Guilty on all counts

So much fraud in the last election. In over 70 courts, exactly zero of them said that there was fraud. The trump people that went to court weren't interested in testifying that they could prove fraud because it meant big trouble for them if they lied in court like they do on television.

But trumps cult members aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and will believe anything trump tells them. They would be craving poop sandwiches if trump told them that they were tasty.
So much fraud in the last election. In over 70 courts, exactly zero of them said that there was fraud. The trump people that went to court weren't interested in testifying that they could prove fraud because it meant big trouble for them if they lied in court like they do on television.

But trumps cult members aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and will believe anything trump tells them. They would be craving poop sandwiches if trump told them that they were tasty.
There you go getting your dates confused again?
Does it say 2020 anywhere on it? Maybe in the context of things it’s asking you if he has 81 million TODAY?
Who gives a poop about the last election. Next one is coming.
Where’s Joe? Awww crap….man he’s hitting the crack pipe with his new main advisor and son Hunter. Getting amped up for tomorrow.
Advise from a hooker humpin crack head……bahahahah

Or you could just act like the incessant petulant children that fill that group and do this. Point fingers and blame somebody else. Bahahahahahaha

Time to start throwing each other to the wolves. Gotta save their own career. Ain’t going down with that ship. People are gonna start bailing on him in droves.

Yall are just mad cuz your liberal unicorn piñata of a candidate sploded the other night. Bahahahahahaha

Fook Trump. But you know what? He’ll still be upright and going 20 hours a day in a few weeks. Bahahahahahaha

Uss Bidenanic struck an iceberg and they wanna back up and hit it again just to make sure it’s real. Bahahahahahahah

Yeah I’m loving it right now. Red can remind me shortly when things go south again for us….bahahahahahahah
The way things are right now I don’t see Trump losing in November.
Emphasis on right now.
Right now yes it seems good. But it’s still the fourth quarter. He can’t let up or assume anything. As I said some young slick talking Democrat can and will blow fresh air into their sails. An articulate person who can keep up might turn it around.
Personally I’m hoping their stay as stupid, stubborn and denying as they’ve been and keep plodding on. Don’t worry Dr Jill and Crackalack are there to get him thru….
As evidenced here it’s pretty easy to think they might.

Hey Wuzza and OldBusaGuy


It’s not Joe, it’s Jill. Just a small correction.
I read this morning that the Biden camp (family) were all encouraging him to keep in the race...I'd imagine he'd rather be off fishing somewhere at his age...

I know at his age I certainly wouldn't want to be putting up with all the crap that comes with the job he's in.
I read this morning that the Biden camp (family) were all encouraging him to keep in the race...I'd imagine he'd rather be off fishing somewhere at his age...

I know at his age I certainly wouldn't want to be putting up with all the crap that comes with the job he's in.
It is a bit more complicated.

If Joe drops out, all the campaign funds cannot be transferred to a new candidate, who has to start from scratch. All the voters in the primary are disenfranchised. Basically it means the Democratic Party goes crashing down in flames. A new candidate will get less votes than Joe.

It is a dire situation for the country. Joe’s personal decisions are made by Jill and then managed by the cabinet. Joe is just an ornamental show piece at this stage.

Kamala and the cabinet have shown their incompetence very clearly.

For the next six months, imagine if there is a crisis needing 24 hour alertness, and immediate response with decision making from the “dead “ cabinet. Imagine the speed and decision making ability if a nuke heading this way is detected.
So much winning going on it’s hard to keep up.
This may hurt for some here. Sorry, actually no I’m not. Ha!
FACT: one is NOT a convict until the presiding judge enters the jury verdict into the record and sentences you. After yesterdays scotus ruling it’s all back on the table now. It’ll be overturned before he ever gets sentenced.

Wuzza and Oldbusaguy now….

It’s a great day to be an American and see the system WORK…