have you guys even considered.......


that maybe this cyberjoe is simply trying to use slick methods to get us to check out cyberjosie's web site? i mean, aren't there certain awards and stuff for having the most "hits" to your site? seems to me that this is the case. c'mon, fess up, after all the crap got started, how many of you actually went to the web site? most i'd guess. that's just from one site too. imagine if this person is going to every type of message board and pissing people off just so they can go check out her/his board? all it takes is for someone to "leak" out the web address, or for her/him to leak it out in general conversation. think about it, piss someone off badly enough, people start paying attention to the posts. then, apologize, explain your a woman, oh, and by the way, do porn too. you can see my tit's and tat's @ www. whatever.com. makes sense to me. anyway, if you don't like threats, don't reply. cisco quite frankly makes as much sense as anyone else on here. he's a genuine bike enthusiast, cares about the sport, and generally tries to get along with everyone. i've chatted and replied to numerous posts on this and other message boards with cisco. so, my oppinion is that cisco is cool. give him your respect and your ear, he has some good things to say.
this is not to say that no one else does, just that cisco has had some negative posts aimed at him and i've never seen him start any thing negative. let's keep it that way. ignore any "flamers" and any "childish" people that come here just to get a rise out of us. hell, if we wanted a rise, we'd go to cyberjosie.com. lol just kidding. kinda hit me there as funny. seriously, want a rise? hit the throttle too hard on the busa and you'll get plenty.
thought about it--seems like good publicity to me. Thats why I won't go to the site, and I suggest no one else does.
Who cares anyways-- This bike rocks!! I want to ride all the time.
Thanks Hiabuser,and to all other riders we need to work on the issues that will affect our sport or love of motorcycle,need to ban together no matter what bike we have and protect our right to ride our bikes,get involve with your local politician Local/State/Federal because they are the ones who will affect or change the laws that could take away our FREEDOM to ride,you never know when the next stupid law will be passed before we can do anything about it.Happened in California when the Helmet law passed.If you read the Constitution that we have and believe in it than do something about it because you're Rights are being taking away slowly but surely.What does that have to do with Motorcycles!!!It means more to have your Rights and Freedom and Motorcyclist are one of the last few freedom that goes back to the Wild West,we know what freedom is when we ride our bikes to where we want and we see all the wonderful beautiful sites as we pass different states or roadway.Some people would like to see us go away.We have and live the life of Freedom.So if you didn't feel anything in your heart Read the Constitution and look at your Flag,that's what it's all about.I lost alot of friends during the VietNam war and I promised them I'd be a better person and treat everyone with respect no matter what race or choice of life style.Plus I promised them that I'd ride for them and spread Peace where ever I go.Go visit my friends at the Wall.God Bless Cisco
Cisco is right. The people you vote for does matter, alot. Years ago, a senator tried to pass a bill banning "high power motorcycles".
It seems a lot of elected officials think that we have to be saved from ourselves. Sort of like the gun control debate now. I guess if a few dorks get on a bike like the hayabusa and act stupid some politician will come along and keep everyone from owning one.
Check out the post from jan in europe. Wheelies and drag racing are fun, but not on crowded roads or anywhere else thats dangerous. I was heading north on I-95 in heavy traffic and got passed by 8 bikes going full blast, hayabusa in front!, weaving through traffic 20-40 mph faster. Looked awesome but only a matter of time before accident or run in w/law. Sure enough heading home all 8 were pulled over by 4 MD state troopers on the side of highway. Not good for motorcyclists public image. Enough of my ranting. See ya.
Well, well, well,
I've been reading this site for a week or so now (from the distant shores of the UK) - most of what i've read is about obtainining the max from this bike - adding modifictions to go faster and fear that someone else will produce a bike that can beat the Busa !!!
Now you're talking about the bad image of reckles riders going too fast on the roads -
"you can't have your cake and eat it"
Steve. UK
I guess all we need is good Radar detector,police scanner,radar jammer,stealth paint,survial training,Race classes at Laguna Seca,full leathers,helmet and most of all a smart brain,alright gals/guys lets go riding,a little humor people.You know which is faster any high speed super bike or a mad driver in a car you cut off with a cellphone dialing the Highway Patrol?Read the Tee-shirt sayings posted on this site,it is telling us something.See ya
Hi bod, yes we can have our cake and eat it too.....we are americans, damn it hehe. Driving 200 miles per hour on our roads is not reckless, it's fun. Its like having sex with someone else's wife, you have to find the right place to do it ..............
You guys CRACK ME UP! Good point about Cyberjoe/Cyberjosie though. You really don't know who is on the other side of that web connection. Notice how everybody assumed Cyberjoe was some rude-ass redneck until she/he announced she was some hot porno babe who likes bikes? Then everyone assumes she is legit and has a chip on her shoulder from being harrassed by idiot guys whenever she is out riding. Could be, but you never really know. Like the telemarketer who calls and asks for your credit card number...cooperate at your own risk. Ride safe.
You win the cool post of the thread award!!! I agree with Mr Bear also. You can be who ever you want to be online. Another board I visit had a couple weenies posting also. Turned out to be two 16 year old kids who just wanted to start some trouble. It's only text, It's only text, etc...
Here's one Gals/Guys
Bad Web,Bad Web what you're going to do when they come for you.
You can Keyboard but you can't hide!!!!
Ok people lets get back to motorcyles we can rest this topic about you know who,lesson learned.The people have spoken.Hey sounds familiar: We the People!!!!See ya