Harley Junk

They are worthless to me. The cons outweigh the pros so intensely heavily that I'd be happy with back problems from hunching over on my sportbike lifestyle, to never have to own one.
Did I say that right?
I don't judge tho. My buddy actually hauls on his keepin up thru traffic at 110. Pretty funny to see him half-way tucking with mild ape hangers Hahaha
They are worthless to me. The cons outweigh the pros so intensely heavily that I'd be happy with back problems from hunching over on my sportbike lifestyle, to never have to own one.
Did I say that right?
I don't judge tho. My buddy actually hauls on his keepin up thru traffic at 110. Pretty funny to see him half-way tucking with mild ape hangers Hahaha

The Harley (18 Low Rider) I just traded for my 18 ZX14r was only 50lbs heavier than my Busa or ZX.

I have had a lot of Harley's and only had 1 issue. I started with sport bikes and just got bored with Harleys. I am having fun on my two current bikes.

I don't really have a back issue on my Busa or ZX as much as some Harley's I do get more neck issues.
The Harley (18 Low Rider) I just traded for my 18 ZX14r was only 50lbs heavier than my Busa or ZX.

I have had a lot of Harley's and only had 1 issue. I started with sport bikes and just got bored with Harleys. I am having fun on my two current bikes.

I don't really have a back issue on my Busa or ZX as much as some Harley's I do get more neck issues.

And the shake rattle and rolls lol
Harley Davidson is one of the best motorcycle companies when it comes to marketing, selling almost more accessories and apparel then motorcycles. HD has a loyal huge fan base and bikes are much better than they ever were.

I am not a fan of cruiser style bikes so they produce nothing I am interested in but I have to admit, they are good at what they do and who they serve.

There is a bike for everyone and I never knock the choice other people make, if people like what they are riding, who am I to say different as long as what I'm riding isn't put down. Sadly this is often not the case as there seems to be an air of "false" superiority when it comes to many HD riders.
I think threads like these are funny :D

Owning both a Hayabusa and a Harley I’ve ridden and hung out with both groups of riders. Guess what I’ve learned..... @ssHoles don’t exclusively ride 1 brand or the other you will encounter them on both!!!

These bikes are 2 completely different machines with 2 completely different purposes. Would you compare a screwdriver to a cordless drill?? No but I bet anybody who has tools probably has both. Sometimes you need a drill and sometimes you just need a screwdriver.

A lot and I mean a lot of Harley riders I’ve met across came from a MX background more so than the sportbike riders. For whatever reason whether it was their Dad or uncles that influenced them they went the Harley route. Some went both ways like myself. When I was in my 20’s you couldn’t tell me riding a Harley was fun. I had a negative disposition towards them like most of you do. Then 1 caught my eye then another then I said what the hell I’ll try 1 out and see what the fuss is about.

Yeah they are heavy Yeah they are slow in comparison to a sport bike. But I was still ripping around on 1 dragging pegs hitting corners and going well above the speed limit!!! They aren’t for everyone but until you actually ride 1 and give it a try you shouldn’t bash something just because you assume it’s not for you.

@ the end of the day 2 wheels is still 2 wheels.... beats the hell outta 4 any day
I started on a Harley, got my Busa and never regretted the change. Not long ago I had the opportunity to get my Dad's Harley from family that he'd sold it to when he was sick, and we ride it. Whenever we head to the mountains, the friends I have because of the oRg and the love of the Busa, many of us now also have Harleys to run around on...I've been on both sides and it depends on what you ride as to how you're viewed/treated by other bikers, but for one small group that started here on the oRg, we don't hate. We ride the hell out of everything we have and have a blast doing it.
I started on a Harley, got my Busa and never regretted the change. Not long ago I had the opportunity to get my Dad's Harley from family that he'd sold it to when he was sick, and we ride it. Whenever we head to the mountains, the friends I have because of the oRg and the love of the Busa, many of us now also have Harleys to run around on...I've been on both sides and it depends on what you ride as to how you're viewed/treated by other bikers, but for one small group that started here on the oRg, we don't hate. We ride the hell out of everything we have and have a blast doing it.
I like my Harley Had it since new in 1977. If they would remake my XLCR I would buy another one with the newer suspension and brakes and stuff. Although I confess, for the technology I get with the bus, compared to a modern one like a Fat Bob I find them a bit overpriced
Rode Harleys for 30 years(about a dozen)before my 1st Busa in '02,would still like to find a ratty old rigid Pan(my 1st was a 1954 in 1970 when I was 17)to bomb around on once in a while.:banana:
You can ride my 59 FLH, you have to come to South Dakota though. I will bring it to Cali next spring probably and you will be welcome to ride it.
I love my Harley's, an American icon! And I don't wear trendy clothing, I do wear leathers racing though and leather jacket if riding far.

As far as the wannabe troll hater goes? Gets on and starts bragging of how he knows shitzu and fung shwey and how he can beat everyone up! And then proceeded to say Harley riders are! How HE has a mans bike? Personally I have never seen any thing MAKE someone a MAN. It's WHO you are not what that makes a man. I will say one thing to you and only one. I AM CALLING YOU OUT!! A fat old man is calling you out! Bring a sack of money 10k minimum and your MANS bike to the track of your choice! Fontana, Irwindale, Willow springs ( I don't road race but I will) and we will see! Put up or shut up!!!! I will come to you!!! And for that matter I will use my stock factory street bike (may have an exhaust on it soon) or if you want to just do 1/4 mile I can use a HARLEY an acquaintance owns or my street bike?
I like my Harley .

Had it since new in 1977 .

If they would remake my X L C R

I would buy another one with the newer
suspension and brakes and stuff .

Although I confess,
for the technology
I get with the bus,
compared to a modern one
like a Fat Bob I find them
a bit overpriced .

The thing is a freaking Paint Shaker. Newer "Harley Guys" have no idea what it is or was I understand only 3708 were ever made over a two year run. But there are sime thngs you just dont sell
You can ride my 59 FLH, you have to come to South Dakota though. I will bring it to Cali next spring probably and you will be welcome to ride it.
I love my Harley's, an American icon! And I don't wear trendy clothing, I do wear leathers racing though and leather jacket if riding far.

As far as the wannabe troll hater goes? Gets on and starts bragging of how he knows shitzu and fung shwey and how he can beat everyone up! And then proceeded to say Harley riders are! How HE has a mans bike? Personally I have never seen any thing MAKE someone a MAN. It's WHO you are not what that makes a man. I will say one thing to you and only one. I AM CALLING YOU OUT!! A fat old man is calling you out! Bring a sack of money 10k minimum and your MANS bike to the track of your choice! Fontana, Irwindale, Willow springs ( I don't road race but I will) and we will see! Put up or shut up!!!! I will come to you!!! And for that matter I will use my stock factory street bike (may have an exhaust on it soon) or if you want to just do 1/4 mile I can use a HARLEY an acquaintance owns or my street bike?

Are you referring to some joker who posted in 2005? “shitzu and fung shwey”:laugh:Red Bull resurrected this thread after thirteen years or didn’t you notice?:D