got myself in some trouble, how bout some advice?

I have one thing to say: I'm glad you don't live in my town. If this is a joke, it's not funny.
Did you bring your flame retardant suit?









Are you kidding me?? <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>GROW UP!</span>

You are apparently NOT aware of the consequences of your actions as you only show selfish concern for what is going to happen to YOU. You could have KILLED that girl! WTF were you thinking doing that with someone who trusted you with her life by getting on the bike with you??

What if you had killed the cop by hitting him with your bike? Did you ever think of THAT?? What about the cops wife who would have to be told by his coworkers that her husband was KILLED by some DUMB KID on a motorcycle?? What about the girls parents?? Did you think of them at all when you risked killing their little girl?? I'd like to see you put Thrashers daughter or MINE (if either of us had one) on the back of your bike and do that and live to tell about it! Trust me, no one would find the body!

You will not get any sympathy from me!

This is the part that REALLY gets to me

This clearly shows that you have no respect for your passenger or her safety. She is scared to death, and all you can worry about is how she is affecting your concentration.[/QUOTE]

Seriously dude, HOW SELF CENTERED <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>CAN</span> YOU BE??

+1 here.
Only I'm not so sure that you would be all that safe from me in jail. I would probably get arrested just to get in there with you.[/QUOTE]

Make that +2!

Do you ever think of anyone besides YOURSELF when you do stupid sh!t like this?? Do you REALLY think the people here are going to be sympathetic with you when most of us try our damndest to portray a POSITIVE image of motorcyclists? You, my intellectually challenged friend, are an asshat!

All you want to hear from us is "Oh, you poor baby. No it wasn't your fault. The cops are to blame if you or anyone else had gotten hurt. He shouldn't have tried to pull you over in the first place. Cops shouldn't chase bikes who run. Why are the cops bothering you anyways when there are REAL crimes going on right? Yeah, it was only a minor traffic thing, it's not like you killed anyone right?"

Again to recap: totally brain dead stunt with complete lack of any sort of accountability or signs of remorse (other than the "oh fvck, my life is now potentially screwed, wish i hadn't gotten caught" kind), got busted, now crying "I'm so sorry".

This is total bullsh!t. You did the crime badly enough to get busted, do the time and quit whining. I'd be willing to bet that if the cops hadn't caught you, you'd be on this or some other forum bragging. Try to learn something from this experience. Grow up and take responsibility for your life and actions. [/QUOTE]


GET A REALITY CHECK PUNK! If you don't feel like absolute dog ####, YOU SHOULD! If you haven't sold the bike because you are completely irresponsible and dangerous with one in your hands, YOU SHOULD! If you aren't groveling on the ground BEGGING for that girls forgiveness, YOU SHOULD BE! If you haven't talked to her parents and appologized until they forgive you, YOU SHOULD! If your parents haven't grounded you for life and taken away all priveledges you have besides breathing, THEY SHOULD!

I hope the judge hammers your butt, then I hope some burly guy in jail hammers it too! THEN maybe you will learn! I don't think anything short of that will get through your thick skull!

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>How about this for a part of the solution instead of part of the problem!</span>

Yes I am a b!tch.....
You're f@#ked.
If you get a lawyer, you'll just be f@#ed and broke.
Take your punishment for this piss-poor decision like a man.
You deserve it for running with a passenger.
Hope you learn a lesson, but judging from your post you won't.
You're f@#ked.
If you get a lawyer, you'll just be f@#ed and broke.
Take your punishment for this piss-poor decision like a man.
You deserve it for running with a passenger.
Hope you learn a lesson, but judging from your post you won't.
Mr. Brown, you gave me my first laugh of the morning.. thank you


"You're f@#ked.
If you get a lawyer, you'll just be f@#ed and broke."

That was priceless, very true and priceless
You're f@#ked.
If you get a lawyer, you'll just be f@#ed and broke.
Take your punishment for this piss-poor decision like a man.
You deserve it for running with a passenger.
Hope you learn a lesson, but judging from your post you won't.
Mr. Brown, you gave me my first laugh of the morning.. thank you


"You're f@#ked.
If you get a lawyer, you'll just be f@#ed and broke."

That was priceless, very true and priceless
+2...I am in hysterics here!!



BH 402 -
It is very hard to take the emotion out of this, because it is things like this that really give bikers a bad name and/or reputation. The worst thing about the whole scenerio is that you had a passenger; you mention in your post that the cops threw out a spike strip on one of your friends who wasn't wearing a helmet. You also mention that the cops had enough respect for your passenger to not try and cause an accident - the question in my mind is: why didn't you? I agree with Thrasher's post - I don't think you can expect any sort of lieniency. However, all of Ron's suggestions are great advice! The one that is probably most important from my standpoint is that you make a formal apology to the passenger - what image of you/us does she have now? But my advice? Follow Ron's!
I've thought about this thread while on duty this morning, and have wrote & rewrote my response several times. Frankly I have nothing positive to say to you. You rolled the dice, and you lost. It's people like you, that give people like me job security.
Here is an example of what could have happened. Consider yourself lucky.  This happend this weekend in Supulpa Oklahoma (near Tulsa)
The link may not work so here is the text from

Policeman, father die after car hits culvert

By Melissa Marchel
The Oklahoman

SAPULPA  Colleagues mourned the death of a police officer and his father after a weekend accident while the officer was on duty.
Both officer Larry William Cantrell, 34, and his 59-year-old father, Charles Larry Cantrell, died in an accident late Saturday involving the police car they were in as officer Cantrell responded to a call.
While Charles Cantrell was not a police officer, authorities said the man was participating in the departments ridealong program for civilians.
Authorities said officer Cantrell swerved his patrol car to avoid hitting another vehicle that had pulled out in front of him.
Department reacts
The deaths shocked the department and its 48 officers, Capt. Jeff Gilliland said.
The last time a Sapulpa officer died in the line of duty was in the 1930s, Capt. Jeff Gilliland said.
You hear about it happening all the time, but it hits close to home when it happens to one of your own, Gilliland said.
About midnight Saturday, Cantrell had responded to a call to help another officer who was pursuing a suspect.
Cantrell was traveling south on State Highway 66 to come to the aid of the other officer, when a car pulled out in front of him at 96th Street.
Cantrell’s car went into a ditch and hit a culvert, Gilliland said.
Officer Cantrell was taken by helicopter to a Tulsa hospital where he later died. His father died at the scene.
Cantrell had been with the Sapulpa Police Department for nearly two years, authorities said.
He previously served with the Vinita Police Department and spent 11 years in the Navy.
Cantrell had his lights and sirens on, authorities said. The other car was not hit and no other people were injured.

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I almost feel like you owe us an apology for posting this expecting support without some type of WTF were you thinking responses. Get a Good lawyer and plead. Definitly apologize to everyone involved... and I sincerely hope you mean it. Expect to pay for your actions.
I just don't understand people like you. Put a motorcycle under you and you become "invincible" can out run motorolla's. Endangering people's lives and your bike. For your sake I hope you learn something out of this and take the punishment they give you. I don't believe you need to try and get out of it. Grow a pair and take it like a man, you are obviously guilty as charged and I think the leo should have been tougher but thats my opinion.
I will say that I'm glad you're still here to post up about what you did...

I lost someone in my family when he chose to run from the police...he wrapped his CBR around a telephone pole, snapped the frame in two, full leathers and helmet on, didn't matter...his poor choice that night took his life in an instant...I'd much rather see him posting up how stupid he was for running from the cops, but he's not around to warm others...his friend that was riding along side ran and crashed too; he limped away from the scene with a few injuries and no's roulette...sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose...David was just shy of his 24th birthday...

IMO, there's NEVER a reason to run, but if you do, you risk paying the ultimate price or making others pay it for and learn...hope you don't ever do it again...
 That's just about all the advice I can offer...

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Man that poor girl in your thread you're like what am I going to do How do I keep my license not once have you acted like you gave a shid about what was happening to her and you're even bitching about that "her crying and screaming not helping me concentrate" I blew out my tires and ruined both wheels of my bike a couple of weeks ago with a friend on the back off mine and it bugs me more that I could have hurt her, than what I think off me or the damn bike my(your) passengers are my(your) responsibility, the more I think of this thread the more pissed off I get
man let me tell you about screwing with your dL i meesed around with so called driving infractions that turn into fellonies. i just now have had the ability to drive legally again after a 12 year suspension for some of the same actions you have explained. get a lawyer, take all the saftey courses ans drivers ed that you can, and a public appolagy to the girl and the court for the issues you have created. the prepare for some jail time and lots of fines it gonna get ruff.......just think the cop might have followed your so called buddy if you had just stopped when he took off. you have now also ruined the joy of motorcycling for another girl. im sure she will never ride again. dont ty to get one over on the law they will always win...
Dude, are you surprised by the responses you got here (or the similar responses you got to your same post at the other major Busa message board)? I too have a daughter and I know how most dads feel about their daughters. I TOTALLY AGREE with them. If you make a poor decision and get yourself whacked, well... however unfortunate it may be for you and yours, that's just evolution's Natural Selection at work to remove faulty DNA from the gene pool. If your poor decisions get a helpless/innocent person whacked, that will greatly pi$$-off a lot of people and, although you probably don't know it, you really don't want a maimed or dead girl's dad coming after you. It just can't get much more s-e-r-i-o-u-s than that.

Okay, so you selfishly screwed-up. Now, do the right thing by standing up, admit your mistake, take your medicine as a man, and remember the impact of your decisions upon others. There are plenty of suggestions for you above. Embrace them and give thanks that I won't be your judge in court...!  
this is a pitiful post, and i am suprised these busa guys are actually being easy on you...i hope the judge reems your a$$. Be a big boy now and go take your lickings like a man.

Cant believe u did that with someone on the back that wanted off...also...genius...this post might not really help your case since u just basically posted everything you did wrong, and admited to it....