Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas

You don't need to convince me mate I am going to do it as soon as finances permit and as a mechanic myself I am not unaware of the potential it offers and I agree there's nothing else out there for the money that can do what this does what I'm saying is its nice to know were other people have had problems so maybe I'll be prepared enough not to run into the same dramas (i.e I can't afford a $2100 F#@k up ) as for building a complete map your a long way ahead of me atm all i want is remove the limiter full ign adv in all gears and MAYBE adjust the iap map to try and smooth out the low speed snatchiness but i have heard timing retard removal improves that anyway (one again I am a novice!) thanks every1 for your help and info :thumbsup: I'll go back to my corner now and let the engine management gods talk about important things again:beerchug: p.s coffs harbour NSW if your ever down this way mate give us a shout!

an important note, OZ_BOSS's ecu isn't fried by any means. ECU editor has stuff in the code that wont allow programming of if it doesn't recognize the ecu as a hayabusa ecu. we ran into this on toxsick's california bike at first and corrected it. Now when he had an error in flashing it most likely has a missing address that identifies the ecu to the ecu editor program, as soon as he can use the verify button to download the map and send it petrik he is going to change the software for this condition :)

By no means should you be worried about destroying an ECU by flashing it. Petrik will have this sorted out asap :)
Don't think for a second that i blame the software or any1 else associated with it nor am i put off from getting it the opposite in fact the more i hear about it the more i want it (damn lack of money!!!), all I'm saying is I need to be carefull about how i go about it (temporarily unuseable busa makes beau a cranky boy) and if i can stuff it up (thats: ME!) then chances are i will, belive me i have faith!:bowdown::beerchug:
Well looks Like our Sir Petrik has ALREADY corrected the problem/error..NEW UPDATE(make sure to update your EE2), along with repairing what ever minor problem there was, he also added ANOTHER NEW FEATURE! :cheerleader:This Man is unbelievable...
Def a Hayabusa Gawd! :thumbsup:
Great newz for me last night......
I took ToXSicK down to the local Bike Night, and wouldn't you know they had a DYNO CONTEST there! :whistle:Its was 30.00 to enter and TOP HP takes ALL!(was not that many bikes in my class though:banghead:, but still took 1st Place! :banana:
Now remember Fellaz, since I've yanked my Bazzaz off and switched to EE2, I have not had a chance to tune on a Dyno, only seat of my Arse and Wego3 AFR Data logger tune. Drum Roll please......With my Bazzaz Map loaded into EE2, Hard limiter only, Played with timing a little, limiter set to 11.8K.....She pumped out 184HP on 89 pump gas(more in here, need to do some more tuning)......Thank you Petrik & Greg!:bowdown: Thats 3 more HP then the last time I dyno'd it(granted it was NOT the same dyno though....so Take it for what its worth):beerchug:
:thumbsup: Toxic ................ great to see your as impressed as I :thumbsup:
I think all and any that use this will be just as impressed it's great stuff.
Pearso as Greg says this ECU is by no means a write off was simply a gliche I couldn't get around at the time and wanted to move forward. cost wise I just put it down to R&D and move on :thumbsup: Besides I will surely be able to use the ECU down the track without doubt hence the no hesitation in buying it ................. $2100.00 retail not trade. Pearso Greg :bowdown: has allready shipped a bench flash unit to me and if you want you can allways just simply send me your ECU I'll remove all the limiters and send it back to you ? (Express post would be less than a 3 day turn around) I'll also guarantee that if there is any failure I'll buy you a new one ............. no risk. Give it a thought :thumbsup: Actually on that note Pearso I just sent a flash unit to a mate in Sydney he will have it Monday so could also put you onto him but it's an on bike flasher so you would have to take the bike to him .............. anyways just some alternatives for you.................. but bottom line I can have you de restricted within the week LOL
Ok time to awaken the neighbors this fine sunny Qld morning. Cheers guys n gals
Damn ................ in mail with Petrik last night I mentioned it would be great to have a print feature to be able to print out fuel tables ? Guess what ? Only several hours later version .............. print capability ................ Sir your way to much :thumbsup:
thanks for the offer boss to be honest i'm kinda keen to have my own I don't have alot of tuning experience and find you only learn if you try plus altho thats all i want now, down the track who knows? i understand your ecu isn't stuffed and once again I'm not worried about ANYTHING! to do with ecu editor from all accounts it is the goods and the blokes behind it are truly legends!:thumbsup::bowdown: Damit all this talk i gotta go for a ride now or have a cold shower or somthing!
Finally got a day off to play with my new ECU kit that I rec'd from Greg, using Petrik's latest release ver. After some initial headaches with those darn little ECU cannon plug pins, looks like I'm good to go! :thumbsup:

I used the little tweezers on my leatherman micro and the little prongs fit perfect around the pins and that allowed me to properly seat pins 25 & 28. I also found an earlier thread about removing the ECU cannon plug yellow cap, so you can see if 25 & 28 are seated properly and mine weren't the first time around. :rulez:

They're all hooked up now and ran several engine off and on tests with lots of data streaming in. Kept it simple for now and just did basic stuff like removig gear limits, 11,500 rpm, etc and system ran the normal flash, took about 15 min and system advised flash was successful. Put her back together and she's running fine; took her for test run tonight and holy cow...where have you been all my life, haha! :cheerleader: Will stretch her legs out a little more tomorrow on some nice long runs here in SoCal.

