Are you kidding me?? <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>GROW UP!</span>
You are apparently NOT aware of the consequences of your actions as you only show selfish concern for what is going to happen to YOU. You could have KILLED that girl! WTF were you thinking doing that with someone who trusted you with her life by getting on the bike with you??
What if you had killed the cop by hitting him with your bike? Did you ever think of THAT?? What about the cops wife who would have to be told by his coworkers that her husband was KILLED by some DUMB KID on a motorcycle?? What about the girls parents?? Did you think of them at all when you risked killing their little girl?? I'd like to see you put Thrashers daughter or MINE (if either of us had one) on the back of your bike and do that and live to tell about it! Trust me, no one would find the body!
You will not get any sympathy from me!
This is the part that REALLY gets to me
This clearly shows that you have no respect for your passenger or her safety. She is scared to death, and all you can worry about is how she is affecting your concentration.[/QUOTE]
Seriously dude, HOW SELF CENTERED <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>CAN</span> YOU BE??
+1 here.
Only I'm not so sure that you would be all that safe from me in jail. I would probably get arrested just to get in there with you.[/QUOTE]
Make that +2!
Do you ever think of anyone besides YOURSELF when you do stupid sh!t like this?? Do you REALLY think the people here are going to be sympathetic with you when most of us try our damndest to portray a POSITIVE image of motorcyclists? You, my intellectually challenged friend, are an asshat!
All you want to hear from us is "Oh, you poor baby. No it wasn't your fault. The cops are to blame if you or anyone else had gotten hurt. He shouldn't have tried to pull you over in the first place. Cops shouldn't chase bikes who run. Why are the cops bothering you anyways when there are REAL crimes going on right? Yeah, it was only a minor traffic thing, it's not like you killed anyone right?"
Again to recap: totally brain dead stunt with complete lack of any sort of accountability or signs of remorse (other than the "oh fvck, my life is now potentially screwed, wish i hadn't gotten caught" kind), got busted, now crying "I'm so sorry".
This is total bullsh!t. You did the crime badly enough to get busted, do the time and quit whining. I'd be willing to bet that if the cops hadn't caught you, you'd be on this or some other forum bragging. Try to learn something from this experience. Grow up and take responsibility for your life and actions. [/QUOTE]
GET A REALITY CHECK PUNK! If you don't feel like absolute dog ####, YOU SHOULD! If you haven't sold the bike because you are completely irresponsible and dangerous with one in your hands, YOU SHOULD! If you aren't groveling on the ground BEGGING for that girls forgiveness, YOU SHOULD BE! If you haven't talked to her parents and appologized until they forgive you, YOU SHOULD! If your parents haven't grounded you for life and taken away all priveledges you have besides breathing, THEY SHOULD!
I hope the judge hammers your butt, then I hope some burly guy in jail hammers it too! THEN maybe you will learn! I don't think anything short of that will get through your thick skull!
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>How about this for a part of the solution instead of part of the problem!</span>
Yes I am a b!tch.....