Must be that you forgot that Obama/Biden inherited an economy that saw more foreclosures than we had seen since the great depression. Our economy was on the verge of a full depression, partially due to the w bush tax cuts for the rich and partially due to his lying us into war in Iraq and putting it all on a credit card. Remember the WMD's that never were there? I do.
And the stock markets are way ahead of where they were when Biden took office, mostly at or near record levels. But if you get your news from newsmax and fox, I don't expect you to know this.
I shut off the cable a couple months ago... so, references to MSM are useless. With what you are mentioning it appears MSNBC and CNN is where you get your mockingbird material for us to read here.
Do you know why Obama inherited the crash in 08? Even CBS got it documented pretty close to the truth a few months after it all went down.
The 60 Minute segment was titled "The Bet that Blew Up Wall Street". This story was the actual truth on a number of key facts.
So... 1. Ever heard of the Commodities, Futures and Moderinzation Act of 2000?
What was it? It was a totally refreshed version of a clever way for investors to bet on whether or not people paid their mortgages. This kind of betting was taking place in the 1920s through the mid 30s unti it was outlawed.... but the damage was already done by that time.
Ever heard of derivatives and credit default swaps? These were new terms for the Act of 2000. Basically the Wall Street Casino was re opened and bets were placed with big investment houses like Leman Brothers. Watch the movie titled "The Big Short" for Hollywoods version of the fleecing of the world. The 08 crash was indeed a world wide crash for many pension funds outside this country got killed It was also an equity theft cycle that got legs from artificially low interest rates that lasted for years allowing the RE market to become over valued... again!
Add to all of the above including bundled securities that were falsely advertised ( fraud ) as grade A for resale around the world. Only one person went to jail when the dust cleared.
The only real reason with a few exceptions ( as in corporations actually doing something ) that the stock market is doing what its been doing is due to QE money being pumped into the banking system and a lot of that money finding it's way into the stock market. In other words the stock market is overvalued too because it has also been artificially pumped up.
The 08 crash was planned in advance... once the commodities bill passed it was game on with Wall Street and mortgage houses in 2001. I will never forget one of Countrywide's ad lines in a commercial they were running. Paraphrased... At Countrywide we can do things other lenders can't do. Just look at the guy running it... Anthony something... looked slicker than Gavin Newsom. Countrywide crashed and Bank of America had to deal with the mess. Remember Indy Mac Bank? Another epic failure with major US Treasury funds draining in the aftermath. Another blatant event was also happening... Indy Mac's housing assets were getting recycled through short sales by One West Bank that had serious Soros money backing it. Also included in that opportunity was John Paulson that made 3.7 billion for his hedge fund in 2007 and Munchkin,, Trump's Secretary of the US Treasury.... financial incest imho... Can you see conflict of interest here?
Once again... never let a crisis go to waste.
I predict another false flag war could break out at anytime... This will make it possible to restructure our debt to zero when the Federal Government collapses and a new Gov is born... That new gov will say that old gov's debt ain't theirs, then, here comes the CBDCs and other draconian legislation. Nothing to see here... the debt is gone.... why else would China recently dump 50 billion in US Treasuries?