For reference, I have a '08 Gen2 Busa (California model) with stock engine, stock air filter and Two Brothers Titanium Slip-On (Dual) system with Two Brothers EFI Controller ("Juice Box") with Two Brothers O2 Sensor shorting plug installed for the Juice Box. I'm not messing with the fuel side for now until I get a little smarter on the setup, but bike appears to be running just fine with the ECU Editor and Juice Box together.

One thing, for the California Gen II users, make sure you select CA in the Advance Settings (ECU Mode) for the initial Bin file setup to show the correct CA ECU PN, etc on initial load.

Best $200 I've spent in a long time and well worth it...thanks again to all for the insight and effort! :beerchug:
Just a question.....I flashed the ecu.....removed the soft cut limiters and removed the speed limiter. My bike seems to be guzzling gas quite a bit more and i'm just cruising around town. Nothing more than usual...didn't touch the fuel maps.....

Just a question.....I flashed the ecu.....removed the soft cut limiters and removed the speed limiter. My bike seems to be guzzling gas quite a bit more and i'm just cruising around town. Nothing more than usual...didn't touch the fuel maps.....


Doubtfull....but could be do to extra timing in lower gears now?? That would be about the only thing thats different now.
Doubtfull....but could be do to extra timing in lower gears now?? That would be about the only thing thats different now.

By removing the fuel cuts and speed limiter changes the timing in the lower gears?

run a tank or 2 and report back actual gas mileage values etc, would be very surprised

Okay will do....

The reason I ask is that I always fill my tank up almost to the opening and I always get about 50 to 80 miles before the needle starts to drop. I am now at half a tank and have only gone 50 miles.
By removing the fuel cuts and speed limiter changes the timing in the lower gears?

No, As soon as you Flash EE2 to your ECU, Software automaticlly uses 6 gear("un-restricted")Timing map(s) for ALL gears. So basiclly you have More Ign advance in all gears now(its built into EE2 software). Its nice because this will result in more HP in lower gears/RPM's, But "might" be the reason you've noticed a thirstier busa! :laugh:..........Price one has to pay for the all out eye ball sucking into your skull performance :thumbsup:
I'd bet money against the small change in timing in low rpm/throttle conditions changing fuel mileage at all.

Fuel mileage should be done by filling the tanl the riding til tank is close to empty, filling back up to see number of miles accumulated vs how many gallons you put back in tank. Gas gauges move around a lot, 50 niles and the gauge moved more than normal to me doesn't mean much til we get real data, sorry its the engineer in me lol
Posted via Mobile Device
I'd bet money against the small change in timing in low rpm/throttle conditions changing fuel mileage at all.

Fuel mileage should be done by filling the tanl the riding til tank is close to empty, filling back up to see number of miles accumulated vs how many gallons you put back in tank. Gas gauges move around a lot, 50 niles and the gauge moved more than normal to me doesn't mean much til we get real data, sorry its the engineer in me lol
Posted via Mobile Device

Agreed. The gauge is not linear. 60 miles and the gauge hardly moves. 160 and it is below a quarter-tank.
As soon as you Flash EE2 to your ECU, Software automatically uses 6 gear("un-restricted")Timing map(s) for ALL gears. ??

When you click on Edit Ignition maps it says Ignition restrictions removed using Group 3 maps ?

Is there a difference between unrestricted timing maps and group three maps ? Simply put I guess what are group three maps ? I thought they were the unrestricted timing that removed the retarded ignition ?

I thought if one didn't hit edit ignition then timing retard wasn't removed ? And hitting edit ignition was what removed timing retard in first three gears ?
Which is correct please ?

When you open the ognition table is states now all gears use 6th gear table or whatever it says, hats when it does it

If you open a new map, and never touch ignition table it shouldn't mess with it.
Posted via Mobile Device
Greg thanks once again that was what my concept of it was :thumbsup:

Software automatically uses 6 gear("un-restricted")Timing map(s) for ALL gears. ??

This just threw me a bit and was just making sure the head was wrapped around it properly. Alls good in a Flashers world :beerchug:
PROBLEM...... My shifter is not working properly. It's a Pingel electric shifter and it will only shift when I get off the gas and let the bike slow down then it will shift into gear. Need assistance.