Gen 3 Chain

MotoGP may run a 520 chain but they toss chains and clutches after a race. You won't see any real horsepower gains only chain stretch. Moore Mafia already talked about this many times. I wouldn't but it's your bike.
I don't want to have the fastest busa and I understand that because of a chain I won't have
300hp. I have good taste in my bikes. but yes Sir, I agree with you. it's my bike and my own style. I'm just sharing information.
I've always been a 530 kinda guy on anything 1000cc or bigger, esp stretched. I'm a bigger guy (250 lbs) so that's a factor in my mind as well.
Just never trusted a 520 on anything except the wife's 600. She's 1/2 my weight and rides considerably less aggressive lol
lighter I'm not sure, but if you are looking a good lighter combination go to 520 and obviously you have to change sprockets. Buy you will drop at least 7 LBS of rotation force and that is super good
I'd like to know more about this as well. Is this a physics calculation or are you simply claiming to drop 7 lb of weight?
I'd like to know more about this as well. Is this a physics calculation or are you simply claiming to drop 7 lb of weight?
Hi Sir, You are right Sir physics is involved here. and all this info has been confirmed with my friends from Tampa that race 9/10 of a mile and they love this convertion because is lightweight. It's not my taste but works awesome. I hope this info helps
I'd like to know more about this as well. Is this a physics calculation or are you simply claiming to drop 7 lb of weight?
25 yrs playing on the track I guess you can call me an OG, in the past I was fanatical about weight shaving, right down to ti bolts everywhere. My track bike 916 was 374 full with gas. 530-520 absolutely takes off 7+ lbs of rotating mass assuming you switch to aluminum rear sprocket. However, the largest bike I ever did it to was my 929rr with Erion race cams and it broke, 525 worked perfectly. I wouldn't do a 520 on anything larger than a 750cc (916 is a 750 class bike iykyk) at least not if you want any longevity out of it. Now maybe chains have made huge progress since then but I wouldn't trust it... That's just me