So much fraud in the last election. In over 70 courts, exactly zero of them said that there was fraud. The trump people that went to court weren't interested in testifying that they could prove fraud because it meant big trouble for them if they lied in court like they do on television.
But trumps cult members aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and will believe anything trump tells them. They would be craving poop sandwiches if trump told them that they were tasty.
There you go getting your dates confused again?
Does it say 2020 anywhere on it? Maybe in the context of things it’s asking you if he has 81 million TODAY?
Who gives a poop about the last election. Next one is coming.
Where’s Joe? Awww crap….man he’s hitting the crack pipe with his new main advisor and son Hunter. Getting amped up for tomorrow.
Advise from a hooker humpin crack head……bahahahah
Hunter Biden has been one of the president's most trusted advisers pushing for him to stay in the race after Thursday's debate aftermath, a potential of conflict of interest.
Or you could just act like the incessant petulant children that fill that group and do this. Point fingers and blame somebody else. Bahahahahahaha
Time to start throwing each other to the wolves. Gotta save their own career. Ain’t going down with that ship. People are gonna start bailing on him in droves.
Yall are just mad cuz your liberal unicorn piñata of a candidate sploded the other night. Bahahahahahaha
Fook Trump. But you know what? He’ll still be upright and going 20 hours a day in a few weeks. Bahahahahahaha
Uss Bidenanic struck an iceberg and they wanna back up and hit it again just to make sure it’s real. Bahahahahahahah
Yeah I’m loving it right now. Red can remind me shortly when things go south again for us….bahahahahahahah