GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

Throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one yelping is the one that got hit.....
or a SNAKE? have you personally ever considered going into politics? u have the devious temperament for it..... just leave me alone, we are VERY different people.
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but but but...…… lol.... the founding fathers wouldn't have put up with any peace talks/negotiations..... see the civil war..... over states rights and the power of the FEDERAL govt...…….. the sothern statezs thought they could do whatever thjey wanted........ so we slaughtered them..... the modern day liberals or democratic party were slave owners..... what does that tell a person?
The founding fathers created a government based on compromise, Ali - think what that means about their ideas about conflict. The founding fathers were well gone when the civil war came around, understand the time line. The civil war was about money. The north was looking for workers and the south wanted forced labor on their plantations. It's all as simple as that. Without slaves southerners would be reduced to subsistence farmers - that's why they were willing to fight. The north needed workers to fuel the industrial revolution and they wanted the slaves free to migrate north. It's always been about money, freedom is an abstract concept with little practical substance.
The founding fathers created a government based on compromise, Ali - think what that means about their ideas about conflict. The founding fathers were well gone when the civil war came around, understand the time line. The civil war was about money. The north was looking for workers and the south wanted forced labor on their plantations. It's all as simple as that. Without slaves southerners would be reduced to subsistence farmers - that's why they were willing to fight. The north needed workers to fuel the industrial revolution and they wanted the slaves free to migrate north. It's always been about money, freedom is an abstract concept with little practical substance.
the difference is...… unintended consequences …. something we have spoken about..... but ANY WAY U SLICE IT..... any kinda measufring stick u wanna use...… owning a human being is WRONG..... but the democrats justified it.
Not sure I get how this comment increases traffic?
it doesn't..... but ive asked the said party to leave me alone before..... hopefully I wont have to ask again.... I wont start an argument/bad conflict.... but I wont walk away either....
the difference is...… unintended consequences …. something we have spoken about..... but ANY WAY U SLICE IT..... any kinda measufring stick u wanna use...… owning a human being is WRONG..... but the democrats justified it.

The democrats were the democratic party, which essentially means mob rule. At the time minorities and women could not vote, so the mob was basically a racist, immoral group. The Republican party was a representational democracy. That means that the will of the mob is over seen by cooler heads of elected leaders. Republicans stopped slavery, very different from the leanings of the parties today. It's basically switched.
The democrats were the democratic party, which essentially means mob rule. At the time minorities and women could not vote, so the mob was basically a racist, immoral group. The Republican party was a representational democracy. That means that the will of the mob is over seen by cooler heads of elected leaders. Republicans stopped slavery, very different from the leanings of the party today. It's basically switched.
I dont think so arch.... the current liberals just present an illusion.... a snake will always be a snake...… unintended consequences arch..... ive given many examples of these... no? kinda like..... YESTERDAY I was lying.... today im tellin the truth...………………. a liar is a liar is a liar..... that's how politics is done...… they are allll very willing to break rules/laws to meet their ends..... im an independent...….... I DONT LIKE any politicans creating new laws, or taking away ANY OF our rights.
I think one reason people are so mad is because they don't really understand what's going on and how we got where we are. I don't blame them, the world is extremely complicated. It's like being in a fight and not knowing who to hit - so they rely on animal emotions and pick or create an enemy. Meanwhile the real enemy gets away with murder right in front of our eyes. It is an amazing thing to watch.
I think one reason people are so mad is because they don't really understand what's going on and how we got where we are. I don't blame them, the world is extremely complicated. It's like being in a fight and not knowing who to hit - so they rely on animal emotions and pick or create an enemy. Meanwhile the real enemy gets away with murder right in front of our eyes. It is an amazing thing to watch.
im at the stage where I JUST WANT law and order..... we need good values..... more than ever..... liberal policies RELY ON people of goodwill.... not people who abuse/take advantage of the system.... ITS A MAJOR problem here in NY...….. there is RIGHT and there is WRONG.... some are unwilling to even admit this, they make excuses and try to justify things that cant be justified...… DONT LET ANY POL take away any of our rights, its WRONG.
I dont think so arch.... the current liberals just present an illusion.... a snake will always be a snake...… unintended consequences arch..... ive given many examples of these... no? kinda like..... YESTERDAY I was lying.... today im tellin the truth...………………. a liar is a liar is a liar..... that's how politics is done...… they are allll very willing to break rules/laws to meet their ends..... im an independent...….... I DONT LIKE any politicans creating new laws, or taking away ANY OF our rights.
You are stuck in your world view. That world is the illusion, or at least one of them. The enlightenment was about using fact and science to get out of our worlds and achieve a higher level of understanding and power. More than anything, that is why America exists. The French helped us against the English because our government was the first western government based on the ideas of the enlightenment. Without the French there is no America.

