Your stock bike with exhaust... is that exhaust a turboYou can ride my 59 FLH, you have to come to South Dakota though. I will bring it to Cali next spring probably and you will be welcome to ride it.
I love my Harley's, an American icon! And I don't wear trendy clothing, I do wear leathers racing though and leather jacket if riding far.
As far as the wannabe troll hater goes? Gets on and starts bragging of how he knows shitzu and fung shwey and how he can beat everyone up! And then proceeded to say Harley riders are! How HE has a mans bike? Personally I have never seen any thing MAKE someone a MAN. It's WHO you are not what that makes a man. I will say one thing to you and only one. I AM CALLING YOU OUT!! A fat old man is calling you out! Bring a sack of money 10k minimum and your MANS bike to the track of your choice! Fontana, Irwindale, Willow springs ( I don't road race but I will) and we will see! Put up or shut up!!!! I will come to you!!! And for that matter I will use my stock factory street bike (may have an exhaust on it soon) or if you want to just do 1/4 mile I can use a HARLEY an acquaintance owns or my street bike?