So let's review this. He paid into the social security system his govt collected for decades. As well as paying income and payroll taxes for any employees he may have had. And then he becomes disabled after those decades, and you feel he shouldn't be able to get the benefits his govt agrees he's entitled to collect?A guy that I've known for well over 40 years and ran his own business for over 30 years came down with a debilitating muscular disease and can't work anymore. He's in his mid 60's and is now on SS disability. For years, every time I'd stop by his business he was sitting at his desk listening to rush limbaugh. He was a total manly man and didn't need any help from the government...until he did.
I have no idea if he is still a right winger but will say that life has a way of educating those that don't even want to be educated. Living off the public dole now.
Food stamps? Maybe we should let those people starve. And if the can't make enough money cleaning toilets to afford a place to live, they should live on the streets?
I can't imagine how some of the people like zerk can sleep at night and kind of hope that they some day find themselves in the same situation as my old friend. I'm glad to see that you get it though.
"that which you do for the least of man, you do for me" or some bible verse like that comes to mind.
Who, if not him, do you feel should be able to collect this benefit? He didn't ask to be taxed. Nor to become disabled.
Food stamps. Sorely needed by some. As is welfare. Why shouldn't they continue to clean toilets? It's a well needed service that can help give back for the social services they are receiving. If people not on welfare or food stamps can work cleaning toilets, so can they.
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