You're quite right about what was originally said, you can't generalise about how people drive.
Well, sadly, you can. Ever heard of "nature of the beast"? I've seen numerous replies calling me a moron, idiot, etc... And then I see how someone said that with their family in a SUV, "better you than [my family]".
Point and case, someone asked that question, "why don't f*cking cagers pay attention?!". And my reply is that they DON'T have to, especially if they're in a SUV. Allow me to lay out the logic:
* Mostly, if not all, of you SUV champions argue that it's "safer" for you and your family in a SUV... You ever think about it's because of other SUVs??
* Why are YOU ATTENTIVE (and hopefully a bit considerate) WHILE RIDING YOUR BUSA OR BIKE? Because you know that if you get into a wreak while on a bike (or god forbid, your busa), you're likely to get hurt. In a SUV, with your sense of security from being hurt in a accident (false or true, doesn't matter), what is your incentive to being attentive, careful and considerate? Even if it is YOUR fault in a SUV, with collision insurance coverage, your SUV is covered for damages, and at most if this is a one time incident in 3 years, at most, your insurance will only go up $50 to $100 for 6 months. While if you hit / or caused a accident with a smaller vehicle, the occupant of that vehicle will likely suffer more injuries or death, especially if it's a bike. So your insurance will pay out the maximum of your policy, wash their hands clean, you hide your personal assets by transferring them to your mom/dad's name so you have nothing to be sued for and you have a seriously injuried or dead victim on your hands. And sadly, you don't really care because you didn't get hurt and your insurance only went up $50, $100, $200 per 6 months. So why should the majority of SUV drivers be attentive and considerate? It's not YOUR skin while in a SUV. Sadly, I thought since some of you ride, you would understand that.
* I shouldn't generalize? Ever heard of the term, "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..."? Well, you know the rest. Also, think I'm a idiot for generalizing? Take a look at this SportRider article on Urban Riding Skills based on decades of riding in Los Angeles.
Look at the paragraph under: URBAN GUERRILLA STEP ONE: TRUST NO ONE
So that also brings to the point of safety. If you truly want safetly for you and your family, you would get a Volvo. Those things are like tanks but not the size of one. I've personally seen one on it's roof after it's flipped over and it looks like all it needs is a paint job for the roof once it's get flipped back right side up.
Am I generalizing about SUV and the drivers that inherited "the nature of the beast"? Damn right I am. That's because I've personally observed too many validating examples.
Also, another thing I can add to the fallacy of SUVs, which is in relations to their unnecessary size is their obstruction of view through. Regardless of whether you're driving in a cage or riding a bike... Next time follow a SUV, see if you can see what's ahead of them, like coming up to a traffic congestion. And that's even if you ride/drive responsibly by abiding by the 2-3 second behind rule. Wouldn't it be nice to be about to see those brake lights that's ahead of the SUV so you can anticipate a eventual slow down or necessary stop and not have to rely on the SUV driver's reactions solely? What if the SUV driver has a habit of late braking? What if the brake lights on that big SUV is burnt out? Guess where you'll end up? I just hope it's not on your busa.
And for those of you that are saying, "it's my money, I spend it how I like. So f*ck you!" Well think about this once again for those of you that missed out on econ class or forgot it. It may cost you $70 to fill your SUV tank, but by depleting the oil supply at your SUV's gas guzzling rate you did CONTRIBUTE to the rising gasoline price. Some of you keep missing that I stated that SUV are CONTRIBUTING to the rising gasoline price, but I didn't say that's SUVs are the sole factor. Just like SUVs are contribution to traffic congestion, NOT the sole factor, others would include simply just over population of vehicles on the road, accidents, nosey spectators of accidents (and in some cases causing other accidents), inexperience drivers that think they're going really fast but are not and holding up traffic, and poor freeway/highway design.
And lastly, yes, I knew this topic would draw a heated debate. But it's interesting now, isn't it?
So think about this: I've often commented to BusaHaya that if some of these cage drivers were to have to ride bikes (not necessarily busas) and they ride the way they drove, I guess half would be dead or seriously injured by now. Ask yourself this question for all you SUV proponents: If you (or any typical SUV drivers) rode your bike the way you drive your SUVs, how likely would you be in a accident and be dead or injured?
Am I saying that SUV by itself is a hazard to the road, environment, and the economy? No, it's a inanimate object nonetheless. But remember, "Nature of the Beast". Drivers of SUVs have less of a incentive to be attentive and considerate because they believe/know that their own personal safety is less at stake than others for their carelessness. Environmentally and economically? Couple the SUV with the depleting resources and greedy oil companies, as well as competing, rising oil consumers such as China and India, and there you have it.
May my observations be valid to you? I don't know. May my observations be valid for the entire world? Maybe. May my observations be valid for SUV drivers in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Ventura, California? Likely, because I've been driving for over 16 years in these areas and riding almost 20,000 miles on my busa in about 18 months in these areas.
Scariest thing is I seen more and experienced more in my 18 months / 20,000 miles of riding than I did in my 16 or so years of driving.
Some of you offended? You betcha'. So what? I call it the way I see it. So ask yourself, do you really NEED a SUV? Or does it just make you feel more manly and dominate? If you do for the latter reason, then you have some serious "short comings". My sister once commented that driving a SUV made her feel like king (queen in her case) on the road and that she had a "commanding view". Then she realize how pointless it was and that it actually altered her perception of true speed (the higher the ride, the faster you feel like you're going, but not in comparison to a car. But that's another subject for another time) so she got rid of it and got herself a 5 series BMW.
Remember, "Nature of the Beast". Now chew on that. By the way, for those that argue that Mini-Vans are no better. Someone already cited that mini-vans are more fuel effiecient because most these days are 6 cylinders. Now I dare you to tell me that Mini-Vans don't have more view through space (windows measured in cubic inches) than 90% of the SUVs in the market.