got myself in some trouble, how bout some advice?

Everyone else has stated it and I will too. Good luck and be prepared for the probation to be revoked unless you find someone as good as Johnny Cochran to get you off. Never run with a passenger on and especially in an area you are not familiar with but you unfortunately know that after the fact.
but then again these are still TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS,
You're a dumba$$ motherfukker. Don't ever get a bike and ride again, ever. In fact, stay out from behind the wheel of any cars, too.

JUST traffic violations? You endanger the lives of other people and you have the ballz to glibly say they are "no big deal?" You're an arrogant $hit.

I have no sympathy for you on this one. For your own good and the safety of others, I hope they throw your a$$ in jail for at LEAST the seven months so you can think about it.

Endanger your own life, fine. I've done that and many of us have. But other people? A passenger? Other drivers/riders? You should be thrown in jail.

when they finally got you stopped after a high-speed chase with passenger on the bike, did they throw you to the ground?

I think were missing some of this story somewhere....
evasion, everything this guy did, and he didnt get thrown in the can right away?

I smell cod.
Wow, and I actually wondered if I would get blasted for stating what I think about this incident.  

Just to be clear on my opinion, I would never have replied had there not been an unwilling passenger involved in the whole thing.  I really don't give a crap whether anyone runs from the police or not.  If you die from a mistake at high speeds, whether you are running or not, that is a chance you took with your own life and property.  Most of the people on this board take that risk regularly.  I'm actually not that concerned with the whole putting the public in danger thing, when it comes to bikes, just because the light weight of a motorcycle is likely to do much less damage to a car than another car would.  

I haven't run for many years, but I did a lot when in my teens.  Even got caught once in a car when I was 16 and all I learned from it was that I needed a faster car.  There was one particular time, back in the early 90's, that I was on some back roads in the country and passed a cop while speeding a little.  I immediately hit the gas, like I always did back then in similar situations.  I knew the roads and I knew that I was willing to push that Z28 harder through the curves than the cop could or would push his patrol car.  About 5 seconds after I hit it, I heard a gasp from the girl in the passenger seat.  I realized what I was doing and slowed it back down, got pulled over, and took my medicine.  Luckily, all this took place while the cop was turning around and catching me, so he didn't know what I started to do.  

Unfortunately, this cop didn't like me, as he had pulled me over before and I had his ex girlfriend in the car with me.  No joke.  He gave me the old eye test and took me in for DUI.  Once they gave me the breath test, I was far under the legal limit, but it still cost me like $1000 to get an attorney to have it thrown out.  

Anyway, the real point of this rambling is that I have been there and had the same choice to make, more than once, and made the right one to protect people riding with me in a car or on a bike.  I have no room to judge anyone for running from the police. I was 19 when the story above happened and I will tell you straight up that I was a nut back then.  But, I believe I have earned the right to tell you that you are a piece of #### if you do it dragging somebody else helplessly along.
I tried not to pipe in. I'm not going to get into the bashing you RIGHTFULLY DESERVE as everyone else has taken care of that pretty well. I'd hope the officer was "understanding" and asked you to kick your own a$$ for him.
Sell your bike. And make a promise to those around you who love you not to buy another one until you have the necessary respect to operate one on the streets, that by the way, we all share.

I just couldn't imagine doing the death notification to the parents of your passenger.
now, im on basic probation cuz of an incident last year, and im hoping they dont revoke it so i hafta do the rest of my term (7 months in jail)..

The thing is BusaHaya402 is a really good guy with a clean record, so if I was in that situation I would have pulled over cause you do have something to lose.

I guess I get confused... if BusaHaya402 is a really good guy why was he on probation in the first place?

Hate to say this... get lawer... start volenterring and try to strike a deal with the prosecutor... or offer to join the military... although I don't think they will take you with a felony on your record... (someone?)

Anyway, think of the worst thing and offer it to the prosecutor and maybe they will take it, and you can get to stay out of jail.

Beyond that... maybe you will actually think next time... which is what jail is for I think, time to reflect on your life.  

And if you stay out (or don't) get new friends that don't put you in postions like that... give you a hint... they aren't your friend.... matter of fact give up the other person that ran off since they aren't your friend.  You might get off by sacrificing your so called friend.
All I can add to this, is a boy of 19 with a Busa for a month or so, just doesn't have the skills to out run the law as we see here.
What everyone has missed so far is if he had pulled to the right instead of running ,the cop might have gone for the other guy leaving him to go on his merry way.
well before i start, please refrain from comments about me being irresponsible and stupid, i am already aware of the consequences of my actions and would rather not hear how poor of a decision i made, thanks for understanding............
haha... welp... if your excluding those comments I got nothing to ad other than hopefully they don't allow you on the road anymore.
I'm guessing BH402 has left the building. You would think after all these posts he would at least apologize for his arrogance and narcissistic attitude. It has been mentioned time and again if he would've come on here and admitted fault and talked about how wrong he was and how bad he felt he would've been treated better. People on this board understand we all make, have made, and will make mistakes. It's owning up to them that makes the difference.

He has yet to come here and actually take responsibility much less express any remorse for his actions.

It is what this boy could have hit, running from the cops !!

Yes, I have sped, I have ran from the laws (once or twice), but I would not do it again. I realize now more than ever the responsibility I have as a rider to myself and others around me.

YOu are 19 so take whatever happens like a man, learn from it, and make the changes you need to before you run out of chances.

I will not wish an ass-raping on you like some have, but if you do more time on lockdown, learn from it and pray for forgiviness from everyone, including yourself.

Sithor, if you are really this cat's friend you'll be there for him and tell him the TRUTH, that he fucked up !! He'll respect you for that more down the line.

As, far as age goes, I'm 28 and have done my share of silly shid. I believe that GOd spares us through stuff like this for a reason.

So you Nebraska boys be easy and grow up before it is too late.
not much to say here that hasnt been already said but i think what you have told us so far is the least of your worries. I wouldnt be suprised if there isnt a filed by your passenger based apon Reckless Endangerment and negligence. some of lives lessons are taught the hard way especialy when your not a quick learner
Once again more posts about how bad of a guy he is when you people admit that you speed. Talk about calling the kettle black. I would have to say that all of you who says he should do this and have this done to him should never ride a Busa again unless you actually plan on never going over 75 on it. So all in all, SHUSH!
Once again more posts about how bad of a guy he is when you people admit that you speed.  Talk about calling the kettle black.  I would have to say that all of you who says he should do this and have this done to him should never ride a Busa again unless you actually plan on never going over 75 on it.  So all in all, SHUSH!
Once again...your spin. Why won't you address the issue?