#1. Typcially SUV drivers are less attentive and less considerate. As bikers we've all experienced that first hand before. SUV drivers, I found, drive SUVs so if/when they get into accidents, they would suffer little to no injuries while inflicting greater injuries on those that are involved with the accidents with them. So why should they be attentive and considerate??
Really? Compared to who? Other cagers? Don't be so sure.
"You've found" this to be true? How so? I mean, unless you've done a formal survey and compiled the data, you haven't found anything; you may assume these things to be the case, or even suspect them to be the case, but unless you know for a fact this to be the case, try to be a little less insulting to people behind the wheel of SUVs who actually DO know how to drive. And there's a hell of a lot of them out there.
#2. SUV do take up too much room on the road for no valid reason. Come on, we've all heard it, "I need the room". My question is, 'For what??!!'. If you truely need that much room, then get a mini-van. How many times have we've seen the biggest SUVs driven by the smallest (physic-wise) drivers? I had a co-worker that was so small, she had to get 2 pillows so she can see over the steering wheel of her Escalade! I truely believe SUV should only be sold to and driven by those that truely need it. Like the truely ++++++++ sizes, say 350 lb. +[/QUOTE]
Erm... and a van is better than an SUV, how? They're still big, and they're still going to be driven by the same people (if they listen to your advice.
I agree that some people have no need to be driving a large vehicle, but it's no different than people who drive huge-ass duallie pickups that have never hauled a bag of groceries, not to mention been used as a working truck as they're designed to be.
And just because someone might be small, how do you know what they're using the vehicles for? I know people who use them to haul kids around, to run a catering business out of, and to haul things continuously (they basically tossed the seats to use it as a constant hauler). Again, you're assuming things and generalizing them across all SUV drivers, and doing so with what I can only classify as ignorance.
#3. Tying into #1. SUVs are extremely dangerous because the visiability in them are poor and the handling is hap-hazardeous at best. Most SUVs are so damn big and the windows are so small in comparison you can't really see anything. Coupled with the fact that SUVs have the worst handling capabilities. Most are top-heavy and are likely to body-roll like it was a donut + will flip.[/QUOTE]
Spoken like a person who has never actually driven one.
In extreme cases, an SUV has a chance to roll. Thing is, so does a Taurus. And as far as visibility goes, you really need to sit in one and take a look -- in many cases you have a better view of the road simply because you're not having your view blocked by parked vehicles and other road-side detritus.
However, I've seen way too many times where some BLING-OUT punk will drive it like he/she's driving a 2 seater Porsche. Especially when they are trying to race us bikers.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm... I hate bling on a car as much as much as anyone but I don;t see why that constitutes a need for a ban.
As for racing or driving like crap, is it any more prevalent in an SUV than any other car type? I would guess no... but it sure makes for a nifty news story or expose in a newsmagazine, doesn't it?
To hell with graduate driver's licenses for bikes, how about qualifying driving licenses for SUVs?? Likely 2 tests, WHY do one need to buy and drive a SUV, and special license that one CAN safely drive a SUV. Like one of those Semi-truck licenses or commercial bus licenses ( in CA those are A class I believe).[/QUOTE]
Yes, let's force people to jump through extra hoops, just so they can satisfy someone's idea of inferiority or superiority, based solely on their choice of vehicle. Let's add layers of beauracracy and make people suffer financially and also with their schedules simply because someone in the minority decides to be vocal about somethng that has offended them. How very California of you.
You have two #3s.
Space HOGS. We've all seen them before. Pull in to a parking lot and you see a SUV parked in a "compact" space making it too tight to fit anything else but a bike. Sometimes, you see a SUV take up 2 spaces because that driver is FULLY inconsiderate.[/QUOTE]
I've also seen this from Sports cars, Ricers, Trucks, minivans, high-dollar coupes, etc etc etc. It's not model or vehicle-type specific at ALL.
We've seen them before on the road, taking up way too much lane than they need and that they can handle simply to satisfy their EGOs.[/QUOTE]
Again, you see this across all vehicle types.
In traffic congestion, SUV actually contributes to the trafffic jam because of all of the room they're taking up while sitting still.[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA did you actually just say that? They add to traffic congestion, simply because they are trapped in the traffic congestion? You cannot actually be serious.
And SUVs are particularly dangereous because the driver can be ignorant by not seeing where they are going during a lane change, or they simply don't care and boss their way in.[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's the SUV's fault. We don't need to worry about driver responsibility at all.
#4. GAS HOG, GAS HOG, GAS HOG. I like to think that I'm environmentally conscience and all, but I'm more capitalist than anything. But nonetheless, let me satisfy my environmentally conscience side and say that SUVs are guzzling up resources like there's not tomorrow... And at this rate, there might not be, thanks in part o SUVs. Now let me speak economically. SUV are in a very large part to blame for our high gas/petro prices (the other is obviously the greedy oil company). Now, I'm not to say how other people should spend their $$$, unless it affects me. SUV affects me, my wallet and YOUR wallet as well. How? When a SUV is burning gas at the rate of 8 MPG or even 13 MPG, it's cost more than just the driver/owner that's dishing out $70 to full up. It's costing you and me. At that gas-guzzling rate of the SUV, it's using up the supply of oil/gas, thus the shorter supply (and even though demand remains steady), the higher the gas prices for EVERYONE. [/QUOTE]
Again, trucks, vans, some sedans and even some sports cars all have crappy gas mileage too. I can understand if you're sitting around watching nothing but Anti-SUV news shows, or a member of E.L.F. or something saying this (well no I can't but...), but at least try to have something that resembles perspective on the issue.
Do SUVs eat gas? Yep, to varying degrees. Are they the only ones that do? Not by a long shot. Are they the main reason gas is so expensive? Oh hell no (take a look at how much state tax is levied on a gallon of gas some day, not to mention the margin put on it by both oil companies and retailers... educate yourself on the matter some time), not by a long shot.
So give me one valid reason for having a SUV, unless you're over 350 lb, or disabled?[/QUOTE]
As soon as you give me one valid reason for having a hyper-sports bike, or an exotic car, or a sports car, or an oil-heated house, or char-broiled steaks, or a certain political viewpoint, or...
Or better yet, give me a valid reason why anyone should have to explain themselves to some self-important idiot speaking out of complete ignorance as to what is actually happening in the world. Get over yourself.
My remedy for the SUV? SUVs should require a special license and valid reasoning to have one and to operate one, like if you're obese or disabled. SUVs for any other reason should be charged $20 per gallon of gas at the pump. SUVs should have to pay at least 4 times the amount for a annual registration. SUVs should be charged a mininum insurance of $3000 every 6 months for insurance, and that's just for liablility only, add comprehensive and collision it should cost at the mininum of $7000 every 6 months. That's for all of the damages and/or injuries that SUVs causes. One "at-fault" accident should cause the insurance to go up to a mininum of $10,000 for liablility only and $20,000 every 6 months for that SUV driver.[/QUOTE]
Like many other people in many other segments of society, you are choosing to punish people for a choice they make, simply based on arbitrary reasons fueled by your own myopic bias.
The fact is EVERY SINGLE POINT you raise above has little to nothing to do with the type of vehicle driven, and everything to do with the individual drivers. You need to figure out the difference, instead of categorically having a prejudice against people based solely on the body attached to the four wheels they drive around on. But you seem to have some psychotic hard-on about blaming a certain type of vehicle for the woes of the world, and apparently very little actual information to base it on.
Until you manage to wrap your brain around that and actually look at things like this objectively, please, spare me your half-brained, no-thought "solutions," because its just a waste of bandwidth, not to mention the time of anyone who actually thinks rationally.[/QUOTE]
Lemme stick my nosy Ass in here.
Point 1, SUV drivers in my particular area tend to be the 3rd or 4th worst. I live in a rural area though, so nobody's really a horrible driver, as far as that goes. I do occasionally run into an Asshat, though.
Point 2, most minivan's have much smaller engines. RARELY do they possess V8's, V6's are the normal fare these days, and some I4's can be found. Almost always under 4L. They do get slightly better gas mileage. And if you're so small you have to use 2 pillows to see over the steering wheel, you need a smaller car. Period. I don't care what you need to haul.
Point 3, I've driven my mom's Blazer. 2dr, 4x4, tinted windows, and it wants to roll, I can't see out anything but the windshield at night, and it's a ##### to park in the garage because the sloping roof messes up your perception. Did I mention it makes me uneasy to drive because it roll in turns? Sure a Taurus can roll, but can it do so as easily as a vehicle 3 times taller? No.
Point 4, HAHAHAHAHA. I love it when those idiots pull up to my 250 and try to race me. I love blowing them away while getting 4 times better gas mileage.
The girls are especially hilarious.
Point 5, How about a licensing system that doesn't let any of these moron drivers on the road, PERIOD? No amount of training is going to change the fact that you are an Asshat.
Point 6, Don't see that much. But then again, rural area.
Point 7, No comment.
Point 8, It's all fine and dandy until these mother-fuckers cross the white lines, impeding my lane-splitting ability.
Point 9, GET RID OF THE GAS-GUZZLING CAGES PERIOD. MAKE THEM ALL BUY MOTORCYCLES. Problem solved. (Just so long as those motorcycles aren't Hardley Ableson's).
Second to last paragraph: And what's wrong with a psychotic hard-on?