Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas

:cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader:
Congratulations Greg, on the new addition to your family! I'm sure it'll bring you miles of smiles. What's the 1st mod? :whistle: LOL Looking forward to going for a ride sometime. I finally got a chance tonight to install my harness and do my first flash. Took about two and a half hours from start to finish. Had a couple of snags(the small connectors were the worst) but worked thru 'em even though I'm mediocre at best on a computer.:thumbsup: Did a normal flash took under 5 minutes-raised the limiter 500 up to 11,800 rpm, hard limiter only, and no gear restrictions. I'll try it out on the way to work in the morning. Waiting on a PCV map from Brocks' so I can get rid of my PCIII. Thanks for all the help!:bowdown:

I Did It.jpg
Greg I know this bloke who sells flash interfaces for those. Do you want a link to his site ? :laugh:
Congrats again ................. thought it would have spent the first night home in the lounge at least ? :rofl: Cheers Pete
Need some help Here Fella's. I finally Re-Installed My factory O2 Sensor into my after market exhaust today. I hooked up to EE2(connected to Guage Data)to see what kinda readings I would get now. Well I got NOTHING :banghead:......Its showing the same thing it said B4, "Rich" just like as when I had it by-passed??? I ran it a Bunch of times, even did a couple Flash's(which should not have anything to do with it...just thought I'd give it a shot)but still nothing on the main Gauge Data Screen, or the Data log Gragh >1500(although in the AFR Graph itself it says "11"), Except "RICH".
So I'm wondering If my Sensor has gone Bad from sitting in my Stock Exhaust or there's a problem Else where(I do not get any DTC's though). Is anyone else having this issue with the "Current" Version of EE2 Software(pretty sure its something on my end)?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Toxsick I don't think the sensors like being in exhaust if not powered up . I take it it wasn't connected and was still in bike exhaust ? May have frazzled it I think.
ToXSick... mine will read "RICH" for a couple of seconds then after revving the engine once or twice it will start showing the numbers, jumping back and forth from 12.9 to 13.0 on the AFR. Hope this helps you.
Thanks Guys for Replying.....Boss, ya it was in my "Stock" exhaust but the exhaust was just sitting on the side of my house(not installed on the bike). I think from sitting out in the weather(pretty much all winter long), the sensor has gone Bad?
Busaville, Thanks Bro...mine does not change not matter what, I've tried revving it up holding it @ higher RPM's like 5-7K and Nothing! Guess I will have to shell out the Coin for a new one?? :banghead: (Alwayz My Luck!!!)
All this after having to spend 98.00 to have a machine shop, machine a Bung and Tig Weld it into my Brocks mid pipe, Not to mention I had to find and Buy the Odd Ball size Tap(M12 X 1.25)and supply it to the Machine shop!:moon:........Sorry for the Rant, I'm done now.
Toxsic ............. should throw up a trouble code if sensor is faulty ? C44
Manual page 1A 102 gives test procedure for oxy sensor could be worth a check before shelling out for a new one ?
Will Do the Check, Thanks Boss. :beerchug:........Thought the same thing about the DTC, dont know why its Not?....Kinda Weird ??? Thatz why I was thinking maybe there was a Glitch in the latest Version of EE2, However Petrik has checked this and all seems to be OK.
as accurate as a narrowband sensor can be, which is very accurate surround 14.7:1, so I wouldn't rely on it for tuning on power, but works well for a quick check of AFR for idle and part throttle cruise stuff.
Congrats bro, you deserve it man.

So with this program we can take a PV5 map and input it into our factory ECU?

I am trying to study up on this for my next purchase, lol

A full exhaust this winter.:cheerleader: