sorry i wasn't thinking Boss is right, PCV and Bazzaz only, even then i would use it as a starting post not as a direct replacement.
But then Petrik set out to design a software I believe to make it easy for the dyno tuner ........... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SIR
ecueditor v2.0 testerversion and flashing cable instructions are now available,now you can flash the factory ecu yourself.....
Will only work on Gen II hayabusa, nothing for the 1000's from me sorry. We have a spot on for gen 1 maps, nothing really official on gen II yet but I could put something up on my site if needed. At the moment the only map I have is for a gen II with stock air filter and brock gen 3 pipe.
Though OS BOSS just mapped his bike, i think it was a yosh, but dont want to dig through this huge thread at the moment lol.