How to change the color of you gauges lights...bye orange

Do you know a good company to buy gauge plates? because if I do the led's i might as well change the gauge plates. GIXER i will take you up on that. Just shoot me a price. It does make your bike faster to change the gauge plates, so I hear. :hide:
I ordered a "kit" from ebay a while ago, but put off doing it for a while. I swapped them out, but messed up a few, then could not find the seller on ebay.
so I ordered these:
part number 492-1253-1-ND
SMP2-SBWC Bivar Inc | 492-1253-1-ND | DigiKey

I recommend getting extra (30 in a 1st gen). Some are in series, so one LED being messed up, will make more of them not work (not sure how many) but I did stumble on something while testing them. Using an ohm meeter, they light up a little if they work (if you over heat them, they won't).

Also you don't have to worry about how you took the old one off, the board is marked with the corner marked in the outline.

Dang. Good threads never die. The first couple pics in this thread are awesome.

Swapping out my gauge faces was one of the more nerve-wracking mods, and I was just doing the Blue Gauges. Was sure I'd screw something up by looking at it wrong.

Spoons! I don't have the balls for that. ??? :lol:

We're a dealer for Blue Gauges / Illumiglo / Street Racer Parts and I just love these things. My pics of my install are here:

Modding the New Pashnit Busa

Buy Now:

Wanted to do the blue LED's in my 07 pearl blue for years just never had the nerve to try it... this is re-awakening my drive however.
Onyone? The LEDs I ordered 0603SMD are way too small for the gen1 gauge, are these the wrong ones? Which are the correct ones?
I know these work, I bought and installed them:
Invalid Request
I think the other links I posted are correct and cheaper, but I did not buy those, just going on what others said. You can compare the spec sheets between those and the link I just posted above.
Greetings all.

I have a quick question. I had a buddy of mine swap out my gen II led's for the blue (they look great). The temp and gas gauges aren't working right though now. He does this for a living (electronics stuff) so I'm pretty sure he didn't smear solder all over the board.

Basically the gas guage doesn't move or cycle on start up and the temp gauge either starts saying the engine is redline for temp (and it isn't) or it starts at the bottom as usually.

Do the needles need to be pushed back on during reassembly so the are on the bottom posts or does the cycling at start up reset their zero start point.

looking for some things to try to fix it.

Great info! Thanks Poochie. I've heard its fine to remove the needles as long as you push them back on so they touch the 0 bar. I like the idea of using the two spoons. Seems better than using 1 fork as I have seen done in the past.

I'm very happy with the orange lights in my orange and black busa but I might want to change some day.

I have an Ilumiglow kit for my ZX-14. It has some drawbacks. 1-contains liquid that will fry your instrument cluster if it leaks. 2-adds a few ounces of weight to the bike. 3- has two small electrical boxes attached and those need to be mounted. 4-even though you do not need to open the circuit board, you still need to remove the needles to get the Indiglow faces on the gauges and they are permanently afixed.

Provided one can remove and open the instrument cluster, do you think the process would be the same for any modern sportbike? I think I'd like to try this with my 14 instead of the Ilumiglo.
I ordered 0603 LED's and they are mivroscopic way to small. :( there the size of a speck of dirt literally. Are you sure it's 0603 lights?
I pulled my amber ones out and used bright white LEDs.
I love the look.
As stated before, pictures do not do it justice.


I pulled my amber ones out and used bright white LEDs.
I love the look.
As stated before, pictures do not do it justice.

It looks great/ clean. Where did you get your LEDs? It seems like the 0603 LED's are for the GEN II only. I just looked up on Ebay and there's no one selling LED for Busa's cluster.

Thank you!
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first off not to offend anyone but I hate an entire orange gauge cluster be it on a bike or in my tundra. With that being said it was time to take action. i'm sure I will skip a step or two so if you have questions just ask. Also this mod can be done to change your gauges to practically any color you want. First off you need 8-10 smd type l.e.ds (light emitting diodes) and a 15 watt soldering iron. The leds can be bought from several online stores but I got mine from ebay. the soldering iron is a cheapo from radio shack (10 bucks). Link for leds

0603 Ultra Bright SMD LED Blue 20pcs - eBay (item 320555140499 end time Dec-25-10 23:25:06 PST)

First step is to remove the push pin on the lower right and lower left of the plastic panel immediately below the gauges, there is also an allen bolt in the middle right even with the key cylinder
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Next remove the 2- 10mm bolts (one on each side of the lower gauge cluster) one is under the temp and the other under the fuel
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Next remove the 2 push pins on each side of the upper gauge plastic its byt he rear view mirrors, this piece is a little snug due to 3 plastic hooks so u will have to tug on it a little
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Now the gauges will pull out, there is a guide pin in the back so just pull straight out.
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There are 20 screws that need to be removed to take off the white back cover for the gauges. also if you look at the top of the white back here you can see the two guide pins that hold the gauge i was talking about
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Front of gauges
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5 more screws then the circuit board for the gauges can be removed from the housing
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Gauges removed from housing
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Use 2 spoons or something similiar to remove the gauges evenly
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needles and 2 screws holding gauges removed
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Gauge face removed
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The 4 wite squares are the led that need to be desoldered
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when soldering the new leds in place make sure the indention in the little square led matches up the same way the original came of, these little things only go on one way.
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Do the same thing for the othe gauge. The gear indicator is more of a pain in the A$$ and will have to come back to it since it face has 64 solder joints and I have not decided if I want to tackle that yet.
Once you are done it would be a good idea just to plug the circuit board into the plug on the bike to make sure all the leds work and you have done a good soldering job before you put it all back together.
To put it all back together just do everything in reverse. I know I left something out or if you have any questions just pm me. Let me know what you think.

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So u didnt remove the shift indicator and if u did how did u remove it