+1wtf. if this dork had displayed the slightest awareness of his own amorality, or at least a glimmer of remorse, I'm sure the response here would have been a bit more supportive.To everyone else, stop being D**ks to the guy. I'm sure he knows he's in a jam and he really doesnt' to hear anymore of this crap.
As it is, he only seems to be worried about how he can get out of what he deserves, and not about what he has done. Not about endangering the life of his unwilling(!) passenger or the cops that had to chase him down or all the other people he put at risk with his asshat actions.
This numbnuts is getting about all the sympathy he deserves. It's not about knowing he's in a jam. It's about taking responsibility for his actions.
As far as being a d!ck goes, I think anyone who doesn't rag on this jerkoff is doing him the greater disservice. Maybe if enough people make clear to him that what he did (to clarify this for the slower readers: I don't mean getting caught, which was inevitable, but actually running in the first place) was just plain simple stupid and wrong, maybe then he'll be a little closer to being mature enough to actually ride. All the people who support him are just holding him back.