More importantly, it has stopped raining, I'm going riding.
You are stuck in your world view. That world is the illusion, or at least one of them. The enlightenment was about using fact and science to get out of our worlds and achieve a higher level of understanding and power. More than anything, that is why America exists. The French helped us against the English because our government was the first western government based on the ideas of the enlightenment. Without the French there is no America.

More importantly, it has stopped raining, I'm going riding.
we exist because of our freedom and values...……. its right there in the constitution..... an amazing document that attempts to be JUST and fair(ammendments were made, but its who we are)...... and didn't we bail out the French a couple times also????? good values....
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we exist because of our freedom and values
and didn't we bail out the French a couple times also?????

My point was not that we are even with the French, it was that we owed them. We exist because of our ability to build guns, tanks, battle ships and airplanes. We were the only industrialized nation not destroyed 75 years ago - that's why we are #1. Won't be that easy to stay on top though.....

Now really, going riding.
My point was not that we are even with the French, it was that we owed them. We exist because of our ability to build guns, tanks, battle ships and airplanes. We were the only industrialized nation not destroyed 75 years ago - that's why we are #1. Won't be that easy to stay on top though.....

Now really, going riding.
its a free county... free press(thank god) free religion/and a land of opportunity.... this is key... our FREEDOMS.... any talk about banning anything should give anyone extreme pause..... its an attack on freedom.... the slavemasters and brutal dictators loved to ban things.
Furthermore, if this government ever gets to be espescially oppressive and restrictive we NEED our weapons to overthrow them.... lol... I said it
This thread has created quite a bit of passion, it's obviously a subject not easily broached by everyone nor has it ever been.

Even in the days of yesteryear when everyone was carrying 6 guns and riding horses, the people in the east were opposed to this practice.

I stated this in another thread, we all have our various opinions and this is what makes this forum a great place to be. It's when the opinions of others are dismissed is when the forum will suffer and eventually die like so many have.

This forum is surviving even in the day and age of facebook and the like and that in itself is a miracle.
The founders believed that they protected the government from someone taking over it by spreading the power out over 3 branches. The government would only turn on the people when someone managed to get control of all branches, which the founders were comfortable could not happen unless we, the people let it.

Most don't know that the constitution was not written until 1787. While we declared our independence from England in 1776, it took 11 years before an agreement could be made on the document that all states could ratify. Only 9 of the 13 colonies ratified the document by 1788, and it went into effect in 1789. It was not until 1790 when all 13 states ratified the document and it became the guiding law of the United States of America. Getting all the states to ratify the constitution was difficult, and the southern colonies were especially skeptical that the other states would not try to make the institution of slavery difficult to continue. The second amendment was not to protect the states from federal domination, it was to ensure that southern states could continue to run slave patrols, and was necessary to get these states to ratify the constitution. So the second amendment was about militia after all, but not about protecting ourselves against the government.

But the constitution does not define the only rights we can have, it lists the rights that cannot be denied to us. The founders never thought of keeping guns from everyone. In a colonial country that is ridiculous. But they did stop people from having guns in urban areas and cities as it was necessary to maintain public safety. All good common sense.

No one really knows what the founderss were thinking back then. All we have to go on was what they wrote and what they did. So to an extent, what the second amendment was really about is conjecture. But all of this makes perfect common sense. Problem is people from both sides don't want to admit it.
The founders believed that they protected the government from someone taking over it by spreading the power out over 3 branches. The government would only turn on the people when someone managed to get control of all branches, which the founders were comfortable could not happen unless we, the people let it.

Most don't know that the constitution was not written until 1787. While we declared our independence from England in 1776, it took 11 years before an agreement could be made on the document that all states could ratify. Only 9 of the 13 colonies ratified the document by 1788, and it went into effect in 1789. It was not until 1790 when all 13 states ratified the document and it became the guiding law of the United States of America. Getting all the states to ratify the constitution was difficult, and the southern colonies were especially skeptical that the other states would not try to make the institution of slavery difficult to continue. The second amendment was not to protect the states from federal domination, it was to ensure that southern states could continue to run slave patrols, and was necessary to get these states to ratify the constitution. So the second amendment was about militia after all, but not about protecting ourselves against the government.

But the constitution does not define the only rights we can have, it lists the rights that cannot be denied to us. The founders never thought of keeping guns from everyone. In a colonial country that is ridiculous. But they did stop people from having guns in urban areas and cities as it was necessary to maintain public safety. All good common sense.

No one really knows what the founderss were thinking back then. All we have to go on was what they wrote and what they did. So to an extent, what the second amendment was really about is conjecture. But all of this makes perfect common sense. Problem is people from both sides don't want to admit it.
alllllll good, or mostly good info...… but arch...… do u think its a good idea to outright BAN assault rifles? My question is this DOES THE POSSIBILITY exist that the banners will use this ONE PROHIBITION to further their nefarious ends? does the possibility exist???