How to change the color of you gauges lights...bye orange

Oops forgot the picture! :laugh:

Thats a great pic and I will do that test, thanks. How did up get them to light up without installing them back one the bike. And I promise my last question. I counted 25 orange leds. To complete the swap do I replace all 25. My kit says only 15
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Thats a great pic and I will do that test, thanks. How did up get them to light up without installing them back one the bike. And I promise my last question. I counted 25 orange leds. To complete the swap do I replace all 25. My kit says only 15
Posted via Mobile Device

The + pin is the top right pin on the connector on the back of the board. The - is the bottom left pin. Just hook them up accordingly and the LEDs will light up. There are 30 LEDs all together on a Gen1 gauge board. The board pictures was a practice board I bought off ebay for 20 bucks to tear up and play with :laugh:

Hey all. I bought 0603 SMD leds to put in my console, but they aren't the right ones.

This is for a Gen II.

What did you buy for spec for the LED's? These ones are way too small.

I see the kits on there but the shipping is murder. I can order the LED's if I knew what they were. I have friends in electronics that can get them. Just need the spec on them.
They are charging $20 shipping because I'm in Canada. :(

That's $30 US. That's about $1000 in Canadian money :)
RussellJ, I love that setup. When I first started reading the thread I was like man that seems like a lot of work, I will pass on this mod. But then I saw the Eagle, Globe and Anchor and now it seems a litle more worth while. :thumbsup:
I know it's a matter of preference but I just cant stand blue gauges. I have always found them hard to read. Orange and red are much sharper and don't spoil my night vision like blue or white. Lots of european cars use red/orange for that very reason. I've never had a vehicle with green gauges but that looks pretty cool.

Try this next time you drive at night. Turn your dash lights down so you can just read the gauges without trying hard. You'll find you can dim them quite a bit. You'll be surprised at how much your night vision improves. What happens is that the bright dash lights cause your pupils to constrict a little even though they are in your peripheral vision. Dimming them down helps a lot (red gauges have the same effect) that is of course until someone comes by with HIDs or silverstars that burn out your retinas:laugh:

I got blue led and a red led on the needle read it easy and the extra bright lit up red needle makes sure:tongue3:
Sorry, I have a dumb question.....I hate messing with electronic boards unless it's already Anywho, I see the white boxes are the original LED's, so how do you take them off? Do you heat the original solder that is there, melt it and then remove the original?? Thanks.
I see there are pics of the Gen I board on here but can someone do a tutorial on it? I'd love to put the LED's I have in mine but I'm too chicken sh*t to do so.....
+1 on messing that up. I would love to do the gauges and the LEDs in red. I'm scared I'd screw it up. Russell, do you take mail ins? :whistle:
+1 on messing that up. I would love to do the gauges and the LEDs in red. I'm scared I'd screw it up. Russell, do you take mail ins? :whistle:

I was at one point in time but never got around to it because I am just so busy. It takes a few hours between putting all of the LEDs on and then testing the gauge and then placing the needles back properly.

And I actually almost did a tutorial on it also but that got sidetracked with having to move so yet again did not happen.

Maybe once I am out of the Marine Corps in a few months I can muster the time. No promises. I need to get some work done to my bike for sure sometime soon.