :thumbsup: