Flashing the 08 / ECU Editing software for GEN II Busas

Didn't fool with anything, thought it would work seperate from flashing....I'll play with the settings 2morrow to see what happens.. THANKS Greg.
To work with ecu as a kill box (which is what I assume since posted in this thread) you need it setup so when u hit shift button it sends 220 ohm resistance value to gps circuit
Posted via Mobile Device
When you open the ognition table is states now all gears use 6th gear table or whatever it says, hats when it does it

If you open a new map, and never touch ignition table it shouldn't mess with it.
Posted via Mobile Device

I might have to retract my earlier statement then? I thought(need to confrim this with Petrik)and am under the impression as soon as you hit the Flash Button it Flash's/Re-writes "ALL" blocks(.Bin Files)in ECU to include Timing maps(whether you hit the timing button or not?), Hence the Normal Flash Mode the first time. Petrik has mentioned many times that he did away with all other timing groups Except Group3(which is the set thats used in 6th gear..."Un-restricted")to simplify Flashing, and add a little X-tra HP. I will ask the question to Petrik/ECU Hack Site and report back. :beerchug:
I have a couple of questions for you experts. I just ordered a box from smithabusa and downloaded Petrik's software. I have a Brock's CT (single) exhaust on the way but I did not order the power commander with it. Does Petrik's software convert the PC fuel map or do I need to download a different tool? Also, does Brock provide PCIII or V tunes for their customers that buy their exhaust?


Toxsick please do as would be great to clarify :thumbsup: Also if that be the case also ask what the edit ignition table button means when it says after hitting button "Ignition restrictions removed, now using group 3 maps for all gears and modes"
Would have thought that if reflash did automatically then button wouldn't need to display this ?
Once again we are all learning here so clarification is great :thumbsup:
Rich by no means the expert here by a long shot just the apprentice speaking :laugh: .................. from what I understand Editor will convert pcv maps only not pc 111. On the note of any maps downloaded via pc or brock would still recommend some form of measuring fueling. One needs to know what they are going from and to regards A/F readings to really make the exercise both safe and fully beneficial. I did convert a pcv map with full yosh Re77 map to ecu editor map but decided against loading and built Editor map from base up.
Rich by no means the expert here by a long shot just the apprentice speaking :laugh: .................. from what I understand Editor will convert pcv maps only not pc 111. ........

Thanks for the info. I expect to buy some dyno time but I'm hoping that a PCV fuel map for my exhaust from Brock would give me a good starting point.

Yes Sir, I stand corrected. Guess I miss understood how that worked.

Hey Toxsick not a problem in the world Sir .................. it's this sort of discussion is what gets it all clear as we venture into this new area, and the better understanding one has of it then the more efficiently one can use it.
I have driven Greg :bowdown: and Petrik :bowdown: mad at times I'll bet with my emails in my bid to get my head around this new concept of tuning, but once again as busy as I'm sure they both are have never failed to have the time to reply. The thing I love most is with 30 years in this trade I have NEVER used anything that even comes close to having the instant back up that this has. Simply amazed at how I mention in passing to Petrik late one night that a print feature would be great to have .............. wake up in the morning and it's there. :thumbsup:
I can only hope that more and more people can see the money to be saved and gains to be had using ECU Editor .............. which makes Petriks efforts and all involved even more worth while. I must admit I was a little hesitant at first to perform open heart surgery on my "baby" ................... but she survived and came out of surgery going harder and stronger than ever :rofl:
Advantages = No purchase of *Power Commander* *Xtre* or any other after market device. Hence no worry of adding extra units susceptible to failure at some time causing problems :banghead: at a later date.
DISADVANTAGES = There is non :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
New slogan >>>>>>
Don't splash the cash simply FLASH

Thanks Boss, No Worries here brother. Just want to ALWAYS "TRY" and make sure the correct info get's out here. :thumbsup: Not to say I wont(obviously:whistle:)Muff stuff up from time to time, but as long as we get it sorted out some how, Its ALL GOOD(Firm believer in learning from one's mistakes)! Just like you said, its all a learning curve at this stage for "most" of us. I love and live for this kinda stuff, would probably drive the Wife and Kids mad if I wasn't Tinkering on sumtin.:pullhair: :laugh:
BTW, Looks like your EE2 map Building has came along Very Nice, Great numbers your puttin out with that Beast! :bowdown:
And Yes, where would we all be without the GREAT Petrik & Greg(along with many others that have put a lot of hard work into this great tuning tool)?.....Oh Ya, Still in PC & Bazzaz H3LL! :rofl: Cant say it enough timez.....THANK YOU PETRIK! :bowdown:
People I thought I'd share a little humour with you by showing what some poor misguided person (I'm being polite here) posted on the Australian Hayabusa Board.

"I've spoken to a few blokes who I consider to be reasonably intelligent when it comes to all things motorbike, and ECU reflash is a crude/ poor mans power commander. Any response to this (I'm interested in all sides of the argument). By the way...it's an '03 model."

Yep I'm still :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but also a little saddened that such ignorance & stupidity does indeed exist.

So all you POOR fellows ya better start saving for your power commanders :rofl:
People I thought I'd share a little humour with you by showing what some poor misguided person (I'm being polite here) posted on the Australian Hayabusa Board.

"I've spoken to a few blokes who I consider to be reasonably intelligent when it comes to all things motorbike, and ECU reflash is a crude/ poor mans power commander. Any response to this (I'm interested in all sides of the argument). By the way...it's an '03 model."

Yep I'm still :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but also a little saddened that such ignorance & stupidity does indeed exist.

So all you POOR fellows ya better start saving for your power commanders :rofl:
Shoot him an message of your motto... "Don't Splash the Cash simply FLASH".....:rofl: