Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas

Have a question for those using EE2. Is there anyone using some kind of Map switching(MS1) feature? I know Petrik has not built it into EE2 "yet", but he mentioned some might be already doing this.....if So, how are you guys achieving this? Thanks in Advance! :beerchug:
just a toggle switch on the map switching wire that goes to ecu will do it. Someone posted on the hack forum they are using it. Hoping to pick my bike up tomorrow. Just go into ms table, add a ton of fuel to the ms portion, then break the connection on the map switching wire, and it should go into that map (its a tps map so you wont notice except under a load). go out and make sure it goes way rich, that'll let you know its working :)
just a toggle switch on the map switching wire that goes to ecu will do it. Someone posted on the hack forum they are using it. Hoping to pick my bike up tomorrow. Just go into ms table, add a ton of fuel to the ms portion, then break the connection on the map switching wire, and it should go into that map (its a tps map so you wont notice except under a load). go out and make sure it goes way rich, that'll let you know its working :)

WAIT A TIC? I didn't catch this first go around....."hoping to pick my bike up tomorrow", Does this mean what I think It does? ??? Greg, did you Buy a Gen2?
:) :) :)

Picking up a brand new 08 blue/black tomorrow in ft wayne indiana

Was around 2pm just got a call won't be til end of the day

Was hard to find this one lol

I'm excited :)
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tried NOS on wife's 05, didn't care for it, after 10-15 minutes of riding i would come home with an empty bottle. I much prefer my boosted 2000 :)
So Greg >>>>>>>>>>>>>> who's got a big smile on their face now ? :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader:
Congrats and I'm sure you will love it. I guess you just HAD to have one GREG for testing pruposes and all :rofl: Well thats what I'd tell my wife ...................... when I find her :rofl:
Seriously good stuff ................ :thumbsup:
GREG >>>>>>>>>>>> ONLY ONE MORE SLEEP to go ? Which means if you were here in OZ you would allready have it as it's tomorrow already ????? lol
That is what I told her :). She said she was actually wantong to get me one for xmas lol

Going to sell her 180 hp motor / 230 hp nos 05 busa now
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Waiting at the dealer, been a few delays, bike is almost here, they've been closed for 30 minures or so, won't be til lare when I get home lol
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Guys Greg is at the dealers as we speak .................. the storks late :rofl: so it will be a late delivery and I'll bet he's pacing the floor as he awaits his baby :cheerleader:
Got it :). 2 hours after close lol

30 miles outside of ft wayne stopped for dinner, be late getting home

Nice and smooth for sure, so so quiet lol
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