Trump told them to march peacefully and patriotically. This whole vicarious liability crap cancels out the personal responsibility and keep in mind anybody out in public should be held accountable for whatever they do that is illegal.Your cult leader had three hours to call off his dogs and didn't do anything. He no doubt was hoping that his band of thugs would be successful in stopping the count of electoral ballots and he could just stay in as president. Kind of how things work in lawless counties.
And when he finally told the rioters to go home, they went home. He was in charge of the riot and it was his doings. He is nothing more than a billionaire thug.
Keep in mind Pelosi has already been caught on a hot mike saying that she was to blame for Jan 6th. Pelosi and Bowser both turned down Trump's offer for 10,000 National Guards to be in place to prevent any mischief. 19 witnesses have already backed that up.
The Capitol Police in certain areas around the Capitol opened locked doors and let people in and many of them walked respectfully through the Capitol rotunda. Its on video. The Capitol Police escorted the Navy guy into the Capitol building. Tucker showed us the video. Some of the people outside were yelling at the Capitol Police to do something about the unruly protestors, but, they just stood there and watched. Its on video. The Capitol Police stupidly threw flash bang grenades into areas that were crowded with people. Its on video A Capitol policeman shot and killed an un armed civilian and the powers that be buried his name for months. its on video He even admitted he messed up at the time it happened to another Capitol Policeman that was there. Ray Epps on camera was encouraging those around him to go inside the Capitol even though he himself didn't go in.
It's on video. While he was doing that somebody quickly identified him as a FED and pointed him out to the crowd. Its on video . When it was over Ray Epps went home... months later he was charged for some little petty crime and got his wrist slapped. He didn't go to jail with no right to a lawyer and made to sit for months with no representation like many of the others did ... they got no due process... another act of lawlessness by the Feds.
Jan 6th was staged with some bad actors... its likely some FBI actors along with Antifa and BLM members were there that didn't want to miss an opportunity. Why does that sound so crazy to you blind ones in here? Simple... Director Wray wouldn't answer questions about the whereabouts or where FBI agents were and what they were doing on Jan 6th in front of a Congressional committee. When you can't answer questions that you know the answers to it can only mean one thing...
You don't want what will happen if the word gets out. He didn't say he didn't know... he simply would not answer the question.
Its on video .
Let's say Wray denies that any FBI personnel were there in the crowd that day. It would likely blow up his story because lots of pictures were taken that day and some FBI agents could possibly be identified in some of those pictures. The Swamp can't have that happen.
Major FBI resources were used to review any and every detail about who was there that day. Agents were recruited from various offices around the country and assigned a case load of clues to develop names and a criminal case... like bank records from Bank of America to determine if people from out of state were there using their debit or credit cards. 4th A rights and protections must not apply in DC. Apparently we don't need FBI agents in the field on local assignments when all these dangerous criminals are upset about a rigged election.
Like the left has said so many times.... never let a crisis go to waste.
I guess it been a while since the 2020 riots... Kamala hasn't had to raise bail to release rioters so they can back to wrecking things and killing people and policeman again like she did back in 2020.
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