Gen 2 Trunk Mod

I did mine today. It took longer than expected because I didn't have a fresh blade for my box cutter. I may redo this with a trash can. I also had he'll with my pop rivet tool. They were pulling through and I couldn't figure out why.
Can you put a washer on the outside so the rivet will hold? The trash can was way easier for me. I had major fail going on with the file box. :laugh:
I have completed my trunk mod too!!! Thanks Sixpack for the great idea and walk through on cutting the undertail. Here is a pic of the job and my Master ASE cirtified helper.

trunk mod.jpg

ASE helper.jpg
Yep perfect fit. By looking at all of the pics it looks like I had to cut away a little more of the under tail as compaired to you and Sixpack but it came out good. I have 3-1/2'' from the tire so I hope I don't have to raise it up.
Does anybody have a picture of the trash can they used before they hacked it up? I don't feel like making multiple trips to walmart. Thanks.

No picture, but it's a common size. Hefty black plastic rectangular(about 9"x11" at the base, tapering wider as it gets taller), 3 ft tall.
Yep perfect fit. By looking at all of the pics it looks like I had to cut away a little more of the under tail as compaired to you and Sixpack but it came out good. I have 3-1/2'' from the tire so I hope I don't have to raise it up.

You should have no issues with that. I have about 1/2 an inch less than you do.
OK, all done! It worked best just cutting straight across at 4.5 inches and then just trimming the back to allow the tail to fit without contacting the trunk.

Which "trash can" are you using in this pic? I am so settled now and am doing this mod but have looked at Target and WW looking for the trash can as it has a thicker bottom.

i must be the only person not worried about using the flimsy file box. :laugh: i have over 1k miles on her with no issues. nevertheless, hands down it's an awesome mod! :thumbsup:


i must be the only person not worried about using the flimsy file box. :laugh: i have over 1k miles on her with no issues. nevertheless, hands down it's an awesome mod! :thumbsup:

I just switched mine to the trashcan to have 4 full sides, as the filebox I first did just used 3. Yours is fine and looks good though. I'm glad it's working out so well.:beerchug: