Gauge Backlight Color Change, Cheap!

Im pretty sure the needle itself is red. Its like a red/orange. Ill try to sand them a little when i get back to see if they can be clear... I would love my needles to match my backlighting.

Leg is doing awesome. Starting to get sore cause im being rough on it. Im walking with assistence of crutches. Not supposed to start walking til my next appointment wednesday but I am too impatient and the leg is feeling way to sturdy for me to wait. As long as i can walk without pain i think I am good.
now that i think about it, i dunno if i'd want that done, i want my nitrous gauge to match my gauges, dunno if i'll be able to find one with a white needle. maybe digital gauges then, either way, it's something else to kill some time, lol.
now that i think about it, i dunno if i'd want that done, i want my nitrous gauge to match my gauges, dunno if i'll be able to find one with a white needle. maybe digital gauges then, either way, it's something else to kill some time, lol.

im interested in finding out anyway. May be another thing i can offer to people :thumbsup:
in the mean time, i'm trying to find a wideband and nitrous gauge that match, and hopefully in the right color (led white)
can you do color changing? thats what im looking for and since they are leds printed in circuit board its not like a 600 bulb change lol let me know i would like something done
can you do color changing? thats what im looking for and since they are leds printed in circuit board its not like a 600 bulb change lol let me know i would like something done

yes i change out the LEDs to ones of a different color. I am looking to start this when i get my trailer so i have my bike on base (to test the clusters once done). If i didnt have the bike with me, I would have to go to my uncles to test them on the busa during the week or wait til the weekend which would take more time. So just easier to wait til its on base before i had people send me clusters. Send me an email
Like I said before keep me posted Russell , I'm still interested.

Will do. There will be another thread when Im ready and Ill start scheduling people to send them to me. I only want about 2-3 a week cause it takes about an hour and a half to two hours per one and I want the turn around to be less than 3 days from when i get the cluster. and my return shipping would be USPS priority so thats 6 business days total from when i get it.

Just throw me an email if you are interested so i can collect emails of people and save them. Or just keep an eye out for the thread. I will bump the thread every few days just to make sure everyone sees it. This is probly one of the coolest mods i have done. Changed the look alot and I am very happy with the company I purchase the LEDs from (any color red, blue, white, green). Good quality stuff. I couldnt get a super good picture cause I used my phone but im going to take my camera this weekend and try to get some pictures and a video of it on the bike. I wish it was clear enough to show the Clock and the Odometer. Im hoping my camera will be able to pic those up.

(Second pic was not on the bike. That was taken when i had just finished the cluster and it was hooked to a power supply, I was not doing 120 at 1,250 RPM taking the pic :rofl:)


i was getting ready to ask if you were running a 3 tooth rear sprocket:laugh:

:laugh: Yeah i think that is actually just the circuit board without the gauge housing. You cant see because i turned off the lights in the room. I used the gauges as a flashlight :laugh:

good lord those are bright.

I wish I could get a picture of it like it looks in person. The green looks so good. It is very bright though but such a nice deep green color. Thats why i hope my camera takes a better picture of it
The blue red and white look equally good. I tested individual LEDs on a dummy cluster before I did my own cluster, to keep me from using my cluster as a test dummy :laugh: Oops forgot i posted this before :laugh:

