Gen 2 Trunk Mod

The recesses of a cracked foot that I had been walking on for over a year. Finally got healed the "right" way and am back to riding and such.

Thanks :beerchug:
Thanks man, feels great to be free to ride without foot pain either.

I did this mod today, I'll be home late tonight but took like 19 pics I think. And the awesome part is I completed mine without removing the fender either. Its way awesome!

Pics of my install coming later on, :rulez:

Teaser for yu'all!

Thanks man, feels great to be free to ride without foot pain either.

I did this mod today, I'll be home late tonight but took like 19 pics I think. And the awesome part is I completed mine without removing the fender either. Its way awesome!

Pics of my install coming later on, :rulez:

Teaser for yu'all!


On the bike is the way to go. I took mine apart the first go round to get an idea of what I wanted to do. This mod has improved because everyone has slightly varied their's some, which I think is really cool. I like how the idea has been built upon.
Nice Glok, 26? 27? You need a plastic hip holster mounted horizontally to the side of the trunk. That way you could just click the gun into the holster and go.:thumbsup:
On the bike is the way to go. I took mine apart the first go round to get an idea of what I wanted to do. This mod has improved because everyone has slightly varied their's some, which I think is really cool. I like how the idea has been built upon.
Nice Glok, 26? 27? You need a plastic hip holster mounted horizontally to the side of the trunk. That way you could just click the gun into the holster and go.:thumbsup:

G19, Lol...:thumbsup:
Ok, here we go.

So I wanted to do this mod, Bike on rear race stand and took the tail off which I have done many a times before to clean like a freak so that's actually easy once you do it a few times.

Got the trash can I needed and thought to myself. I can do this without removing the fender liner, So I figured here we go.

Rubbermaid office trash can from Office Depot, Couldn't find it my local WW or Target.

Sure enough, props to the guys who started using the trash cans for this mod. I started by cutting the lower 4.5" off of the trash can and used it as an easier template for the area I needed to trim.

Started cutting from underneath as you have more power "pulling" the blade, used cutting from all over upper and lower sides, Bike is on a race stand also, found out my
good utility blade was at home so I went at it with my Spyderco, Lol...
I can only imagine how much easier this would have been with a sharp new utility knife in a good handle.

Better view of the trash can, what I cut off and more of the trimming I did in the rear before I could slide the section I got off from under the rear fender.


I also found out you can trim the pail off easier with a pair of large scissors.


I cut mine at a depth of 3" all the way around. Only thing I would have done differently is leave the very front a tad longer to allow for easier securing to the plastic "wall" on the fender liner anyway. Easier seen in following pictures.

Turns out a pair of Stakons work great at nipping and peeling plastic off in sections where it was harder to get to, I was determined to do this with the fender on the bike.

Getting it fitted to check for clearance and see how deep I want it to be,


View from underneath, Plenty of clearance and I have enough room for what I need it to carry.


I notched my corners, had I left the front part a tad longer I wouldn't have had to do this but thats ok. I had to notch the left side anyways to allow for the SpeedoHealer lead.


Now it's looking good!


Test fitting the tail back on to be sure all clears!


From the underside,


I used the plastic fasteners from Advanced Auto for license tags, as you can super glue the nuts on and they are light also. You can see the front two which had I left the front part longer would have been higher up, and one of the rears I used. The pack I bought had like 4 each black and white, I used two black in front and rear and in the last pic you can see the white ones I used for the sides. I started a screw for each hole, and then hand drilled with a bit through the plastic, would have been faster with a cordless drill though.



By far the Most Functional Mod I have seen. Mod of the Week there one??...there should be NOW!!:bowdown: Awesome!!
great looking mod, thinking about doing it this weekend. Greenbean, i will plan on doing mine without completely pulling the plastic undertail off, was it fairly easy to do so with it still attached to the bike? What's the standard depth everyone is running, have seen anywhere from 3-6". I'm about 190 with stock suspension, rarely ride 2 up. Want to make sure i do it right the first time so it doesn't rub
Mine is 4.5" deep, it won't rub either. Even with a passenger, unless you like Big girls:poke::laugh: 6" shouldn't rub with just you unless your rear suspension is very soft and you hit a hard bump or pothole. I wouldn't run it 6" deep if you ride a passenger any. It may rub some, but even if so it'll probably just scuff the bottom. Worst case, you just remove the box and cut and inch evenly off the top and reinstall it. Easy to do, and easy to fix, and if you ruin the trunk, you're out about $7 for a new trashcan:laugh:
:poke:Im gonna come to Va and have six help me do mine...mainly cause Im an idiot with these things:whistle::laugh::laugh:
I did mine with the undertail still on the bike, was easy. I cut mine to a depth of 5 inches and have had no problems.
Gen II Trunk Mod

Finally did my trunk mod today. I think it came out great. I can put 4 20oz snaffle bottles in there and still have room for more.:thumbsup:

