Gay day flu

No it doesn't stink. Don't you think that someone who is willing to lay down their life in service to the US deserves to be a citizen? I do.
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I think it stinks that friends of mine who were born here are failing financially and can't get a job with one of the largest employers in the county, even though they are more qualified for the job.

I think it stinks that qualified applicants are passed up and applicants who have failed the test are hired.

I do believe that service to our country should be compensated. That is a different topic, and there is a cost involved with it that I am not qualified to comment on.

Again, back on topic, I really don't believe anyone's sexuality should be put upon others in everyday life. I don't care to see anyone's sexuality displayed in front of me, in any form.
those examples do stink but being born in the US should not give you an advantage over other legal citizens.
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how about because married couples have the right to make decisions for each other that non-married couples can not? How about the tax advantage married couples get. If you want a society based upon religion fine but it is an extremely totalitarian view point.
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Oh and marriage Pre-dates Christianity so your whole argument sort of goes out the window.

See that is where people are totally wrong. nothing predates Christianity.

Christianity is from Jesus Christ.. referred to as "THE Christ" in old testament times.

Jesus is God and was with God at the creation of this planet.

Jesus did not come to this world and change laws, he came to enforce the laws of God. to enforce the laws of Moses that was given by God.

Christianity is as old as the world itself.

Marriage dates back to before Moses which was before what some "think" is the beginning of Christianity. So either way, Marriage is an institution that is from God.
Marriage is from God so why do people who don’t believe in God or turn away from God partake in it?

It is hypocritical to do so.
Wow illegals can Become cops in Cali? Here all this time I thought you had to be a US citizen to serve on law enforcement in the US.
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Actually we just had an illegal corectional officer who has been arrested. she "slipped" under the wire.

Apparently she came from Mexico a long time ago before illegal imigration was a huge deal. She obtained some ladies SSN and was using it.

She started in the California Correctional insitution before they did any serious background investigations. They were just guards and nothing more.

A few years back (not sure how many) it became a requirement for a correctional officer to actually go through the training to become a peace officer.

I guess she was grandfathered in.

Anyway, she got busted either this year or last because the lady who's ssn she was using got audtited by the IRS.

they wanted to know why she was working full time in California as a correctional officer and full time in some other state.

So yeah, sometimes illegals have slipped under the radar.
Thrasher I think several million Hindus, Buddists, and athiests woud disagree but that aside you did not address the rights I mentioned attached to married couples. Also are you then saying only Christians should be aloud to marry?
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those examples do stink but being born in the US should not give you an advantage over other legal citizens.
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Our resources are limited. Decisions have to be made on how to spend them.
At some point, yes, it is appropriate to grant people born in the US or with a citizen parent greater status over immigrants. The US is at a breaking point financial. There are real limits. We simply can't improve the lives of every person in the world who wants to live here. It's just not a possibility. Trying to make it happen will create a situation that is worse here than where they came from, no matter what geographic region it is.

Just try to immigrate to any country in Europe. It ain't gonna happen. If they want you, they will invite you to immigrate. But even if they do, that doesn't mean that they won't openly despise you for being a foreigner.

People really take for granted the openness and tolerance that there is here. I invite anyone to provide an example of a more open, tolerant, and generous society.

again, back on topic, I say "no more gay days off!"
you didn't hear about's the alien's in blue program:thumbsup:

Actually they use someone else's Social Security number. I understand that employers hands are tied and can do nothing when they become aware that the person has given them fake documents.
See that is where people are totally wrong. nothing predates Christianity. except EVERYTHING that predates man's imaginary friends. ??? please tell you're not a young earth fundamentalist:please:

Christianity is from Jesus Christ.. referred to as "THE Christ" in old testament times.

Jesus is God and was with God at the creation of this planet.

Jesus did not come to this world and change laws,really?? cause the new law sure is different from the old:whistle: he came to enforce the laws of God. to enforce the laws of Moses that was given by God.

Christianity is as old as the world itself. it's as old as civilized/structured religion itself...jesus just had different names in different regions

Marriage dates back to before Moses which was before what some "think" is the beginning of Christianity. So either way, Marriage is an institution that is from God.
Marriage is from God so why do people who don’t believe in God or turn away from God partake in it?if you're unaware of financial, legal, and tax benifits that come from being married you should take a sec to educate yourself. Furthermore, I hope you don't think that a christian marriage is the only marriage sanctioned by "gods" of the world

It is hypocritical to do so.

In response to the other. Marriage in America is not based upon procreation. It is a binding contract between 2 individuals which gives them special rights over each other's estates.
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Please show me this definition, or interpretation, of marriage in writing.
where do you get that info?....TV? thats just a stigmatism you speak of,kinda like all black ppl eat chicken and watermelon,all irish are drunks all jews are cheap with a $...etc

not all gays are "flamers"

haveing fiends that are "bi sexual" both male and female and one friend in perticular who is gay and had always been a good friend of mine.I can tell you that you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off with your perception.

I have seen two guys together who both could kick the sh1t out of most and look the part,just like i've seen two woman as beautiful as any who were together.

I know guys who are married to woman,woman that are harder then alot of guys you would know,does this mean they have a deep down desire to be with a guy? and you see woman with guys who are weak,nerdy..etc,does this mean they wish to really be with a woman?
This is in ref to my comment that most of the gay couples I know almost always seem to have one male/female persona displayed...

MY immediate family if you must really know.... And one has already perished from AIDS! So, I guess this is a lot closer then just a friend, aquaintence, blah blah blah...

I find it very interesting that in almost every gay couple I have personally known or met there is almost always two roles played. Yes, I said played... I often wonder IF this role playing is for exceptance or nature. Even have one good friend who was in the closet for years.. when they finally came out, BAM, this new persona. Why is all that I ask? IF it truely is genetics why does this happen? Seems silly to me that if a person was truely attracted to the same gender that you would behave as if you were the other or vice versa.
MY immediate family if you must really know.... And one has already perished from AIDS! So, I guess this is a lot closer then just a friend, aquaintence, blah blah blah...

I find it very interesting that in almost every gay couple I have personally known or met there is almost always two roles played. Yes, I said played... I often wonder IF this role playing is for exceptance or nature. Even have one good friend who was in the closet for years.. when they finally came out, BAM, this new persona. Why is all that I ask? IF it truely is genetics why does this happen? Seems silly to me that if a person was truely attracted to the same gender that you would behave as if you were the other or vice versa.

you DO know that a new yorkers accent isn't genetic right? mannorisms, speech, style, etc...none of that is genetic. Just fyi
did you just wake up????

No, I just want to know where that particular definition of marriage is codified. If it makes you any happier, please go find where any legal definition of marriage is codified. Make sure you post all of the definitions you find though, not just the ones you like.

I would stipulate that most peoples definition of marriage is based upon the protection and recognition of family.
how about because married couples have the right to make decisions for each other that non-married couples can not? How about the tax advantage married couples get. If you want a society based upon religion fine but it is an extremely totalitarian view point.
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I respectfully submit that the concept of marriage predates any legal rights to make decisions or pay taxes. You don't even have to predate our country to get to that point.

Excepting where children are involved, you would be hard pressed to show me any legal right that gay people don't have with regards to two persons wishes. I submit any legal right with regards to children began life based upon the family and the family's ability to procreate. If you cannot have children there is no reason for you to have those rights.
Thrasher I think several million Hindus, Buddists, and athiests woud disagree but that aside you did not address the rights I mentioned attached to married couples. Also are you then saying only Christians should be aloud to marry?
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No, you need to stop attaching the lable Christian to everything.

Marriage is from God. It was meant to be a union between a man and a woman with both making a vow before God that they want to be with each other for the rest of their lives.

If a person does not believe in God then or does not believe in the basic concept that established marriage on this planet then two people getting married is nothing more than a meaningless event and a useless peice of paper.

Alll homosexuals want to do is have the same benafits, same tax advantages as married people do.

they need to figure out a legal way to allow this to happen with out using "marriage" as the vehicle. I am sure their are plenty of ways to do it through legal manipulation.

From a religious position? once out country accepts homosexuality as an accepted and normal life style. That is when God will probably act against this country.

Just like in the times of Noah.

Just like in the times of Sodom and Gomorah.

Once a society as a whole accepted this type of sexual perversion God acted to destroy the society.

Our country is on the brink of self destruction as it is. it wont take much to push this country over the edge.

But most wont see it until it is too late. and then they will cry out to God for help and God will respond that he does not know them.

As for me, I argue these points because I care about all of you.. if I didnt I wouldnt spend the time arguing on here. I dont argue because I have any kind of pride that I am right about anything.

I dont argue because I think I am better than anyone, because I am not.

I dont argue because I think I am smarter than everyone, because I am not.

I argue and try to point out what I know is a truth because I care about all of Gods creations, I care about all of you..

But in the end, when it is done and said I know where I stand, I know where my family stands... And I am at peace with it.